
Chapter 63 The world is fucked

Eventually after a couple of minutes Michael spoke. 

"This is not easy to answer as I am sure you all know far more than I do, but from what I do know the scientists are serious that we need to do something while the politicians are once again lying." 

"The scientists have started to get seriously worried about global warming in the world and I don't see any reason they would keep warning about it unless it was a major factor." 

"As for the politicians they claim they want to help and they have all these summits like Cop 23 where they talk about going carbon neutral by xx year but at the end, I think there doing what politicians always do, they lie." 

 "What makes you think they're lying and they're not serious?" Jane asked. 

 "Because to be a politician you need to be able to lie and bend the truth for their own benefits." Michael began to explain. 

"Let's use the upcoming general election that's later this year." 

"Currently all the politicians are going around holding political rallies and trying to get people to vote for them in the elections." 

They're claiming all these radical changes for the better of the country and its residents, however if we look at any government that has even been elected, how many off these promises do they actually bring in?" 

"If they do bring one or two in it's always the one that least effects them personally and then they claim to be fulfilling the promises they made." 

"As another example let's go with the budget, as soon as a government is in power, they start changing tax or benefits or national insurance in a way that hurts everyone financially except the one percent crew." 

"The only time they make a budget look good and make it helpful to the little people is just before a general election because they want to stay in power." 

"Then there are the country's that still use fossil fuels from mining or fracking on a daily basis adding to the carbon count of the world and don't want to go carbon neutral as it would cost them to much money to change." 

"In the end the world is not in a good place because some countries still openly farm fossil fuels adding to the carbon count, other countries who claim to want to sort this out and will go carbon neutral by xx year are not really serious and when we get close to that year they will find some reason to have to move back the date for when they hit carbon neutral." 

"Then we have the politicians and countries who are only motivated by their own greed." 

"In conclusion the world is fucked and if nothing is truly done, no life will be able to survive and live on our planet anymore and mankind will cease to exist." Michael finished before closing eyes to calm down as he realized he allowed himself to get emotional. 

 The girls all looked at Michael as they saw he was trying to relax and calm himself. 

They were all quietly smiling as they looked at Michael. 

Michael did not realize it but the emotion he just showed to 'The Four Queens' as he explained what he thought of the state of the world, improved their belief that he was indeed the one they had been looking for all these years. 

 The girls spent the time while Michael calmed down getting another drink and decided to talk about what they wanted to do for food. 

"So, anyone have a problem going out to eat?" Jane suggested. 

 "Sounds like a plan, any requests on where we go?" Alexia asked. 

"Mike, do you have preference on what you fancy eating tonight?" Jane asked. 

Michael who still trying to calm down replied without opening his eyes "Steak". 

"Nusr-Et Steakhouse then." Sarah said with a smile. 

 "I wonder if 'Salt Bae' will be there tonight or not? It's been so long since we saw him." Gracie asked. 

 "Who knows I will call up and book a table now for us all later." Jane said before pulling out her phone and calling up the restaurant to make a reservation. 

 "Salt Bae isn't that the guy who got famous from a 'MyCone' video of him sprinkling salt? Michael asked after opening his eyes. 

 "That's correct, after that MyCone video went viral everyone wanted to see him do it live in action including rich and famous people." Alexia explained. 

"He now owns several restaurants of the same name worldwide."

 "Wait I remember hearing that people used to take photos of their bills from his restaurant and throw them up on social media like P or Nosepage and isn't there a steak worth like seven hundred quid?" Michael asked 

 "That's right and the steak you're talking about is a Tomahawk Steak wrapped in edible gold leaf, it's really good." Sarah confirmed. 

 "And this is the restaurant you want to go to later?" Michael asked unsure. 

 "Yeah, it's the best steak restaurant in London, if we are lucky Salt Bae will be there today and we can request he cooks for us personally." Alexia confirmed. 

 "And he would actually do that?" Michael questioned. 

 "He will if Alexia is there, after all he is a huge fan and always insists on making our meals when he is there." Gracie answered. 

 Michael just looked at the girls before saying in a monotone voice "right billionaires including the world's most famous and loved celebrity." 

 "Well I hope you don't expect me to pay, even if I sold parts of my body it would not cover the cost."

The girls just smiled at him before Jane said.

"Of-course we don't expect you to pay, Alexia said when she first invited you that you will pay for nothing while your here."

"Ok table is booked for seven so we have a few hours, are you ok to continue our conversation Mike?" 

 Michael just nodded to confirm his willingness to continue. 

 "Well, I don't think there is any need to ask you about your opinion on the politics of the world so let's move onto something else." Sarah giggled before she asked. 

"What do you think about wars in the world, I mean wars in general not just current wars." 

 Michael looked at the girls again before saying "I honestly have no idea where you're going with all these deep questions, in the end I am only a normal guy who got lucky to make friends with you four." 

 Sarah smiled before saying "depending on how you answer our questions all MIGHT become clear." She replied putting emphasis on the word might. 


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