
MHA: Quirkless Hero

In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.

AgentMonke · アニメ·コミックス
162 Chs


Bullet watched as Shigaraki was dog piled by Heroes. The Nomu ran in as Bullet said wearily, "Ah… Nejire, I'm really not gonna make it like this. Better get that kiss in early… haha… HA…" before he coughed up blood with a strange grin.

Nejire held him in a princess carry, shooting off worriedly, "Just stay with me, 'kay? You can have as many kisses as you want!" Bullet coughed and sighed, "I would touch your boobs, but… I have no arms. Hah…" his vision was blurry and he squinted, "Is that your beauty making that bright light or is it heaven? I can't really tell."

Nejire was panicking as she said "It's me! You fell in love at first sight, 'kay! Don't look at it anymore!" Bullet sucked in a breath, "Oh man… I really don't wanna die… This… It wasn't epic enough… Is this pre-death regrets? So much… I-I wanted to do… Ah… Why are you crying?"

He waved a nub and laughed "Ahah… I keep forgettin' I got no arms… Is that funny or what…" Nejire rushed out, her spirals pumping out like crazy as she suddenly shot across the sky, her Quick evolving on the spot!

Bullet sighed, "Another one… Quirk evolution… Just for me… th-That's good. If Mei is sad, you tell her everything's gonna be okay… for me… alright?" Nejire shouted "TELL HER YOURSELF! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER! DAMN YOU!" as she cried, looking for the medic team!

She flew around and saw the tent, she shot down and landed, rushing over, "HELP! PLEASE! ANYONE!" The medic staff ran over and picked Bullet up, shocked, "HE'S STILL ALIVE?!"


A few heroes held her down and were shocked, she was going ballistic!

The Medic team shouted "Emergency surgery! Get the tools! Put him next to Hawks and Mirko! Doesn't matter! No time!" they put Bullet down next to Hawks and Mirko, operating on him on the spot.

Bullet coughed up blood and turned his head, saying "Oh god… Rumi?" Rumi looked at him and said "Nice arms, asshole." Bullet spilled blood from his mouth, saying "Hah… Your sexy ears, ah… If I die I hope you come with me, jeez…" Rumi laughed and Bullet coughed up blood as he turned back to the sky, "Fuck! If I live I better get a kiss, I'll die happy after that…" Rumi squeezed her eyes shut and laughed happily, "Whatever you say, lunatic!" Bullet's eyes lit up and he laughed, gargling on his own blood, "My girlfriend… is gonna… ki-kick my fuckin' ass! AHAHAHA!"

The doctors said "Put him under! How is he still conscious from this pain?!" They put Bullet under and his eyes wandered about before slowly closing, thinking 'I wonder what Mei's doing right now…'

Two days later

Bullet woke up in a hospital bed!

He looked around in a daze, "Hey… No visitors, how tragic… ahaha…" he waved his nubs and chuckled. The door busted open and Mei rushed in, "BULLET! WAAAAAAH!" as she lunged at him.

Bullet coughed as she barreled into him. Mei hugged him tight and cried, "Why you always getting hurt? Isn't it enough to look at me all day?!" Bullet smiled gently and said "I'd love to stroke your beautiful hair again, Mei… But as you can see, I seem to have woken up without hands. Ahaha!"

Mei looked up at him and smiled in shock, "All normal?! I saw on TV! Your speech…" Bullet tilted his head in confusion and she kissed him, screaming "OH GOD! I FEARED THE BLANK LOOK WOULD BE GONE! IT'S NOT! AHAHAHAH! THAT LOOK IN NEED IT IN MY LIFE! AHAHAHAH! I LOVE YOU!" Bullet kissed her deeply, "I love you too. Let's get married before I die."

Mei laughed and cried, "You're so stupid! Wuwuwu… Okay!" Bullet grinned widely "Awesome! HAAH! I'm a married man! Cool! Okay so let's get you pregnant quick!" Mei burst out laughing as Aizawa rushed in, letting out a breath, "You stupid bastard! Look at yourself!"

Bullet leaned back and smiled kindly, "You're alright, that's all that matters." Aizawa teared up and grit his teeth in anger. Katsuki rushed in and punched Bullet in the face. Mei grabbed his arm and shouted angrily "YOU POWDER KEG, DO YOU WANT ME TO BLOW YOUR FUCKING HOUSE UP?! DON'T TOUCH MY BABY! YOU FREAK! I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE AND HANG IT LIKE A FLAG! AHAHAH!"

Katsuki pointed at Bullet's nose, "You pull some shit like that again and I will pull your fucking plug, got that?!" Bullet laughed, "I'd salute, but someone took my arms! AHAHAHAHA! HOW AM I STILL ALIVE BY THE WAY?!"

Rumi leaned on the doorframe and snorted with a grin, "This is the best hospital in Japan. Even healed me, shouldn't be an issue for a lunatic like you." Bullet looked at her and swallowed, "This is heaven, right?!" Nejire popped her head in and Bullet snorted smoke, "I'M DEAD! AHAHA! MEI'S GONNA KILL ME! AHAHAHA!

Mei was confused when Rumi and Nejire kissed Bullet's cheeks.

She was dumbfounded and ripped the TV off the wall, squatting at them, "SLUTS! AWAY FROM MY MAN! NOW!" Bullet burst out laughing and rolled out of bed. "OOF! Hahaha!" he laid there and cried, "I really thought I was gonna die… Talk about thrilling experience…" Mei picked him up and shooed away Rumi and Nejire, snorting "You made a deal?!"

Bullet smiled happily "We're married so you should forgive me." Mei's lips twitched and she slapped him a few times, smiling "Alright." Bullet was shocked, asking "Why did you slap me?!" Mei snorted smoke, "Because you're a dirty bastard! You never clean the house." Bullet was dumbfounded, shouting "I HAVE NO ARMS! AHAHAHAHAAH!"

Aizawa and Katsuki glanced at each other before sighing and leaving.