Haunted by his past, Yuno Tsumuyuki struggles to find a balance of peace and struggle, good and bad. Stuck in his mind and confused of which path to take, he spends his daytime at UA as a Support Course student, but in his free time, he’s a blood red and merciless villain. Perhaps, in this pitiful life of his, he’ll find his answer. I couldn’t find the creator of the cover, but I will gladly take it off if that person happens to find this and says they don’t want me using their art.
"Wake up."
"You need to wake up."
But why?
"Wake up, young boy."
I don't understand.
"In due time."
Please, stop.
"You will understand."
Stop, it hurts.
"Wake up."
Stop it.
"Wake up."
"I ask you kindly, wake up."
Please, it- it hurts.
"Then, you must wake up."
Every night is the same. Go to sleep, dream of voices he's never heard, drag himself out of bed. All the same. Yuno loses so much sleep over trivial things as dreams, it makes him look pathetic. He's no five year old who's had a night terror, he's been through worse. So why does he feel the need to guard himself every minute of the day? Never does he let his guard down, whether that be in his own home or on his way to UA.
You learn something about yourself everyday, and all Yuno has been learning is he's a coward. All Yuno has learned is that he's developed a hate for everyone around him, it doesn't matter, he stays away from anyone whom he deems untrustworthy and dangerous; just about everyone falls into that list.
Even as he walks through the halls of UA, he feels the need to keep himself guarded. There were many students staring at him, occasionally, a girl or two coming up to him with a letter, which also didn't help the situation. There were male students who glared at him every time he received a love letter.
Just ignore them, Yuno inhaled a deep breath to keep himself calm. The doors were so big, he realized as he kept himself grounded. There were large numbers and letters on them, telling which classes were which.
1-F, 1-E, 1-D, 1-C, 1-B, and finally, 1-A. Yuno stood in front of the door, staring at it for a bit. Rescue simulation field trip, that's 1-A's plan today. In all honesty, Yuno was flattered to be offered such an opportunity, although, he had planned on transferring courses at some point. He wondered, how many other students did the hero course classes invite on the trip?
Yuno left his questions unanswered and reached out to grip the knob. He twisted it and pushed the door open, and if he was being truthful, he didn't know what to expect.
Well, he certainly didn't expect to see a Pomeranian singeing a desk, a robot waving his hands around, and he most certainly didn't want to see two middle fingers being waved in the air.
"I ask that you stop standing on the desks, Bakugo!" The robot demanded. "You show nothing but utter disrespect! Have you no shame in belittling our upperclassmen?"
"Your head is so far up your ass, you think you can boss me around? Screw off! You don't have the balls to make me stop do ya?!" The Pomeranian spat back, a smirk painted across his features.
Yuno only stared as the two bantered back and forth, the shouting becoming louder and louder as multiple students tried to intervene and put it all to a stop. It was becoming too loud, and it hurt Yuno's sensitive ears. He reached up to press his hands against his ears, putting pressure on the sides of his head. He let out a small sound at the noise, something between a whimper and a groan.
This caused the entirety of the class to look his way, all eyes on him, piercing through his soul and looking down on him, they could see how much of a weakling and a coward he was, he needed to hide, run disappear never return-
"You must be our guest!" An invisible girl made her way over to Yuno, her hands seemingly clasped together as she bounced. "You're here for our trip today right? The rescue simulation one?"
"I, um," Yuno tripped over his words, his hands only hovering over his ears now, his face written in an expression of confusion. "Yes, I'm from the Support Course, class 2-C."
"Ooh, a second year!" A boy with large elbows pointed. "Nice to have an upperclassman in our class, we really need a good role model."
"Am I not a good role model?" The robot student sulked, his hands pressed into the desk as he gloomed.
"Nah, you're a pretty good role model, Prez." Another student with red and spiky hair pointed at the robot student and smiled.
Yuno studied every student before he brought his hands back down by his sides. Ignoring the invisible girl in front of him, he took long strides to the back of the classroom where an extra desk was positioned. He sat down and reached into his back to pull out a book, he had a decent amount of time before class started, so he thought getting a few pages in would make the time go by faster.
