
MHA: The symbol of Retribution

A very prideful CEO ( Escanor levels of pride ) gets reincarnated into my hero academia as the bastard son of Enji Todoroki and the number three hero Lady Silva read as he carves his way through the world of heroes and villains to be the strongest so he can sit at the top where he rightfully belongs. I don’t own anything, not the cover art nor the characters used all belong to their respective creators I only own my own oc Update when I want to

Argent1971 · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs


The rain poured heavily on Tokyo. The city was glum, and the air was filled with despair as citizens all around the country mourned for the loss of the world's strongest woman.

A lone boy walked through the silent cemetery and stopped in front of a large stone pillar that had the name Mikato Kogo inscribed on it.

"Hey mum I'm just hearing to say that I won't be able to visit every day like usual. I'm moving in with him, so I'll be a lot further away, but I will make this trip at least once a week, no matter what you have, my word," the boy said in a pain-filled voice.

Four years ago, when I was reborn into this world, I was apprehensive at first, but this world grew on me well, all apart from the hero worship, but that might have to do with my lack of knowledge or the fact that I would never look up to anyone who knows.

However, this world offered me something my past world refused me—something I could never attain. No matter how much power, influence, and money I acquired, this world gave me a mother a chance to feel what was kept from me all my life, and I indulged in it heavily.

God, I practically stuck myself to her hip. I was so intoxicated by that all-encompassing, never-ending source of warmth. Never before had I imagined myself ever relying on or caring about a person that much, but I did. I loved her as my mother. I loved her more than anything. I loved her more than myself. She was the only person in both my lives that I loved more than myself. Now she was gone, and nothing but a gaping hole in my heart remained.

I, however, am not the type to sit on my ass and do nothing, and whilst the public hero safety commission may have said she killed the villain along with herself, I know my instincts are telling me that the bastard who took my mother breathes that he continues to exist on this plane whilst she does not, and that fills me with an unending amount of wrath.

I will avenge her, and I didn't have much to go on, so my original plan was to work my way up as a hero till I could access the files or information the commission had on her death and then kill the party responsible for taking away that which was mine, but plans changed.

They changed when I found out the extent of her power and influence as a hero. She was an S class and the strongest woman in the world, but what really ticked my boxes was when he came to visit All Might, the symbol of peace, on the day of the grand public funeral that was held in Shibuya, where the agency was based.

He looked like shit; he was bandaged head to toe, and that's when I put two and two together—a person who could damage All Might this badly—a person who could do that with another Top Three hero with him there was only one I knew of in this world that could do that—All For One, the self-proclaimed Demon King of Japan.

This was purely based on conjecture and circumstantial evidence at best, but my instincts were telling me I was right, so I knew I had to be. Even if there was another villain who did it, it didn't change what I needed to do. I needed strength and was aiming to kill All for one , it was just as good a place to start as any.

That was when my luck turned for the better after All Might visited and gave me his personal contact details and told me to ask him if I ever needed anything and how my mother died. A hero's death, he came to the second S class of this country, Endeavour Enji Todoroki, my father, and now my golden ticket to strength.

Endeavour may not have had much, but he had what I wanted: mastery. According to most global Quirk experts, he had the greatest control and mastery over his quirk among anyone in the world. He was my way to gaining strength when my own quirk showed up, and knowing me, it will be great as it will be my quirk, and he will help me master it, and that's how I will get my strength and then my revenge.

Shoto may not want his training, but I will devour all he has to teach and more because I don't care. I don't need or want another parental figure. I only care about Endeavour, not Enji Todoroki.

The funeral for my mother was grand, though globally televised, and a giant monument to her was built in Shibuya. All the heroes attended apart from All Might, but I suppose they didn't want to show the world how much of a sorry state the symbol of peace was in.

Endeavour gave a speech that also gave me some further insight into the laws of this world. Apparently, in this world after quirks came into existence, bigamy was allowed and actually encouraged in most countries as people tried to breed as many quirks as they could, and so society moved and laws followed with them to adjudicate this problem and the relationship dynamics being formed. However, like quirk marriages, this fell out of fashion, and although some still do it, it's very rare in society.

So when Endeavour gave a speech about how he had married my mother and also gave a speech about her that was partially believable for a husband to give at his wife's funeral, he wasn't torn to shreds by the media for this scandal as an adulterer since he just married two women and articles by nosey journalists who found the documentation had proved that.

I, however, knew it wasn't true, thanks to my

Mother, so the only question is why the government would have done that, and my hunch is that they want to keep an eye on me. Being the child of two S-class heroes along with the Quirk singularity theory makes me think they are hedging their bets on me being a great asset for this country's future, and they can't wait till my quirk awakens so they can push me down the "right path" like Hawks, so no wonder they're having the number two hero raise me. Not only does it secure an asset, it allows for easy assessability, and all I say to that is let them come.

I am Shiro Kogo, and I can handle anything, and my vow of vengeance shall be fulfilled

The End

This is not a hint to a multi Love story this story only has one female romance interest

Also how was this I tried a different style what you think