
MHA: Stereo Heart

Someone once said that heroes are made, not born. Perhaps he was right. Even now, where each soul was blessed with powers, only a few could ever truly embody that title. This is the story of a boy fighting against his own fate to be a hero. Would he succeed? Or were all men truly not created equal.

Writers_Ablood · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Curse or Blessing

[Eight months later]

"Felix!" Diana called out, shuffling behind the toddler, her arms ready to scoop him up.

A giggle escaped the boys lips, he swiftly waddled away, glancing back at his mother, gleaming with joy, he kept up the chase. 

That was until a maid nearby entered from his blind spot, quickly scooping him up in her arms. Realization struck Felix as his legs on longer touched the ground.

His giggles stopped, a questioning glare piercing towards his nanny. Had she betrayed him?

Felix babbled accusingly, raising a brow, "Bbu?"

"Thank you" Diana heaved a sigh of relief as she cradled Felix in her arms. The maid smiled and bowed, excusing herself to attend to her duties.

Once the two were alone, Diana shot Felix a stern glare, immediately the boy shuffled his eyes away, unwilling to look back, he pouted.

"Playing cute? It won't work this time, you have to take the medicine." Diana swayed him in her arms, looking to gaze in his eyes, but Felix kept twisting and turning.

Diana sighed, "Okay, if you take the medicine we can watch the hero news. You want to see the heroes?" She jiggled his cheeks.

Felix's ears perked up, glancing at his mother innocently, as if he understood what she said, the boy reluctantly nodded. But not before grabbing her finger, as he softly chewed it with his gums.

Diana pecked him on the cheek as she shuffled to the medicine tray nearby. Typically, medicine wasn't recommended for babies. Yet Felix was a unique case, his quirk mutated his body, making it far more resilient than possible.

The boy loved to be on the run, always on the move as Diana worriedly followed him around.

But a few months earlier, disaster almost struck.

Felix who had just learned to walk, waddled around the mansion. Perhaps the boy was too ecstatic, but his emotions got the better of him. The stimulation to his heart was too strong. Causing his heartbeat to accelerate. 

A sharp pain pulsed in his chest. Diana and Lucas assumed the worst, but the according to the Doctors, his body had not yet adapted to his heart, as it exceeded the bodies ability to respond.

The sharp pains were an indication that he was growing. His heart was special.

The medicine was just a modified formula of beta-blockers, readily lowering his heart-rate  to manageable levels.

Diana swiftly injected the serum into Felix's right shoulder, his face scrunched up when he felt the slight twinge of the needle, but he didn't feel any pain. 

"All right now, let's go." Diana cuddled Felix in her arms, gently setting down on the sofa as  she turned on the tv. 

Felix's eyes were glued to the tv, afraid to miss a second. One after the other heroes appeared on the tv, answering interviews, addressing issues, encouraging the public to be vigilant and to report any mishaps.

Felix wasn't interested in any of that, rather he looked beyond these so called personal interviews. Patiently waiting for notable clips. As a series of rescue highlights played.

He felt a strange excitement as he saw heroes rushing to aid people, like a glistening ray of hope amidst the dark. His eyes shined with admiration. A smile spread across his lips.

Felix didn't understand yet, but something within him felt at ease when he saw the heroes. A serenity he couldn't describe, like all panic had washed away. Suddenly, a stinging sensation built up in his chest.

Discomfort threatening to show on his face, he glanced at his mother. Knowing full well that any reaction would prompt a swift trip to the hospital. Felix was determined to endure it.

He continued to watch, mesmerized, as he clenched his tiny fist and powered on. Soon the beta-blockers acted up, his heart rate dropped and a drowsy spell struck his mind.

"Felix?" Diana whispered, feeling his head lay softly on her arm. A gentle brush of his cheeks revealed he was tired.

Diana leaned back into the sofa, humming, as she patted his back, nursing him to rest.


Lucas Mattias, a wealthy businessman with an accelerated thinking quirk, a mutation of the mind. Though it wasn't to the point of frightening genius, it was more than enough to give him an edge over others in terms of economics.

He was a workaholic, owning several companies, he had amassed a fortune. But now? His days were mostly lined up with consultations with specialists. Lucas loved his son, he knew that the boy was a born fighter.

Who else could fight and escape the clutches of death at birth? A memory of Felix waddling around the house flushed his mind, he chuckled to himself. Right, the boy was too eager on everything, perhaps he was the only one who could do it.