"I'm Momo Yaoyorozu," a girl with slick black hair turned around in her chair to face Yuno. "It's a pleasure to have you in our class." She nodded curtly.
"Charmed," Yuno answered. keeping his attention on his book.
"What book is that?" Yaoyorozu asked. "It looks like you're very engaged in it."
Yuno finally looked up, although he kept silent as he stared at her. Yaoyorozu seemed to be studying him as well, locking eyes with him, those pink and blue eyes which she deemed to be very unique in her mind.
"I'd like to say, you have very odd, yet beautiful eyes." She complimented.
"Thank you," Yuno nodded. "And the book is called Dance Across The Moonlight. Yes, I do find it rather intriguing."
"Mm, a good novel, I do love a good romance."
"I wouldn't say it's romance, the main plot centers around the finding of the girl's brother, does it not?"
"You are right, but she does happen to find love on that journey as well. I won't spoil if that's what you wish. I personally don't enjoy a spoiler of a novel I favor."
"I have similar opinions. Please, don't tell too much."
"Ohh, are the smart people having a conversation?" A hand was planted on Yuno's desk, Kisu's hand, he realized, when he looked up at her.
"Please, don't call me that." Yuno looked back at his book. "Since when were you here?"
"Oh, I just got here," Kisu smiled sweetly. "And I intend to make your morning a living hell."
"What for?"
"For making me take care of you because of your carelessness!" Kisu wrapped her arm around Yuno's neck and dug her knuckles into his head. His hair was ruffled by the friction of pale fingers against his scalp. He grunted in shock before dropping his book and pushing Kisu away. Good grief, how rough can one person be?
"You two seem close." The same boy with large elbows stated. "I'm Hanta Sero, by the way. Are you guys, siblings or friends? Or what?"
"Him? My brother?" Kisu pointed at Yuno.
"Her? My sister?" Yuno said in unison with Kisu.
"Are you out of your mind?" They both rolled their eyes.
Sero felt himself shrink, embarrassed for making that mistake. "Okay, not siblings. So, friends then?"
Kisu laughed, "more like his babysitter."
"Scratch that. I'm the babysitter. You can't sit still for more than two minutes, unless it's about beating someone up."
"That definitely sounds like Kisu." A familiar voice, and a familiar face. Kaminari made his way over to stand next to Kisu, prying her arm away from around Yuno's neck.
Kaminari sent a wink at Yuno, for whatever reason, and pushed Kisu away from anyone's personal bubble. Yuno, confused by the gesture, pinched his brows together and watched as Kaminari spoke to Kisu with a rather firm tone.
"I swear, he's like a mom with her," Ashido, that one pink skinned girl, crossed her arms and giggled. "He does everything in his power to make sure she doesn't kill anybody."
"He's pretty much the same with Bakugo." Sero pointed a thumb behind him, pointing to Bakugo. "He'd blow things up if it weren't for Kirishima and Kaminari."
"I heard that, damn extra!" Bakugo stood on his chair with an open hand of explosions. Kirishima quickly patted his shoulder and told him to calm down.
What is wrong with this class? Yuno's question was left unanswered with it just being a thought in his head. He had come to the conclusion that this class is definitely a bunch of outcasts, and maybe, he was one too. He couldn't help but wonder about how different he would be if he had been surrounded by a friendly group of people. How different would his personality be if he had friends there for him?
"So, you gonna introduce yourself?" A male student with a tail approached Yuno. "It'd be good to at least know each other's names, right? I'm Mashirao Ojiro."
Yuno stared up at Ojiro, his neck craning slightly from sitting down and looking up. His book being completely abandoned now, he closed it and answered. "Yuno Tsumuyuki."
"I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" Kirishima pressed a thumb against his chest proudly. "It's really great you decided to come with us to the simulation. We were kinda hoping to meet people outside of class."
"Yeah, no thanks to Bakugo." A girl with green hair and a large hands chimed in. She pressed a finger to her chin as she spoke. "I'm Tsuyu Asui, just call me Tsu."
"So, what's your Quirk?" Sero asked.
