
MHA: Reborn as Denki Kaminari

follows the path of our mc as he tries to get to the apex of power as Kaminari Denki This is my first series so please don't complain if it's not to your liking. I would gladly accept helpful criticism to help me improve the writing quality I own nothing and the image is not mine

VIP2001 · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Chapter #7

In the end all ended well, we were very tired after fighting the criminal so we just stood against the wall waiting for someone to come

We were both physical and mental tired especially tetsutetsu who is still hurt from injuring himself on his leg

when it hit 4pm, sensei came and got angry after seeing the destruction of the dojo and our condition, after hearing the situation from me he as a former hero started to take care of the situation with the cops which was quite fast

There were no problems on our side but they still called our attention, because

the use of quirk in public or harming others is punished by law, as we were inside a private property and also used it just to defend ourselves nothing happened to us, we simply took a warning and of course they had to warn our relatives of the situation

my parents were very worried but fortunately they were understanding and let me continue to attend the dojo, except that from now on I have to go at 4 pm when everyone else arrives

This only caused noise at the beginning, after a few days no one remembered what happened and time went by and I kept on doing my usual stuff

After what happened, Tetsutetsu and I became more and more friends,

Even his screams don't bother me as much as they used to

He also managed to enroll in the dojo and we continued our friendly duels always ending with my victory

At school I keep getting the best grades of the class even though I don't try very hard, the breaks unlike before I have spent them with tetsutetsu and camie, we have discussed practically about which hero school we want to enter in the future

A future that was closer than they thought


(Time skip)

In a classroom, at the last table on the far side by the window, a blond 15 year old boy was sitting paying attention to the teacher's lesson


" ...And so we close today's class. Before you leave I want to warn you that since the school term is ending it is time to think about which high school you want to enter and let me know as soon as possible, you can leave"

everyone started to pack their materials and get ready to leave, I included until the teacher took me aside to talk to me

"Denki-kun I know of your desire to enter the hero course, and I only called you to let you know that you have the support of the school in your decision"

" thank you sensei is good to know that"

"Do you already know which one you will take the entrance test?"

"I don't know, I want to go to U.A but shiketsu is also a reliable option, I'm not sure yet"

The conversation took just under 15 minutes with the teacher trying to advise me on the best way to go, obviously he tried to guide my attention more towards U.A, they know I am someone with a high percentage of being accepted that is why they try to advise me

u.a as the best educational institute for heroes in the whole country, schools that provide students to the institution gain more visibility and recognition

On top of that, last year camie got a place in shiketsu which gave the school great confidence ,

It made me sad because that's why our relationship didn't develop further.

We started dating in her last year of middle school, our relationship never went beyond kissing and making out.

I admit that I got a little attached to her and that's why I even reconsidered going to shiketsu but on second thought I shouldn't change my future plans for anyone

What kind of hero do I want to be?

The future best hero has to go to the best school, although they are both very competent, I know that the future revolves around the U.A and the problems that will happen there

Also especially because of the news that all might will become a teacher there as well

An opportunity to learn from number 1 can't be denied


Author's note

I wanted to answer the question I've been seeing the most in the comments:

[Is it harem?]

I honestly don't think it makes much sense to have harem in MHA especially when in Japan they practice monogamy, so polygamy didn't make much sense

I would like you to comment on my writing and how can I improve, because as now with university it will take me a while to write chapters so I wanted to learn now that it is still the beginning and I still have time

Thanks for your support🙏