
Chapter 31

TITLE: Internships (END) – Change (1)

"Where am I?"

That was the first thing sentence that left Sora's mouth as he looked at the white ceiling.

Breathing in, his nose was assaulted by the medicinal smell lingering in the room, he turned his head to the side and noticed the machine which indicated his heartbeat. With all this, it was easy for him to deduce where he was


Turning his head to the door, he noticed the person walking in, seeing his dog head, he immediately realized who it was as he greeted "hello"

"Well hello there woof"

Said the man. He was the police chief officer, Kenji Tsuragamae.

"I assume you know why I am here?"

Sora tilted his head slightly as he asked "to take me to prison?"

"That's a possibility but it's not the reason behind my coming here woof"

Kenji said before continuing "you contributed greatly in the protection of Hosu but we both know what wrong you did woof. Using your quirk without a license is illegal and you have done this a numerous woof number of times woof"

Sora sighed, he was well aware of his crime but what could he do? His curse didn't give a fuck about the law. Seeing this, Kenji smiled as he said

"But as I said earlier, you contributed greatly during this incident and at each instance, you used your quirk, you saved a life so the government has decided to overlook this incident but this will be the last time. If you're to violate the law again then… I believe you know"

"I understand, I'll try my best"

Hearing this, Kenji frowned slightly as he repeated "try your best?"


No promises, he didn't have any control over the curse so how could he make a promise he couldn't keep? And if he tried to resist it, then RIP, he couldn't kill himself.

"I see…"

The room was soon enveloped in eerie silence as both sat down, Sora soon broke this silence as he requested "could you leave?"

Kenji hesitated as he looked at Sora's hollow eyes but he soon sighed and walked out, he didn't know Sora to the point that he could console the guy but before he walked out of the room, he said

"Don't let the negative thoughts consume you"

Sora looked at the door, as he replayed those words in his mind but they had no effect. How could he control himself?

He had just killed someone without giving a fuck? Though the Nomu was no longer human it could still be reformed, maybe? What if it could and the Nomu had a child? He just separated a family because of nonchalance, how could he do that?

At this thought, he couldn't help but think of himself like that ROB that killed him. Selfish and evil, killing because he could. How disgusting

But he soon paused his thoughts there as he recalled the incident clearly, his mind finding an excuse to save him from the looming darkness and it found one as he said to himself

"It's not my fault…"

Yes, it wasn't his fault, at that instance, it was either kill or be killed, he didn't have much of a choice there, but he knew better than anyone that this was a lie but what could he do? If he didn't find something to justify his actions, he would break and he couldn't afford to do that now, how would his parents feel if they see their son broken? He couldn't do that to them, after all, they had done for him, he had to stand strong, if not for them then at least for Sora Menhera.

Sighing, Sora turned his head to the window as he looked at the rays of light descending on him and he couldn't but recall his life in this world and as he did, he realized many things.

He hadn't accepted reality, he still didn't consider this world his reality and that was wrong, this, once fictional world, was now his new life, his reality and he had been joking with it, hoping everything will go as it went in the show but that was just wishful thinking, he couldn't be counting on Izuku to save him at the end, no, he had to take matters into his own hands or else situations like this will repeat themselves and that wasn't something he wanted. He could no longer be a side character in his life, he couldn't continue to make this easy. Yes time was constant but life wasn't, with each passing day, one grew older and before you know it, you're already an old man

He was well aware of that and only now did he understand the meaning of those words, he had to change for the better or else, he might lose everything. With that in mind, Sora sighed as he looked at the room's ceiling before muttering

"Things have to change"


Later that day, Brainstorm visited him and reprimanded him for his actions, but the man soon stopped as he noticed Sora's hollow eyes. He sighed as he informed him that he could leave the hospital the following day before he stood up and left.

The night soon came and Sora tried to get some sleep but it was impossible as all he saw was the corpse of the Nomu as it repeatedly asked 'why?'

Due to this, he only slept 2 hours before the sun shone on him the following day, he walked to the mirror and noticed the black bags under his eyes, he smiled lightly before taking a bath.

Later that day, he left the hospital and continued his internship together and trained himself more, his reason being he had to be ready for anything.

And that's how the days flew by with Sora waking up, doing his daily activities, joining Brainstorm for the internship, training then nightmares.

Soon the time allocated for the internships got finished and it was time to head back home.

Sora looked at the brain agency for one last time before walking away, to say he was happy about leaving this place won't be a lie. Here he had learned so much yet experienced some terrible things.

Sighing, he walked onto the train as he took a seat, ready to go back home.


Soon he arrived home and immediately he was assaulted by questions from his parents, he answered all patiently and when he was done, he noticed the worried look on his mother's face.

Aiko looked at her son, her eyes filled with worry as stared at him. Sora felt a tinging pain in his heart as he looked at her and before he knew it, he felt something from his cheeks, touching it, he realized he was crying.

'Why?' He asked himself

"You can cry"

He soon found himself in his mom's warm embrace and when he heard her voice filled with love, he felt as though a dam was broken as he began crying like a child.

"There, there"

Aiko said as she held him tight, seeing him cry, she felt his pain, she didn't know what he went through but as a mother, she knew her duty and that was to support him no matter what.

Shiro watched the two and he smiled slightly, he never thought he'll see Sora cry like this but now that he did, he felt that his son had a lot on his back which he kept to himself. Sighing, he joined the hug, he also had a job to do here.

"Am okay mom"

Sora said as he released himself from his mother's embrace. Aiko seeing this asked "are you sure dear?"

Sora nodded as he showed her a reassuring smile and said "yeah am good"

That was half-true, through his mother's embrace, he was able to calm down but that didn't mean the problem was solved, no, he was still affected by that incident but he couldn't afford to show his family that side.

Aiko sighed seeing this, she knew Sora was lying but what could she do? She couldn't force him to open up, all she could do was to wait for when he was ready to share his problems with her. Thinking thus far, she said

"You should go get some sleep now"

Sora nodded as he walked to his room and as soon as he reached his bed and lied down. Before he knew it, he fell asleep.


This chapter was really hard to write but by God's grace, I was able to push through and write it, hope it touches your heart.