It fell silent, some of the students eyed Yuno as they waited for an answer. It felt like they could see right through him and he hated that feeling. Most would think Yuno is unapproachable with his powerful and dangerous Quirk. Very few actually understand what his Quirk is, only knowing that he can manipulate blood. Even that simple explanation is enough to fear Yuno. Others simply target him just to put him out of commission, but, for the most part, he's attacked because he is deemed too dangerous by other students.
'They should mind their own business.'
Yuno brought a hand up to his ear, pressing his palm against it. He disguised it as scratching the side of his head so people wouldn't be suspicious. What if they thought something was wrong with him?
"Now, if I told you, you'd just run away from me." Yuno gave a small and subtle smile. Unfortunately, the stupidity of class A didn't quite catch the memo that he was uncomfortable sharing.
"What are you talking about?" Ashido laughed. "Why would we run away? It's not like you'd attack us with your Quirk."
'Oh? So they think I have some useless support Quirk?'
"No, I wouldn't attack you with my Quirk," Yuno answered. "I simply think you wouldn't want to talk to me if I told you about myself."
"It's not like anyone here thinks your dangerous." Yuno wondered, since when was Todoroki there? "And you're in our classroom. I'm sure we have a right to know."
'They're pushing and prying. I hate it.'
Yuno looked away from all the gazes, avoiding any eye contact, he kept his head low as he stared at his desk. If any of them saw him in the eyes, they'd notice how unfocused they were, how much they were shaking in his sockets as he tried to regain focus. If they saw his eyes, they'd see how scared he is right now, how afraid he is to let them see him.
'In due time.'
'It will all make sense.'
"Why? No, stop, stop."
'You will understand soon.'
"Be quiet, it hurts."
"Let them see."
"I'm scared, please. Stop it."
"Hey, you there?" Yuno's head snapped up to see Kisu in front of him. He felt her hand on his shoulder, and the contact helped him realize he wasn't breathing until he was broken out of his trance. Worry was clear in Kisu's eyes as she gazed into his own eyes. Yuno looked at the other students, gulping down the lump in his throat as he did so.
"My Quirk, well, um," Yuno rubbed the back of his neck as he tripped over words. "I can manipulate my own or a person's blood, I suppose that's putting it…in a simple way."
"Yo," Sero exclaimed. "You can control blood? That's pretty cool! How does that work?"
That's an odd reaction.
"Um, I guess, if I happen to be bleeding, then I can manipulate it. I can't control another person's blood if it's not in their body, but I can…sorry, I'm going to- to go to the bathroom before class starts."
Yuno stood up hurriedly and made his way toward the door, stumbling over his own feet and almost bumping into one of the desks. He left in such a hurry, he didn't mean to slam the door closed.
"What's got him so jumpy?" Kaminari turned to Kisu, so did everyone else. She seemed to be close with Yuno, so of course she'd have an answer, right?
"I actually don't know," she put a hand on her hip and turned to the door, lifting a brow in confusion. "Don't worry about it, he's just a little sensitive when it comes to people. He can get overwhelmed easily, especially when he's tired."
"Oh, we didn't mean to overwhelm him."
"You're okay." Kisu shook her head. "I can't really say why, but he's been having trouble, ehh, mentally, I guess? He's just been really stressed lately. Not mention sleep isn't exactly his favorite."
That's what makes me so pathetic, Yuno heard every word. He leaned back against the wall near the door, clenching a fist and burying his face in his palm. Absolutely pathetic.
'Just like always.'
It's okay, just stay calm.
'Weak, like the small bug you are.'
"No, stop it."
Don't listen to them, you're okay.
'You're just a puny coward, you can't handle yourself.'
"I'm not weak."
Don't answer them!
'Maybe it's better if you just-'
"Please, I'm sorry. Stop."
"Stop." Yuno said aloud. He slid down the wall, gripping the sides of his head and trying to inhale deeply. "Stop, stop it. I'm not- please."
"Tsumuyuki." Yuno flinched at the firm tone, slowly lifting his head to meet the person in front of him with teary eyes.
Ah, Aizawa. He must think I'm pathetic.
