
MHA: Sandman

A boy reincarnated into the MHA universe with the quirk to control sand. A journey of a hero, who obsess over the world's attention. All secrets shall be hidden beneath the Sand. Note: No harem MC will not be Logia like Crocodile (One Piece) My first novel, so quality is not guaranteed. Disclaimer: Neither the original stories (My Hero Academia) nor the cover belongs to me. This piece of work is a fanfiction and is not meant for commercial purposes of any form.

Hitomi · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Chapter 8: Trial of the First Day


Kyoya has been silently standing in front of the UA entrance since the past few minutes. To others, it might looks like he's standing in a daze. But if any of his avatars were to see this scene, they'll know right away that he's preparing his 'script'.

He's creating a new 'him' to better mingles among students. Yet it can't be too drastic of a change, as there's Aizawa and his sister here.

He's creating an image. A personality. He's ensuring that there'll be no discrepancy in his actions and his words.

'But it's not enough. Mere actions and words is not enough. It needs a heart. Even further... Even deeper...'

Kyoya is not aware, but what he is currently doing is a brainwashing session, where he needs to truly believes the lies he created. He needs to deceive himself.

All of his personas were created like this. Once it's established, he can wear it at will, and discards it at will. Multiple personality disorder, yet one he can control. Just like fire, anything that can be controlled will have its own benefits, either to destroy, create, assist, or hinder.

'Rather, I've forgotten who, or what, exactly I am,' Kyoya thought, a wry smile on his lips.

But he is not regretting anything. For his obsession, he's willing to do anything, even discarding his own self. He's willing to be turned ashes if he can shine brighter. If it means he can get the world to cheer him on.

All for a moment of glory.


Inhaling the cold morning air, Shoto Todoroki slowly lets out a yawn. The sparse headcounts is not unusual, considering how early he is.As he is about to heads to his class, he noticed a boy standing still in front of the entrance arch.

'Either too excited, or too nervous,' thinking so, Shoto observed that boy as he heads forward.

'Very good looking,' is Shoto's assessment, but when he looks into the boy's eyes, Shoto froze.

Those eyes remind him of Endeavor, his father. Eyes full of obsession, burning with maniacal zeal and passion. Immediately shaking his head, Shoto rejected that idea.

'There's no way anyone so young can be like that man,' Shoto reasons to himself.

When he looks back, the student's eyes are normal. A bit of enthusiasm, excitement, and anxiety, yes, but normal for a student. Especially on the first day of school.

Probably because he has stopped so suddenly in the middle of the road, that student too noticed him. He flashes a friendly smile before heading closer.

Once they are walking side-by-side, the boy starts the conversation.

"Hey, my name is Kyoya Kayama. Nice to meet you," Kyoya said, a small smile never left his lips.

"Shoto Todoroki. Nice to meet you too, Kayama-kun," Shoto replied, though his mind thinking that the family name Kayama sounds rather familiar.

Before Shoto can continue pondering about the name, the boy, Kyoya, continues the conversation.

"You are heading towards the hero course building, right? Mind if I tag along?" Kyoya asked.

Shoto just nodded. Kyoya has this kind charm that makes he feels welcomed. Now that Kyoya has started smiling, Shoto admits that it feels very pleasant being looked at by those eyes.

He was used to the gaze of disappointment from his father, as well as the numb gaze of his mother. But Kyoya's gaze feels alive. It's probably the first time he feels so warm. And Kyoya keeps pointing towards the areas that he knews of, acting like a guide.

Even though Shoto appreciate it, he isn't used to express his emotion. He looks where the boy pointed, and he nodded his head after the boy explained. Yet the boy didn't seems to mind, his smile unaffected.

'It feels so calming... Like that time I snuggled inside my thick blanket with warm chocolate drink when it rained.'

Kyoya's voice is even, but Shoto noticed his excitement. Excited by the scenery, by the people, by the buildings. His eyes jump and skip like a little deer, from one thing to another.

'How innocent,' Shoto thought.

Shoto came with a lot of pressure in his heart and mind. He wanted to prove to his father that even without that power, he can be strong. He held this grudge inside his heart, all to hurt the man called Enji Todoroki, his father. He wanted the man to regret. He wanted to prove the man wrong.

But being besides this seemingly-untainted soul, Shoto can feel that he is being cleansed from the inside out. He is being purified by that shining smile.

As he listened to the boy, he had a thought.

'I never expects for there to be so many things to talk about, in a distance between the entrance to the class's building.'


