
MHA: Superman

I have always wondered what the world of MHA will be with the world first symbol of hope. So I present to you Clark Kent son of former American number 1 pro hero Omni man (Jonathan Kent) and number 2 pro hero Priestess (Martha Kent). Will he live up to his father's achievement or will he surpass it and rise up to become the World Symbol Of Hope. NOTE 1: I am not a writer I just want to try this out and learn because I have 2 fanfic on my mind I really want to write but can't because I want it to be good so please leave helpful reviews to help me NOTE 2: I don't have a laptop it got stolen so since I don't have money to buy a new one I will be writing on my phone so if you see any grammatical error please let me know English is my second language though I use English for me day to day life nobody is above mistake

Kelvin_Ade · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs


1. Jonathan Kent:

hero name: Omni man

quirk: Super powered cell and flight.

Powers include:

Invulnerability: Omni-Man's entire physical being is nigh-indestructible. Extreme temperatures, explosions, severe physical trauma, piercing weapons, and energy assaults have little to no affect on harming him. Only the most powerful of foes are able to cause any actual harm to him. He can even survive direct exposure to outer space,

Enhanced Healing Factor: While Omni-Man is not absolutely immune to physical harm, he has remarkable recuperative powers. Able to survive most injuries that would kill normal humans, he is then able to recover any damage in very short periods of time, all with no lingering signs of the damage ever transpiring. He is also virtually immune to all forms of illness and contaminants. This healing factor also makes his body generates very little fatigue toxins, granting him immense stamina that lets him continue to exert himself for extended periods of time without collapsing or suffering from exhaustion. This also grants him an uncanny capacity to live entirely self-sufficiently, not needing nutrients or sleep, at least not nearly as much as humans would, and remained unhindered.

Superhuman Endurance: Most injuries that he does sustain, he is able to endure and ignore the pain for the most part with no major impact on his physical performance. His sheer resilience allows him to survive injuries that would kill most beings, such as being disemboweled. While still needing air to breathe, he can go for weeks without air unfazed.

Decelerated Aging: Omni-Man is blessed with an immense longevity. This stems from a decelerated aging process, gradually aging slower the older he gets, allowing him to retain his youthful health, vitality, conditioning, and appearance for an incalculably long time. At over two thousand years old, he has only begun to show signs of aging while still physically performing in his prime.

Superhuman Strength: Omni-Man is blessed with immense raw physical strength. able to easily life thousands of tons of weight with a single hand and plow through virtually any solid matter with little to no resistance. Offensively, he's sheer might can easily crush and tear through most targets with little trouble, even foes with their own level of super strength and/or heightened durability. The force of his strikes can even generate powerful sonic booms that upturn and crumble solid rock.

Superhuman Speed: Omni-Man is incredibly fast, capable of moving at super-luminal levels and able to traverse entire planets in minutes. His speed was also shown able to cause devastating explosions with the implication that his speed was splitting atoms and causing fission reactions. While not the absolute fastest, he has also shown remarkable reflexes and reaction time, able to follow the movements of faster foes to counter.

Flight: Due to a complex balancing system located in his inner ears, Omni-Man is able to levitate himself at will and fly about as he pleases.

2. Martha Kent:

know as: Healing hero

hero name: Priestess

quirk: stellar energy absorption. Stellar healer

Powers include:

Stellar sense: Priestess eyesight and hearing were far in excess of a human being's. which includes x-ray vision, microscopic and telescopic vision

Stellar invulnerability: Priestess is highly resistant to injury due to the stellar energy she absorbs

Stellar energy projection: Priestess has the ability to release stored stellar energy in form of hot solar blast, cold lunar blast or normal enjoy blast.

Stellar Tactile Telekinesis: this gives Priestess the ability to manipulate in gravitational field of an object within her bioelectric field making her levitate

Stellar healing: using stellar energy Priestess can heal people but energizing their cells with her stellar energy curing any illness a creating miraculous healing thous her hero name Priestess.

3. Clark Kent:

hero name: Superman

quirk: Super powered cell, fight and stellar energy absorption

power include:

the mixture of his mom and dad powers to create the original superman's power no healing others though