"Oh," a soft gasp escaped Yuno's lips. "Sorry, I- I'll move. I just…"
"Relax." Aizawa said. "What's wrong?"
"I'm fine. I just needed a moment."
"Are my students getting personal?"
"No, they're not. I'm just…being over dramatic and overly sensitive. I'm fine, I'm fine, I can handle myself-"
"Yuno." Aizawa squatted down to lock eyes with Yuno. He held his hand out for the brunette, allowing him to take it if he needed to do so. "It's okay to talk, to be honest. I understand my students can be a handful, even for people around their age. I know you, I'm aware of what happens when too much happens at once. It's not my first time helping you."
Yuno's lips pressed together in a frown, that's exactly the problem. The fact Yuno needs help more often than not, he just thinks it's a pitiful thing to think about. He's a grown adult, more or so less, he shouldn't need help every time he hears some shit being whispered in his ear. He shouldn't be getting overwhelmed when someone asks about his Quirk, or anything about himself for that matter. He's completely helpless, he can't do anything right.
"You're not helpless," Aizawa places his hand on Yuno's knee, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. "Do you realize you're rambling?"
Yuno shook his head. He couldn't speak, afraid his voice would crack if he did. His throat constricted and it hurt.
"Okay, That's alright. You don't have to answer, just nod your head yes or no, okay? Can you hear me?"
A nod.
"Can you hear…them?"
Yuno squeezed his eyes shut, his hands protecting his ears. A slight nod with a whimper as an answer.
"Just ignore them. Do what Maijima and Aoni said, alright? Do you want Kisu?"
Yuno's eyes widened suddenly, shaking his head rapidly side to side, trying to say no; all that came out was a strained exclaim.
"Alright, calm down." Aizawa tapped Yuno's knee. "Are you okay enough to start class with us?"
A nod, and Aizawa let out a sigh. At least he'd be willing to join the first two classes.
"And you're still okay doing to rescue simulation?"
A nod.
"Alright. Let's go then, I have to check on the rascals, so let's go start class."
Aizawa gripped Yuno's hand and pulled him up. Yuno wobbled as he stood, still sort of out of it from his state of panic. Aizawa, being the irritated dad to 20 homeless students he is, sighed and opened the door.
With a face of a disappointed mother after finding their child stealing cookies out of the cookie jar, Aizawa groaned at the sight of Bakugo, Kaminari, and Kisu standing atop the chairs and dancing around, along with the robot student, Iida, waving his hands around like a maniac. It looked like a scene out of those movies with the weird psychopathic friends.
It took all of two seconds, Aizawa's eyes glowing red and his hair floating up from the intense aura, for the class to turn to their teacher completely, dumbfounded and silent. They all scrambled to their desks, an awkward giggle being let out before they all sat in formation at their desks. Aizawa turned to Yuno, nodding in the direction of the boy's desk as his hair plopped back on his shoulders.
Keeping his head down, Yuno made his way to his own seat in the back of the class. He made sure to keep as low a profile as possible so he wouldn't be asked questions. That would be the last thing he needed with how overwhelmed he felt at the moment.
"Pipe down, you rascals," Aizawa said as he pulled a small container from his pocket and a droplet plopped into his eye. One droplet per eye, and he put the bottle away in his pocket again. "As you can see, we have another student joining us today. There will be no other students coming with us. For a lack of better understanding, let's just say they find it a waste of learning experience."
The class groaned, an aura of gloom washing over the students as they frowned. Some even dropped their foreheads onto their desks.
"You mean they think we're arrogant assholes?" Sero slumped in his seat.
"Refrain from using such foul language, please." Iida, also quite disappointed, said in a less enthusiastic tone.
"Just be thankful you have a second year among you," Aizawa's voice shut the complaining students up. "Please introduce yourself, Tsumuyuki. If you're fine with it, state your name, Quirk, and maybe something you enjoy doing; not necessarily in that order. You can do whatever for homeroom."
With that, Aizawa pulled a yellow sleeping bag(from god knows where) and zipped himself up in it. He looked cozy and warm, and more or so less, like a worm. He planted himself on the ground, curling his knees to his chest and laying on his side. He was out like a light, and yet, Yuno could tell he was listening intently just in case.