Taking a deep breath, I calm down my anxiety. Slowly pushing the door, the first scene that greets my eyes is my childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugo, arguing with another student.

I let out a relieved breath. Still nervous, yes, but seeing a familiar face really helps. Scanning around the room, I noticed another familiar face I've seen before.

It's the boy with Eraserhead I've met while training under All Might a few months back.

'His name is Kyoya Kayama... right?' Noticing I'm looking at him, Kayama-kun greets me with a smile.

'And he still looks so innocent.'

As I'm about to head over, the boy arguing with Kacchan suddenly steps in front of me.

"I'm from Soumei Private Academy," he said.

"I heard you before! Ah... I'm Izuku Midoriya. Pleased to meet you, Iida..." I replied, a bit afraid of this scary guy.

"Midoriya... You... You perceived the true nature of that practical exam. While I did not...!!" he said, grinding his teeth.

His hands making a wild chopping motion, he continues, "I misjudged you!! I hate to admit it, but you were the superior candidate!!"

'I DIDN'T PERCEIVE ANYTHING!!' I screamed in my heart. I noticed that quite a few of our classmates is looking our way. Even Kayama-kun is pumping his fist. This is... awkward.

"Ah! That curly hair!!" a feminine voice coming from outside the classroom, giving me a shock.

Looking back, I see that nice girl that helped me quite a few times before.

'She's cute in that uniform!' my heart jumped.

"The plain-looking boy! You got in!" she said, looking happier than me for the fact that I got in. She keeps speaking excitedly, and all I can do is mutter some incoherent reply.

As we are chatting (actually she's the one talking, mostly), we are cut short by a gruff voice coming from outside the classroom.

"If you're here to socialize, then get out," the voice said, coming from a... caterpillar. Then, he continued, "This is... the hero course."

Or rather, there's someone in there. Isn't that Aizawa-san?!

Aizawa-san slowly shuffles to the class podium. Taking a glance around the classroom, he opened his mouth.

"It took eight seconds for you to quiet down. Time is a very precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you?" he said, slowly getting out of his sleeping bag.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you." I noticed his eye twitched a little when he noticed Kayama-kun at the back.

Once he finished his introduction, he took out a gym clothing and told us to change before heading to the field.

Aizawa-san seems like he'll be mad if we delay, so all of us hurriedly changed and head to the field. Aizawa-san is already waiting for us.

Once all of us are gathered, he slowly informs us of what we're going to do.

"A test... of our quirks?!" I asked in disbelief.

"What about the entrance ceremony?! Or guidance sessions?!" Seems like that nice girl is shocked as well.

His back facing us, Aizawa-san said, "No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become Heroes." After a glance at us, he continued, "UA is known for it's 'freestyle' educational system. And that... applies to us teachers as well."

His tone indifferent, Aizawa-san unhurriedly continues his speech.

"The standard no-quirks-allowed gym test. You all did that in middle school, yes? As you realized, this country stills prohibits the use of quirks. It's not rational."

After a short paused, he looked at Kacchan.

"Bakugo. How far could you throw in middle school?" he asked.

A bit surprised, Kacchan answered, "sixty-seven meters."

"Great," Aizawa-san said, before giving Kacchan a ball. "Now try it with your quirk. Do whatever you need to, just don't leave the circle. Give it all you've got."

I can see Kacchan do a light stretching in the circle, before throwing it. If Kacchan goes all out-



-there'll be a big explosion...

Aizawa-san used a small gadget to measure the distance. While he did that, he continues talking to us.

"It's important for us to know our limits. That's the first rational step to figure out what kind of hero you'll be." At the end of his speech, he showed us Kacchan's distance.

It's 705.2 m.

The class cheered, but it seems like something they said got on Aizawa's nerve.

"Did someone said 'awesome'...?" Aizawa-san slowly said, his tone giving me a bad feeling. "You're hoping to be a Hero after three years here... And you think it'll be all fun and games?"

After a moment of pause, he seems to have come to a decision.

"Right. The one with the lowest overall score will be judged as hopeless... and will be expelled," he said, his eyes flashing an ominous glint.

This is bad. This is very bad. I can't control my quirk yet. Cold sweats running down my back, Aizawa-san finishes his speech with a grand welcome.

"Your fates are in our hands. Welcome. This is... the Hero course at UA High!"


First, lemme thank you guys for all the comments and everything else crammed in there. I didn't manage to reply all of them, though. :\

Anyway, Kyoya this boy finally goes to school. *Sigh*

Well, till later. Stay safe, folks!

Hitomicreators' thoughts