
MHA: Power's Of Redo Of Healer

"Come with me, dear foolish brother, why do you resist?" A man with short white hair says with a vicious smile. "Because you're wrong, because I can't allow you to do what you want to do Big Brother." A sickly man says with a look of determination permeating along his whole being. "That's a mean thing to say, I'm trying to compromise here is tolerance not part of your justice." The man says with a hurt look on his face pleading his case to his brother. "Right now the world is in chaos, meta powers should not be used to further your own self-interest, you're only thinking of gratifying yourself!" The man screams at his older brother, reasoning with one of his own gritting his teeth. A man was watching this interaction with a frown watching the displays of both of their ideals trying to be projected onto one another. "This conversation is going nowhere." A man said while watching the latest episode of MHA. "If I was there I would do it differently." The man chuckled at his own thoughts before a blinding light hit him. "Where am I?" "Purgatory." "Who are you?" "ROB." "Why am I here?" "Cause I'm bored." "Hmmm makes sense." Warning: The MC is very manipulative and uses people for his own gain. He kinda a piece of sh*t so don't get mad at me cause I warned you, I could care less if you read my story or not I do this to be better as a writer.

Siebog · アニメ·コミックス
48 Chs

Chapter 4: The Beginning

(This chapter was Redid)

"My name is...…..*gulp* My name is Shin."

After Shin's words fell, silence ensued as they each stared at one another, one was analyzing while the other was trying to calm down from the mental trauma he had just received but in spite of this Nezu was the first to break the silence.

"You saw, didn't you." Nezu asked with a sad smile and Shin just nodded.


Nezu walked elegantly, he made his way besides Shin before sitting down right next to him.

"How much.......how much did you see." Nezu said, putting his hands together waiting patiently for this young child to speak.

"Um mostly bits and pieces but I saw all of experiment 384." Shin rubbed his neck wanting to put on a vulnerable facade but Nezu didn't even look at him as a dark look formed on his face.

"Experiment 384 huh, I remember that experiment it was on my vocal cords, in fact I remember every last one of them." Nezu squeezed his hands together tightly looking down at the ground.

"Humans are mean aren't they." Shins chimed in.

Nezu looked up at this smiling child, and when he looked into Shin's eye's his heart hurt at why this child would even know to say that.

"Yeah they are mean." Nezu laughed and Shin joined him.

"So your name is subject 13." Shin tilted his head to the side.

"Yes scientists don't have time to name a test subject so we were given numbers." Nezu rubbed his ear that belonged to the tag that numbered him before he ripped it out.

"What if I give you a name?" Shin said, showing his pearly whites.

"Why how nic-"


"What?" Nezu twitched his eyebrows hoping this kid was joking.

'I just saw myself get dissected multiple times. You deserve this.' Shin thought sinisterly.

"Squeaky is a nice name but I-" Nezu tried to wriggle his way out of this name but the sinister Shin would not let this go.

"You don't like it?" Shin pouted a little as small tears started forming in his eye's causing Nezu to freeze.

"No it's not that I don't like it just th-" Nezu once again tried to get out but the pain that Shin felt must be channeled into something else.

"Great!" Shin smiled, completely changing his expression into a happy one.

Nezu's face palmed before eventually sighing at this blunder in which he is in now, no matter what he comes up with every possibility he thinks of it always leads to Shin becoming upset.

'He did help me, surely he won't continue to call me that in the future right?' Nezu sighed as he looked back at Shin, giving him a smile as well.

"Thank you Shin for the name....Squeaky I'm grateful." Nezu somehow mustered out his false thanks, making Shin smile inside.

"Well I'm sure you want to go now since you're completely recovered right?" Shin said out of the blue, making Nezu flinch.

"Um well yes." Nezu instinctively nodded being totally caught off guard by this child's forwardness.

"Makes sense." Shin nodded standing up.

"It does?' Nezu raised an eyebrow looking curiously at Shin.

"Well if I was in your shoes I would feel the same way, those mean scientist really hurt you and even though I only saw a part of it I can understand the feeling of revenge you so desperately want." Shin concluded by wiping off the dust from his clothes.

"You do?" Nezu said wanting to hear more about Shin.

"Yep, I live in an orphanage and when people find out I live there they look at me with disgust because I live in an orphanage where the children of villains primarily go." Shin said without even a change in a tone which made Nezu's heart hurt even more.

'Humans, what a disgusting existence.' Nezu thought looking at this small child dust himself off thinking of this child's hardships for simply living somewhere.

"Well it was nice to meet you Shin good luck." Nezu smiled, holding out his hand.

"You too squeaky." Shin said, grabbing Nezu's furry paw and shaking it before leaving out the front door.

From there on they both diverged, each taking a different road, one based on his new found freedom and the other on his new found intelligence.

Nezu turned around watching Shin leave and gave a genuine smile watching this young child slowly disappear into the night.

'Thank you Shin, I promise to repay this debt one day.' Nezu swore in his heart before scurrying away.

His face turned into a dark expression now being all alone as his eye's flared in anger and hatred.

'Now that I'm finally free I can now finally make them all pay.' Nezu said as a vicious smile formed bearing his fangs as he disappeared into the night.

Back to the other road Shin was testing out his newly acquired quirk known as high specs with the information about it transferring to him once he copied it.

High Spec: grants the user unparalleled intelligence, perception, and comprehension that far surpasses that of any human.

