
MHA: Reality Of Those With Nothing

A young child named Ricolo is born into a cruel world, but is gifted a powerful quirk, that could easily make him a feared villain. But before he could walked down that path, he is suddenly stopped by All Might.

DaoistJIIvmp · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

Chapter 5: First Day Of Class

" So, what now? " said Iida, who was talking to a fellow hero, several minutes had passed since the end of the exam, and the large crowd of heroes was grouped, the heroes were waiting for announcements, and the majority of the group were fine, except of course. Izuku Midoriya, who was being taken to a hospital on a stretcher.

The heroes watched Deku being taken away confused, how could someone who destroyed a zero-point robot, be in such bad conditions? However, before they could ponder about it, a deafening voice rippled through the war-torn area. 

" THE EXAM IS OVER!!! And it's time to announce the ranking for those with the most points, I'll announce only the top five, So, without further ado, coming in fifth place with 68 combined points, is Ibara Shiozaki... In fourth place with 73 points, is Ochaco Uraraka... In third, with 74 points, Eijiro Kirishima. And in second... Katsuki Bakugo, with 77 points. "

" The first-place winner of this exam, Is... Ricolo!!! With 135 points! " The crowd's reaction was all the same. Who the hell could get 135 points, that was almost double the amount Bakugo got, but before they could question it. A small white mouse caught the attention of the crowd making them snap their heads toward him. Nezu politely waved his paw at the crowd of young heroes before he asked a simple question. 

" Does anyone know where Ricolo is? " The crowd instantly glanced around at each other, none of them, had a single clue, on who the hell Ricolo was, everyone except Uraraka who spoke in a soft voice answering Nezu's question. 

" Umm... he left already? As soon as the announcement that the exam was over rang, he left through the two large doors. " As soon as Uraraka said this, Nezu let out an annoyed sigh before he spoke. 

" Great... He's going to be a pain in the ass to find. But, anyway. I wish all of you luck in joining U.A. "...

A week later at a bar.

Ricolo could be seen leaning on a brick wall, far away from the bar with three empty plates near his feet, Ricolo was once again robbing the bar. However, the cook that caused his trouble, was nowhere to be found. Ricolo stood there bored, the sun was setting, casting the sky a beautiful orange.

The scenery for Ricolo was quite peaceful. But the peace wouldn't last long, as suddenly Ricolo heard his name, catching him completely off guard. 

" Hey! You're Ricolo aren't you?! " shouted out a man with an odd-looking scarf wrapped around his neck, Ricolo stared at this man, as he slowly walked towards him, the man's long black hair flowing in the wind. Ricolo locked eyes with the tired-looking man before speaking. 

" Yeah? Why do you ask? " The man couldn't help but scoff before he spoke.

" Why? All of U.A. has been looking for you, kid. We feared that a villain had killed you. But luckily, that isn't the case. " A confused look appeared on Ricolo's face before the man stopped directly in front of Ricolo and extended out his hand. Ricolo quickly shook his hand before the man spoke. 

" Nice to meet you, I'm Eraser Head. Your teacher, congratulations you've been accepted into U.A. But what are you doing at a bar? This is the last place, I expected to find a student. " Ricolo just shrugged his shoulders, before a cold look appeared in his eyes and he spoke.

" I guess... I feel more comfortable in this environment. But when does class start? " Eraser Head stared at his cold expression, slightly worried, before he answered Ricolo's question.

" A day after April Fools. "...

Step Step Step. 

The day is April second, and Ricolo could be seen walking towards U.A. with a blank expression, he was wearing the classic U.A. school uniform, that had personally been dropped off by Eraser Head, who complained about dropping the clothes off. Saying that it was a waste of pro-hero time. 

But Eraser Head wasn't the only one who was annoyed, Ricolo himself also found the newly drawn attention to himself, to be quite... Troublesome. With all attention, placed on him. Ricolo couldn't steal like he usually does, throughout the weeks of waiting for class to begin, Ricolo had an odd suspension that someone was constantly watching him. Which isn't too far-fetch, the U.A. wouldn't want to lose contact with a prodigy like Ricolo. 