"Take it away," Iida nodded toward Yuno, a kind smile on his face.
Yuno gulped, keeping his eyes on the desk. His fingers fiddled with each other, tugging at his skin, twisting his appendages in odd ways that would be painful. He looked up to see Kisu giving him a questionable thumbs up with her expression painted with worry. He nodded slightly, replying that he's okay.
"I suppose I'll start with my name," Yuno finally said after a full minute of silence. "As I said before, my name is Yuno Tsumuyuki. I-" Yuno corrected himself. "My Quirk is called Hemokinesis; I have the ability to manipulate another person's blood and my own. I don't exactly enjoy anything in particular."
Kisu stifled a snicker at the last statement, the sound making Yuno lose all tension in his shoulders.
"Says you who's always reading some sort of book." Kisu lifted an amused brow. "He likes reading and skating. He's just saying that because he's shy."
"I am not shy." Yuno's head lowered and his shoulders were pulled up, a slight tint of pink drawn across his nose and cheeks, otherwise known as embarrassment. "Don't put words in my mouth."
"He's shy." Kisu confirmed once again.
"You like skating?" Ashido turned in her seat, almost standing on it as her eyes gleamed. Was she into skating?
"It's not a something I'm good at, I just find joy in the breeze and traveling a little faster." Yuno answered, he began to shy away at the ridiculous notion of skating being a hobby.
"Don't believe him," Kisu fanned a dismissive hand. "He's pretty good at it. He just doesn't like showing it. He rarely skates anymore."
"How good are we talking?" The invisible girl, Hagakure, seemed to lean in interest, despite her being invisible. "Like, tricking? Or what about rough terrain?"
"You can skate anywhere," Yuno answered. "It doesn't matter when either. It could be the dead of winter and I will still skate."
The class kept asking him questions. What else do you like to do? Nothing I can think of. Do you use roller skates or skateboards?I use both. How long have you been skating? Since I was young. What got you into skating?
Yuno paused, his lips pressing tight together. What made me start skating? It was only something he started doing because it would piss off his parents. Being the strict people they are, Yuno's parents told him he could easily get injured while skating, the injury could interfere with whatever training they had planned for him. They wanted to know what made him want to skate, but he couldn't tell the class "because it made my parents mad." They'd think he's a troublemaker, which he's not.
"I just found it endearing." Yuno came up with a reason, it was only a half lie anyway.
Without a second thought, Yuno opened his book again, holding it up his face so he could hide behind it. He left the class silent as he read through the pages, occasionally licking his forefinger and turning to the next page. They only stared at him, like lost puppy dogs asking for a treat. Truly, he looked so mature, they needed this quiet, confident(he seemed so), and mature role model.
He's so cool.
Kaminari isn't usually a reserved person, especially when in the lockers. That's when he usually talks a lot, striking up a conversation about getting the boys to go to the mall. He enjoyed learning about the others' hero costumes, seeing what every trinket did. He'd often find something to keep his mind busy, and now, he found something to keep his mind very busy, for a long time.
As a Support Course student, Yuno wasn't given an paper to sign with his costume design. He was a support student, his job was to create support for other heroes. Yuno was offered to take part in the simulation activities, so, he'd need to use a Phys Ed uniform. The Phys Ed uniforms were a deep blue, white lines that formed a U across the chest, and an A on the pants.
But that wasn't the focus right now. The main focus of Kaminari's concern at the moment is how many scars are visible on Yuno's back. Where did he get those? And another issue, what on earth were those bandages around his arms for? For the first time in a while, Kaminari was unable to speak, at a loss for words and only studying Yuno like he never has before.
There were thin and thick lines, some made small indents into his flesh, curving ever so slightly inwards. It was as if something was burned into his skin, pressed down so hard it melted any flesh that came into contact with it. Some of the scars were long against his shoulder blades, crawling over the tops of his shoulders and disappearing.
If this was how his back looked, what did the front look like?
