
MHA: The Fresh Blood

A girl reincarnates into the world of My Hero Academia, will she destroy the plot, or will she try to avoid it at all costs? Either way, she will try to live her life as best as she can. No matter who gets in her way, she will have the life she wants, even if she has to go against God's. [Disclaimer this story will contain-] Eve: Come on let's just get to the good stuff of me killing some shitty people, and trying to build a harem! Afterall, doesn't everybody just want to see me fuck shit up and get some girls. [Well I think you get the idea of what this story has in it] .................................... Author's Note This is my first story, so sorry for any poor grammar in the future, also the cover art was made by me and so is any of the art I use in the later chapters. Also, sorry for the first few chapters being a bit underwhelming, but don't worry it gets better. Now let's get onto the story.

The_Fae_Child · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

The Truth Part 1

So, I was supposed to post this chapter two days ago, but I've been busy for the last couple of days working on something for a different story involving a certain alien watch. 

To make up for my forgetfulness with posting, today will be a double chapter day, so let's get onto the chaos.


As the clock in front of me was one more minute away from midnight, my excitement of possibly getting answers started to turn into anxiety. Even if the system said that if I succeeded, the mystery person would be happy with me, would that be truly better than them being disappointed?

For all I know, they could be an eldritch deity like Cthulhu or something, and making them happy might make them want to turn me into their personal toy! But disappointing them could also mean the end of my second chance at life...

I just hope whoever or whatever this being is, they don't look like a guy, even with the system doing whatever it does to keep my emotions stable, I don't have a good track record around men. Especially since the majority of them tried using me in some way, hell it's also why I chose to work on the same shifts as that optimistic girl (even though she creeped me out with her strange positivity) instead of working with any guys.

Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't kill Toga's father when I was first around him, though that might have been because I was so focused on planning on leaving. But either way, what I'm trying to say is, amongst the fuck load of trauma I have, I may have a fear of men due to my experiences around them. Many of those men I either killed, or made wish that I did kill them.

You'd be amazed by how fragile the human body truly is, the frailty of one's sanity is also something to awe at, especially when you take away most of a person's senses and slowly cut away at their flesh. The process makes sure that they feel every single slice at such intensity that it rarely fails at making them beg for you to just end them.

While I was remembering some of my more fond memories, the clock finally struck midnight. The date now was officially the first of May in the year 2167, the year I had actually figured out a couple of days ago, I just didn't know if you guys would've wanted that info or not when I was giving updates before.

The second it turned from April to May, two panels popped up in front of me.

[Completed Sub-Quest

Surviving in the Shadows

Your plan has been put in motion, but will you be able to go unnoticed until the time is right?

Objective: Keep yourself from being truly seen by anyone for the next three months, if anyone does see you kill them, if you get your picture taken destroy it.

Reward: 1 Gacha Ticket, and getting to meet with a happy ?????]

[NOTICE ????? wishes to meet with the user post-haste, would you like to meet with ????? now?

YES or NO]

After three months of being in this world, I finally have my chance at getting answers, but I couldn't help feeling hesitant to get said answers. What if me being here in the first place was a mistake? What if they get bored with me and send me into a void again or something?

But, even with these worries in my heart, I knew that I shouldn't keep the mysterious person waiting too long, or I just might make them angry. So I mentally prepared myself for the worst and agreed to meet with this person.

"Yes, I'll meet with them."

As soon as those words left my mouth, my vision started to darken, but not in the sense of fainting, instead it was like the world visibly become darker until it was pitch black. But it didn't end there, instead of the cool air in my hotel room, it started to feel as if I was outside on a nice spring day (which I didn't expect from what currently looks like a dark abyss).

When I couldn't see anything in front of me due to the darkness, including my own hands, my surroundings begun to change once again. Slowly the abyss receded, and I could see colors again, it seemed that the place I was in now was both bigger and completely different from any place I have been before (yet it felt strangely familiar to me).

The room itself looked bigger than any stadium or building in existence, it was as if you could fit the whole of Japan in this room and still have plenty of space left over. The wall and ceiling of the room had a pattern on them that I could only describe as the clearest depiction of a galaxy that I have ever seen, each one was a mix of colors that looked breathtaking.

Looking down, I saw a massive red metal surface, but it wasn't the ground, instead it was a platform that seemed to be hundreds of miles above the actual ground. The ground looked like a vast grassy field with what seemed to have massive Red Spider Lily's, that looked bigger than me, planted around it.

Finally, I looked in front of me and saw the most beautiful woman that I have ever met who was bigger than even Mt. Lady in her giant form. The first thing I noticed about her was her crimson eyes with strange symbols in them instead of pupils, and her vibrant smile that showed her sharpened canines. But those weren't the only things that made her beautiful, nor were they the more unique parts of her.

Her skin was a shade of caramel that had very little imperfections, her hair was a pure white, it looked extremely wild and fluffy, and finally her mouth seemed to have these lines going from either side of her mouth and down the middle of her bottom lip past her chin. One would think those lines were a tattoo or something, but when I looked closer, they looked almost as if they were cut into her skin.

She was sitting on a massive throne that looked like an almost black tree grew into the form of a throne just for her, on both armrest there also seemed to be a symbol that looked like the end of a fountain pen.

While I was looking at this woman, I couldn't scratch the feeling that I've met her before, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't forget someone like her, right?

It seems that she finally noticed me, though, because she finally looked at me instead of at the galaxy like walls. When she did look at me, it may have just been my imagination, but I think she's looking at me like how a mother is supposed to look at their child. Her gaze was warm and kind, as if she truly saw me as her child, maybe it's because I do actually look like a child right now.

"Hello, my dear Eve." The giant woman said in a motherly tone.

"H-how do you know that name?" I ask nervously, because that was my name in my past life, well technically it was Evangeline, but Eve just sounded better to me.

"Hahaha, because I was the one who sent you into your new world!"

So, this was the being that gave me a second chance at life, I was honestly expecting some otherworldly abomination that just wanted to use me for entertainment or something.

"Now, I understand that you have some questions to ask me, but please let me first give an explanation, and then you can ask all the questions you want, okay?"

Finally, I'll get some fucking answers as to why I was even brought to this world, and hey, maybe she'll also tell me if this is some variant of the original MHA. I nodded to her and waited for her to start her explanation.

"So, I'll start off with introductions, I am Seria the goddess of stories, all those that create anything that contains a story whether it be a song or a book unknowingly pray to me and add to my domain. I am also, for lack of a better word, your new godmother."


