
MHA: The symbol of Retribution

A very prideful CEO ( Escanor levels of pride ) gets reincarnated into my hero academia as the bastard son of Enji Todoroki and the number three hero Lady Silva read as he carves his way through the world of heroes and villains to be the strongest so he can sit at the top where he rightfully belongs. I don’t own anything, not the cover art nor the characters used all belong to their respective creators I only own my own oc Update when I want to

Argent1971 · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Not so mighty now huh

Mikato pov

I am standing adjacent to the most dangerous man ever to live and now I have to fight him times I wonder why I became a hero in the first place ever all I have to do is kick his ass and then I can be home with my son.

i called out to All Might: "So what's the plan how are we going to approach this "

he looked at me with a stony expression its the first time I had seen him without a smile and it was unsettling he replied to me in an emotionless flat tone: "I don't know what types of quirks he has nor do I know how many he has, so it would be best if you hang back and support me" nodding I watch as All might charge at the man in a black suit the ground shattering from the impact of his jump he soars through the sky intent on crushing whatever was in his path. the man lifts his hand up and starts to speak " Air cannon, backlash and twelve times multiplication "Purple lightning surrounded the man and a gust of wind blasts towards me all might Moving quickly I transform my lower half into lightning and apply my enhancement and rush to All nights side I grab him mid-air and rush towards the left narrowly avoiding the air cannon.

Turning my head I look and see the devastation behind me the entire south side of the forest has been flattened not a tree is in site just barren fields this man just destroyed hundreds of kilometres worth of forest in a single attack without much effort he really is as dangerous as All might said.

getting up off the floor All might look at me and smiles: " Thanks for the save ".

"Don't thank me just yet, we still have to beat this guy "I state looking up at the man floating in the air.

the man has a vicious grin on his face as he starts to speak: " All might do you recognise this quirk I'm using defy gravity " He said this in a jovial manner as if what he said was the most normal thing ever having multiple quirks was unheard of let alone being able to steal Quirks and he's treating it as if its just another Sunday night.

I turn to look at All Might I see his face lose all colour as his face contorts into that of a man who has lost everything true despair in a shaky voice he speaks: "All for one ... you ... didn't ... no you can't have " the man's grin widened as his unnerving smile reaches his ears " but I did All might you see when you left your poor teacher to fight me off on her lonesome whilst fleeing like a coward, I took her quirk but I first broke her of course as I have done with all other past users of one for all I bent and broke her until she was nothing but a writhing mass of flesh broken before my might. Then I stripped her of her very dignity as she begged me to stop...do you know what its like to lose your quirk all might let me inform you its tantamount to losing your soul quirks influence our personalities and make us who we are and I stripped her of the very thing that made her who she was. she died a broken husk of her former self " each sentence broke all might more and more I could see the hope he always carried go out from his life and be replaced unyielding rage.

All Might then got up and greeted his teeth so hard I'm surprised they did not shatter he let out a heavy sigh and spoke to me " Taking him in alive is not an option anymore if you are opposed to this I suggest you leave" he was going to do it he was actually going to kill this man I could see the resolve he had shine bright in his crystal blue eyes. " yh I think you are right taking him in is not an option we have no restraints that can hold him killing him is our only choice lets do this " I replied getting up clenching my fists a bright light emerged from my hands as I formed a blade made completely from lightning this was the same technique I used to beat Azkalan.

All might with a surprised look his said: "You're serious about this aren't you that's the coward you used to split two mountains in half whilst fighting that pyromaniac".

saying nothing I transformed my entire body into lighting as I now just looked like a blue current which had taken human form I quickly charged at the man at my top speed and slashed at his head the man stood there smiling not even recognising the danger he was in my sword followed moved straight in a horizontal fashion as I aimed to split his head from his body but he suddenly grew horns that protruded from the left side of his body and clashed against my attack stooping me mid-swing a massive shock wave was sent through the forest as gusts of wind from my attack uprooted trees.

All for one jumped backwards in the air as the horns receded into his body his suit was in tatters he grabbed the top part of his suit and ripped it off showing off his well-built physique well not as big as Endeavour or All Might he was still very muscular.

"Very impressive quirk you have there would you mind if I take it," he asked in a smooth voice not bothering to reply I got into position and prepared to attack when suddenly a horn started to come out of his palm it was at least six feet long and a foot in wide he then broke it off and grabbed the narrow part of it and smirked " Great now we have an even playing field in regards to weapons that is, so my lady may I have this dance " he then proceeded to quickly charge at me and rain down a flurry of deadly blows each one meaning to split me in half I parried and dodged when I could but I couldn't keep up with his tenacity as I began to be littered with cuts all over my body. All for one was suddenly then sent flying All Might jumped up and landed a clean hit to his jaw which sent him flying. thanking him I began to land on the ground as I saw AFO ( All for One) pull himself out of the crater he had created when he landed on the ground smirking he spoke " Finally decide to join us all might thank goodness I thought that you were just going to let another woman die for you instead of facing be I applauded you for your courage "

Mikato:" I'm not dead yet bastard "

AFO: " My apologies Let me fix that "Suddenly back and blue whips of energy began to protrude from his back as he charged at us sword still in hand. he appeared before me in an instant as he swung his sword his all his might at my torso attempting to slice me in two blocking it with my sword I felt my legs leave the ground as I began to be rocketed into the air that bastard had hit me so hard he had launched me out of the fighting area.

AFO pov

after having dealt with that annoyance I began to battle All Might, who tried in vain to avoid my sword slashes he was just too big a target as I thrust my sword at his heat attempting to end him here and now and finally claim One for All. he, however, met my sword with his fist completely shattering it he pushed threw with the attack which connected with my torso launching me backwards and sending me crashing into several trees which broke upon impact I pulled myself from the rubble and saw the surprised look on his face as he watched me regenerate " you look surprised all might don't tell me you thought I didn't have a regeneration quirk, well I do I also have a pain nullification quirk so whatever you hit me with I won't feel it " he looked shocked but was in that state longer than I expected why is he so shocked that piece of information should not matter to him one bit then I felt something running down my chest, as I look down I see a hand covered in lighting sticking out of the left side of my chest .

The hand is then removed as I jump forward and turn around to see a bruised and battered Lady Silva standing behind me her clothes tattered and her face covered in blood that came from her forehead. I smile and begin to speak "Did you really think that could stop me as effective as that strategy is it will not work on me I can regenerate from near enough anything so your efforts are wasted" She smiles and says in a cocky voice " that may be true but regenerating a cauterised wound is near impossible" I don't know what she's talking about I look don't and see that I'm not regenerating huh I guess she was right I have not had regeneration for long so I haven't tested its limits and the pain nullification seemed to be a mistake as I am getting caught of guard due to not feeling any pain so I quickly turn that quirk off.

waves and waves of pain shoot through me as each breath I took was a struggle she seems to have destroyed a lung luckily my heart is on my right side so I was not instantly killed i shouldn't underestimate her.

i get into position facing off against the two heroes for our final clash

the end

sorry finals coming up updates will be infrequent till mid-June.