This forced Ricolo, to try to get a job, which failed miserably. After all, who wants to hire a homeless teenager? Meaning, that Ricolo had to steal when he was completely sure, that no one was watching him. He let out a loud sigh, before he looked up at the massive U.A. school in front of him. 

He stared at beautiful windows, as he entered the school, but for some reason, not a single soul was in the hallways. He glanced around through the hallways before he scratched the back of his head and murmured to himself. 

" Where the hell? Is everyone? " Right as Ricolo was about to turn around and walk out of the school, an elderly voice spoke, bickering him. 

" How could you be late on your first day, shouldn't you have shame, boy? Also, watch your language it's quite offensive to swear in an elder's presence. "Ricolo's eyes widened from the sudden voice before he looked down and came face to face with an elderly woman wearing a white coat. Ricolo stared at this odd-looking woman before she spoke introducing herself. 

" The name is Chiyo Shuzenji, I'm the nurse at this school. If you ever have an injury, please come to my room. So, what is your name? " 

" My name is Ricolo. " Right when Ricolo said this, the nurse's eyes widened, before she grinned and spoke in a cheery voice. 

" Ah, your Ricolo. The one Nezu is so high on. Well, if you're looking for your class, take a left. And enter the classroom that had 1-A on it. And Ricolo, don't cause too much trouble at this school. " The nurse quickly turned away and walked away, leaving Ricolo by himself. He watched the old nurse walk away before he turned and started to walk left.

His footsteps echoed out until eventually he reached the classroom that had 1-A on it, inside the classroom, a voice could be heard calling attendance. But with zero signs of rushing, Ricolo walked towards the door and entered it, immediately. Ricolo felt several gazes staring at him. 

Ricolo looked at the class until Eraser Head spoke in a tired voice. 

" Late on your first day? Did you spend too much time at the bar? But it's fine since it's the first day, I'll pretend you were lost, your seat is in the very back and on the right. "

Ricolo nodded before he walked past several students who glared at him. For many, this was the first time, they had ever seen Ricolo, even though he was quite famous for placing the highest in the entrance exam. After taking his seat, Ricolo watched as Eraser Head tapped the podium in front of him. Before a grin appeared on his face, and he spoke. 

" Please stay here and speak with each other. " The students watched confused as Eraser Head walked out of the classroom door, leaving the students unattended. Izuku Midoriya glanced around the room confused until an abrupt shout rippled through the room, catching everyone's attention.

" So?! How the hell did you get here, Deku? " Said Bakugo, Deku could only shake his head at the remark too embarrassed to respond, until suddenly in the very back of the room. A voice spoke, 

" He destroyed one of those big ass robots, " Bakugo eyes widened from the sudden remark before he slammed his hands on his desk and stood up, snapping his head towards the noise. However, he couldn't find the person who said this, Bakugo kept staring at the back of the classroom, until the voice spoke again, saying the same thing. 

" He destroyed one of those big ass robots, "Bakugo's face morphed into one filled with confusion, the voice did speak again. However, it came from Bakugo's right, Bakugo quickly snapped his head right, but no one was there, except a window. As Bakugo stared at the window confused, Ricolo stood up from his seat and walked towards Bakugo with his hands in his pockets, Bakugo immediately looked towards Ricolo confused until he roared out. 

" Are you the one saying that? " Ricolo just scoffed, before he shook his head and walked past Bakugo, Bakugo stood still, in shock that Ricolo ignored him. However, before he could speak, another voice spoke. Coming from Deku, asking him a question 

" W-Where are you going- Before Deku could finish talking, he locked eyes with Ricolo, and instantly sweat poured down his face, Deku didn't know why... But he couldn't lock eyes with Ricolo without having overwhelming bloodlust wrapping around his body. Deku stared at his desk until the sound of lips smacking entered his ears, and Ricolo's footsteps stopped before a loud voice yelled out. 

" Where do you think you're going, young man?! " Ricolo stared at a burly All Might, looking at him, before he let out a sigh and turned back around while speaking, 

" I was going to the bathroom, but I'm guessing you want everyone to be here for your little speech, right? " All Might just grinned brightly at Ricolo before he spoke, 

" You, are correct, but don't worry, my "little speech " won't last longer than a minute, I'm here to explain the test, that will happen soon. We're going to have a battle trail, "...