
MHA: Programmer

Disclaimer: Hello! This is my first fanfic, so I hope you'll be lenient with me. I'm not the best at writing, so there may be some grammatical errors. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes so I can improve. Due to my busy schedule, I might not be able to update frequently, but I'll do my best to post whenever I have the time. This story will not be a harem fic, as I personally don't enjoy them, although I don't mind them in general. The main love interest in this story is Momo Yaoyorozu. The story will start off quickly because I want to get into the action without spending too much time on the initial setup. Synopsis: MC: Ren Hikari Ren Hikari is an ordinary college student in his early 20s who finds himself transported into the world of My Hero Academia. With the quirk "Code," his ability is unique compared to other popular quirks like stands or sunshine. You'll have to read the fic to discover the full extent of what makes his quirk special. I do not own any characters or elements from My Hero Academia; all rights belong to their respective creators. My only contribution is the original character.

SonDSoro · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 15: The Unexpected Battle

A week had passed since my visit with Momo's parents, and the days had been a blur of school and training. As I left behind the busyness of my routine, I welcomed the approach of evening with a sense of relief. The sun dipped lower, casting a golden glow over everything as I drove towards my grandparents' house.

Their quaint home, nestled in a quiet neighborhood, seemed to beckon with its promise of peace. It was a comforting contrast to the relentless pace of my daily life. Upon arrival, I was greeted by the familiar warmth and tranquility of their home. We spent the afternoon catching up and enjoying the serene atmosphere, savoring the much-needed break from the usual hustle.

However, as dusk approached, an unsettling feeling began to creep in. The tranquility of the evening was abruptly shattered by a loud explosion, followed by the ominous sounds of destruction. My grandparents and parents quickly sprang into action, urging me to stay hidden. As I looked out through the window, I saw a chaotic scene unfolding: a villain, heavily pursued by a team of heroes, had entered our neighborhood. From the snippets of conversation and the urgency in their voices, I understood his intention: he sought to take my family and others as hostages to secure his escape.

The realization hit me hard. The threat was immediate and personal, driving me to step outside despite my parents' insistence that I stay safe.

I found myself face-to-face with a towering figure—a villain with a quirk that allowed him to control and generate destructive energy. His hulking frame was covered in armor-like plating, and his eyes glowed with a menacing light. The villain's presence radiated danger, and I could feel the sheer power emanating from him.

The villain's massive fists slammed into the ground, creating shockwaves that sent debris flying. I ducked and rolled, narrowly avoiding a burst of searing energy that scorched the pavement where I had been standing. My heart raced, adrenaline fueling my every move. I needed a strategy, and I needed it fast.

With every step, I used "Programmatic Control" to calculate and alter the trajectory of falling debris, creating a temporary shield around me. The villain roared in frustration, unleashing a barrage of energy blasts that tore through the air like deadly fireworks. I darted to the side, dodging the onslaught with practiced agility. My quirk allowed me to anticipate his movements, but the sheer power behind his attacks made every dodge a matter of inches.

A quick glance around revealed a few key elements I could use. The villain's energy attacks seemed to weaken his own defenses, creating brief moments of vulnerability. I needed to exploit that. As the villain prepared another devastating strike, I sprinted toward a nearby abandoned building, using "Programmatic Control" to enhance my speed and agility.

The villain's energy blast struck the building, sending rubble cascading to the ground. I used the falling debris as cover, weaving through the mess to close the distance. As I reached a strategic vantage point, I focused on manipulating the "Code" within the debris, creating a makeshift energy absorber. It was a gamble, but if I could absorb and redirect the villain's attacks, I might have a chance.

With a deep breath, I emerged from behind the rubble and hurled a controlled burst of energy toward the villain. The absorbed energy combined with my own, creating a concentrated beam that surged toward him. The villain staggered, his defenses faltering as the beam hit its mark.

Taking advantage of the opening, I closed the gap further. I adjusted the "Code" around me to enhance my physical resilience and strength, preparing for a decisive move. I feigned a charge, drawing the villain's attention, then used my quirk to manipulate the environment around him, creating a field that disrupted his energy control.

The villain struggled, his attacks becoming erratic and less powerful. I saw my opportunity and, with a burst of energy, unleashed a focused, high-intensity attack directly at him. The beam sliced through the air, crashing into the villain with overwhelming force. He roared in pain, his energy flickering and destabilizing.

The battle reached its climax as I used "Programmatic Control" to intensify the attack, driving it home. The villain's defenses crumbled, and with a final, explosive burst, he was thrown back, collapsing to the ground.

The intense battle and the strain of manipulating my quirk left me severely exhausted and injured. My injuries were a direct result of pushing "Programmatic Control" beyond its usual limits. I collapsed from the exertion, and my parents, though injured, managed to reach me and ensure I was safe.

In the days that followed, I was plagued by a tumult of emotions. The battle had taken a toll on me both physically and mentally. The injuries I sustained and the strain from overusing my quirk left me feeling drained. But what affected me more deeply was the realization of the vulnerability of those I cared about. Seeing my parents hurt because of my actions was a burden I struggled to shake off.

I felt a surge of frustration and guilt. Despite my efforts and the control I'd managed to exert over "Programmatic Control," I couldn't shake the feeling that I had failed to protect those closest to me. The aftermath of the battle forced me to confront the limitations of my abilities and the heavy responsibility that came with them. I began to question if I was truly prepared for the challenges ahead or if my powers, while potent, were still not enough to ensure the safety of others.

While I was recovering, Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi visited me. He commended me for my bravery but emphasized the need for a hero license to use my quirk in combat situations. Despite the serious nature of the conversation, Tsukauchi reassured me that I was being let go this time, understanding the exceptional circumstances.

As Tsukauchi left the hospital, he made a call to a figure whose identity remained shrouded in mystery. "Hello, this is Tsukauchi. I've just reviewed the situation with Ren Hikari. His response to the threat was impressive, but the use of his quirk in such a manner raises concerns. We'll need to monitor his progress closely and ensure he receives proper training and licensing."

There was a brief pause as the person on the other end responded. Tsukauchi continued, "Yes, I agree. He's shown potential, but we need to address the risks associated with his quirk. I'll keep you updated on his development."

As Tsukauchi ended the call, his expression was thoughtful and contemplative. Ren Hikari's future was uncertain, but it was clear that his actions had left a significant impression on those around him. The challenges ahead would require careful guidance and support, but there was hope that Ren's journey could lead to something remarkable.