Kaminari didn't get the answer to his question, Yuno had pulled the shirt down, tugging it down to look neat and tight against his chest. Kaminari noticed exactly how slim and small Yuno was with the skin tight uniform. Yuno wasn't built the way someone like Bakugo was, although, he did have some muscle on him. He was also quite short, maybe a good two or three inches shorter than the rest of the male students; might have been from lack of nutrients, Kaminari had guessed. Maybe he didn't eat enough.
Or maybe he wasn't given enough.
Kaminari pushed the thought aside, it wasn't his business. He slipped on his black jacket, then picked up his headphones and pressed them flat against his ears. Another time, he'd worry about that another time.
"Kaminari," the blond jumped at his name, turning to Yuno who stood in front of him.
"Yeah?" Kaminari gave a passionate smile to the smaller teen.
"Do you mind…me with…up?" Kaminari could barely hear Yuno's words, his voice small and quiet in a whisper. He had to strain his ears just to hear a few words.
"I, um," Yuno struggled to form the right words. "Could you…help me with my hair?"
Kaminari blinked a few times, processing the question and turning it over front and back a few times. He shook his head after a few moments. He only now noticed how Yuno's hair covered his forehead completely, stopping at just above his eyes. Some of his hair rested on his neck, that must feel uncomfortable when he's hot and sweating.
"Sure!" Kaminari finally answered. "But, uh, why me? Can't you have Kisu do it on the bus?"
Yuno shied away at the question. Of course, he should've thought of that beforehand. Coming to Kaminari, of all people, would be inconsiderate. But the bus would be bumpy and Kisu wasn't exactly kind with her fingers when it came to hair.
"I- sorry. I should've thought about that." Yuno quickly apologized. He was ready to turn and finish putting away his school uniform before Kaminari stood up hurriedly.
"No! It's fine. I'll do it, if you want. I don't have a problem with it. I mean, unless you want me to do some complicated style, I can't do anything like that. But, I can do things like braids and ponytails, if you like."
Yuno nodded and nervously held a brush out to Kaminari. He sat down next to the blond, turning his back to him so he could access the brown locks. Looking at it from the back, Kaminari finally saw just how long Yuno's hair was, it was almost feminine, key word being almost. Yuno's hair was sort of unruly, but in a neat and mature way, if that made any sense; it didn't make sense in Kaminari's mind. His hair covered his neck, and reached a couple inches past that. The tips of his hair were lighter than the rest of his hair, being a little thinner at the end.
As Kaminari ran the brush through Yuno's hair, he noticed how rough the strands were. He thought they'd be soft and silky, that's how the locks looked when he wasn't brushing through them. He also noticed how Yuno tensed if he got too close to touching his ears. The strange part was how he also seemed to lean into the touch, as if he was yearning for the gentle hands.
Kaminari stuck to that of a braid, he decided, since Yuno's hair was longer than most, to just braid the bangs out of his face, perhaps down the side of his head. Kaminari started with smaller locks of hair, braiding it so it was snug against Yuno's temple. As he continued braiding, one lock twisting after the next, it travelled down the side of Yuno's head, behind his ear. This way, the brunette wouldn't have to push his bangs out of the way if he got too hot, Yuno needed to learn how to do this sort of braid for the future.
"There." Kaminari gave jazz hands right after he finished. "Good? I didn't miss anything, did I?"
"No," Yuno replied, taking the brush and standing up, he locked eyes with Kaminari, the nervous expression completely gone. "Thank you. Sorry for bothering you."
Yuno gave a slight bow, just out of respect, and turned to put his brush away. Kaminari was left slightly bewildered, but grateful nonetheless. He liked the way Yuno was so, in a way, kind and mature. Yuno, however, would never say he's kind. He did enjoy how gentle Kaminari was though.
Kaminari liked the way Yuno looked with his hair fixed nicely, even if it was an on-the-go thing. He looked refreshed, even if those eye bags hidden behind his hair were visible now. That was how the ideal upperclassmen looked: pristine, confident, mature, they looked like people to admire.
He's nice, was Kaminari's last thought before the locker rooms were emptied and they all made their way to bus.
Me: It’s just two guys, one brushing hair and the other enjoying the gentleness.