Shin picked up a pebble before calming looking at a rusted can, and like that a trajectory formed in his mind as he calculated the amount of power needed as well as the angle, distance, weather, and the mass of the pebble and after thinking about it for a little more he threw it.


The pebble hit the rusted can causing it to fall onto its side while the pebble landed right next to it.

'Wow and this is only the tip of High specs.' Shin thought knowing scored the jackpot with meeting Nezu so early.

Shin's thinking capacity increased by leaps and bounds, everything felt easy to understand while calculations constantly ran through his head. (I really don't know how to describe high specs as its only described as Nezu being smart and having the ability to form incredible strategies)

A wicked smile formed on his face realizing this fact walking happily down the alley at his sudden gain from that fateful encounter.

He arrived at the orphanage however what awaited him was a drunk Mrs. Whiteworth on the door steps.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!" She said in a drunken stupor.

"No" Shin said because he genuinely didn't know but judging by the placement of the moon from the last time he looked at it he could say at least roughly 2 hours had passed and when he left which was about 12:22 so around 2:45am.

"DON'T GET SMART WITH ME YOU BOTTOM FEEDER IT'S 2:51AM!" She said stumbling down from the door walking up in front of Shin.

"You ungrateful little shit do you know people want to kill you but here I am spending my life looking after rotten kids like you, YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL!" She said, waving her arms around carelessly.

"I guess that makes me indebted to you, thank you for doing your job." Shin said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Mrs. Whiteworth eyebrows creased, all reasoning went out the window after drinking this $400 dollar wine.

She gripped onto the handle harder, her knuckles became as white as snow before holding it up and throwing it with all her might at this small child in front of her.

Shin saw this slow wind up guessing the direction it would take and sidestepped out of the way, the bottle missed him by a hair however Shin didn't even flinch.


The bottle smashed into hundreds of pieces when coming in contact with the hard pavement scattering all around Shin's feet.

Mrs. Whiteworth became even more furious that this runt dared to dodge her punishment, beginning to wind her arm upwards into the air to slap this little shit into his place but Shin was all but tired of her antics.

Shin rushed forward putting his right leg behind her left leg before turning his body using the motion to twist his body around kicking her in her stomach with his left leg.

It all happened in a split second and with Mrs. Whiteworth balance already being as shabby as it is, now she was faced with Shin's frontal assault which has made her balance all but null.

She fell backwards onto her butt still not being able to process what happened looking up at Shin's cold red eye's.

"I was going to deal with you later but better get this out of the way now." Shin coldly said walking next to Mrs. Whiteworth who was still in complete shock at what just happened.

Shin didn't give her any time before putting his hand directly on her face, through his small hands she could see his evil smile and it sent chills down her spine.

She looked at his face and for some reason in front of this four year old child she felt tremendous amounts of fear.

"Heal." A green light appeared under Shin's hands as Mrs. Whiteworth's eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Shin started planting false memories inside her head being that she has decided that now all the money she pockets from the orphanage will now go to Shin, She will always think of Shin as a perfect soul and will go out of her way to help him in anyway possible, and finally will always look after Shin's best interest even if she gets caught and is arrested for stealing money from the orphanage she will not give Shin's name to the police and will take full responsibility.

After Shin was finished he smiled, nodding his head in satisfaction at his work before stepping over Mrs. Whiteworth and heading into the orphanage.

Shin walked into the bedroom and crawled into his bed before going to sleep.

'Tomorrow we start training.'

The next day Shin woke up leaving his room and was immediately greeted by Mrs. Whiteworth.

"Good morning Shin, how are you today?" She said giving a genuine smile and when Shin saw this he also returned her smile.

"I'm doing great, thank you." Seeing his smile this unconsciously made Mrs. Whiteworth very happy.

"Oh by the way here you go." She said taking out a small envelope filled with what he can presume being the pocketed money from the orphanage.

Shin took the envelope and opened it before counting all the money in it before nodding to himself.

'$1,500 that's a good amount she probably already spent a tone on fucking wine but whatever.' Shin closed the envelope, handing it back to Mrs. Whiteworth.

"Open a checking account for me and deposit the money there from now on, also give me the debit card when you create it and set it up in your name and while you're out there get me some supplements because I'm going to start working out." Shin said and Mrs. Whiteworth nodded happily.

"Of course!" She said taking the money, Shin handed her a piece of paper which contained everything he needed and after receiving the list she immediately scurried out of the door to complete his request.

Shin went into her office and looked at the computer studying all the muscle groups and the effective ways to work them out.

It only took a minuscule amount of time to receive this information closing the computer before starting his workout.

He went out to the courtyard which was littered with rusted metals and broken glass however Shin eventually found an open spot and commenced his workout.

Shin was working out and at the same time was thinking about the amount of protein, calories and nutrients needed for his gains for today and for the next 10 years.

Shin also thought about a way to compress his muscles without severely stunting his growth or damaging his body since he could always heal himself but still wanted to find a effective method though he would need to do more research on this topic or find a quirk that could help him because right now he was lacking in information.

2 hours later

Shin finished his workout resulting in him being totally out of breath and lying on the ground panting while clutching his fist at this weak body but he released them slowly opening his eye's with a clear determination burning within them.

'This is only the beginning'

If your wondering why Shin did not change her personality to be a good person well what would he get out of that also it would be suspicious if all of a sudden she became a good person out of the blue.

Siebogcreators' thoughts