His black limousine came to a smooth stop, as the driver glanced at the rearview mirror.

"We're here sir."

Lucas snapped out of his trance, "Thank you", nodding he paced towards the house, eager to see his family. Swiftly greeting the butlers, Lucas hastily went towards the master room. 

His eyes fell on Diana, sweetly nursing Felix to sleep. Lucas gently scuttled towards her, brushing his son's head.

"I'm back."


[Four years later]

"Okay, now please squeeze the bar as hard as you can." The doctor read from his list as he checked a few boxes. 

The young blonde haired boy looked to his father, glancing for his approval. 

Lucas nodded, shuffling Felix closer to the machine. Felix hesitated for a second, but then grabbed the bar, his palms clenched around it, his muscles tensed and he aimed to bring his palms together.

A few lights beeped as the machine measured the force, soon it flashed a red signal, the doctor signaled Felix to stop.

Noting the value down, he went over his list one last time, skimming through all the results.

"Excellent, we're done for today. Good job Felix, here you go." Dr. Lindsworth smiled brightly, he snapped his fingers and a lollypop appeared in his palms.

Felix swiftly grabbed the candy, as he shuffled to the door, running back to his mother, prompting Lucas to chuckle.

"Sorry, he's a bit timid around others." 

"Haha, there's no problem. He's cautious, it's a good sign." 

"So what of the results?"

Dr.Lindsworth cleared his throat, as he carefully summarized the information. 

"Your son's quirk is developing nicely, as we expected the mutation has spread to his body. His musculoskeletal structure is changing. All his physical abilities are astonishing. If I didn't know any better these results would reflect an elite Olympian."

"But there's a complication isn't there? You wouldn't suggest all those tests otherwise."

Dr.Lindsworth nodded, "As we spoke last time, the mutation has spread to other aspects of his subconscious. The heart is the central organ connection the mind and body. It controls the emotional and mental aspects too."

"You mean to say just like his physical abilities, his heart is slowly enhancing other aspects?"

"Yes and no. Felix is developing mentally and emotionally, but he is vulnerable to his emotions. Any strong stimulations can cause him pain, heart clenching pain." Dr.Lindsworth decided to not sugarcoat the topic.

Lucas frowned, understanding the impact of what the doctor said. 

"Didn't you also say that an irregularly fast heart-beat could also cause discomfort? But isn't his heart supposed to strengthen his body?"

"Yes, the higher his heart rate elevates, the more his physical abilities seem to enhance. You can think of it similar to an engine strapped to his chest. As he grows his natural limits are enhanced, but his quirk is far more of a mutation than we thought."

Lucas seemed to ponder, thoughts racing in his mind.

"Lucas, pardon me but, I won't sugarcoat it with you. Our hospital is conducting many tests, and although I am not allowed to inform you yet. Your son's heart is a double edged sword."

Dr.Lindsworth handed out a small sheet of details.

"Elevated heartrate due to rising emotions, adrenaline pumping through his veins, enhanced strength, speed and senses, accelerated neuron linking. But at the same time, sharp pains, discomfort, and prone to his emotions."

"We cannot yet figure out the exact limits of his mutation. But one thing is for certain, his path is lined with pain. No matter what he does, it won't be easy. His emotions might take a hold of him, or perhaps, the raging heartrate causes his body to go overdrive, straining his central nervous system."

"He could end up as completely paralyzed, or worse, dead." 

Dr.Lindsworth didn't mince his words, he had worked with the Mattias family for a few years, considering Felix his own godson, if anything, he didn't want the boys life to go in vain.

Lucas clenched his knees, as they refused to stop shaking. His mind running laps around the problem, a hazy fog clouded his mind, the words rang in his head. His son, a cripple? 

After all this fighting, he would end up dead? No, it was unacceptable. It was not something his mind could fathom, he searched for solutions, but there was nothing. 

It was just, a reality he had to accept, as a father, he couldn't shoulder his son's burden.

Tears formed in his eyes, had he come all the way here to fail?

"Lucas" Dr.Lindsworth spoke calmly.

"Don't give up, there's still preventative care, therapy, controlled physical stimulation. We can't give up now."

Lucas nodded, "We'll do everything." He swiftly answered, he had to be a fighter, just like his son. Who was he to give up if his boy had fought just to be alive?


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