
MHA: My Hero Adventure

Izuku Midoriya was excited for finally being able to stand in front of UA with his newly acquired quirk. Unfortunately, he lost balance and nearly face planted the floor. Man, that would've been an embarrassing first impression. Fortunately for him though, a black portal caused him to not face plant on the floor, but he got a feel of soft melons instead. "My bad..." Aplogised Ryoichi Cheney, the protagonist of this story. I don't own my hero academia or any other anime references (Fairy tail mainly) Warning: Non-MHA love interest

Rizzler007 · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

Chapter 5: USJ Part 1

- The Next Day -

"What kind of lessons does All Might teach?"

"What's it like having the 'Symbol of Peace' as your teacher!?"

"What do you think of All Might's turn into a teacher!?"

News reporters flooded the entrance of the school and bombarded the group of Iida, Uraraka, Midoriya and Ryoichi with questions regarding All Might.

"The man is off duty, you're now interfering with the students' studies, buzz off" Aizawa attempted to shoo the reporters off, which wasn't working.

He then walked into the school and urged the other students to do the same.

"We just want to have a word with All Might!" A reporter shouted.

"Aren't you too sloppy-looking!? Bring us All Might!? Another said.

That comment ticked Aizawa off as he pressed a button which caused metal gates to block the reporters from entering the school premises.

Unknown to everybody, a blue-haired man was behind all the reporters, lurking as he looked at UA.

The gang of 4 entered the class and went to their seats.

Ryoichi, however, caught interest in the fact that all the girls (excluding Uraraka obviously) were surrounding Juvia's table, blocking his view of her.

So, he approached closer to his seat.

"Oh, good morning Ryoichi!" Ashido, the energetic one out of the girls, turned to Ryoichi and greeted him with a wave, "Hey, come look!" She pulled his arm

"What's up-" He stopped talking once he could see why all the girls were surrounding Juvia's table

If she was pretty previously, she was drop dead beautiful now. She let down the curls of her hair, showing off her wavy azure blue hair which fell past her shoulders.

"Whaddya think, huh, huh?" Ashido nudged him teasingly.

"Oh, good morning, Ryoichi" Juvia beamed a smile to Ryoichi, his cheeks turning a light shade of red which wasn't visible to others.

Snapping out of it, Ryoichi replied with "Good morning, Juvia. The hair really suits you, you look beautiful-" He unconsciously said the last part, causing him to shut his mouth in embarassment.

"Wow, a little flirter we have here, right Juvia?" Ashido looked at Ryoichi with a smug expression.

Noticing she didn't respond, Ashido called her name out again, "Juvia?" The girls then looked at Juvia and noticed her face turning into a tomato.

"T-thank you" She barely blurted.

"Alright alright, that's enough. Everyone, go to your seats" Aizawa entered the classroom after making a stop to the principal's office.

Everyone went to their seats and listened to Aizawa at the front of the class.

"Hope you're all rested from yesterday's trial. I took the liberty to look at your marks and evaluation. I'll speak to all of you separately at some point throughout the day about that.

Now, lets get on to the actual homeroom notices. I'm sorry to spring this on you all but..." The class gulped in suspense

"You need to select a class president!"

"Finally! Something school like!" Most of the class exasperated.

The class then went into an uproar about people wanting to be the class president.

Iida then stood up and exclaimed, "I think we should vote for the class president!"

"I don't care how you do it, just choose it by the end of the day..." Aizawa lazily said before walking out the class.

Not-so-long story short, Midoriya got voted as class president, with Yaoyorozu bring the vice-president.

Ryoichi managed to get 1 vote, from Juvia, and Iida fell in third place (the person he voted for).




It was now lunch time, and the usual gang of 4 were sitting at a table. This time, though, there was an extra addition into the group.

They were talking about the class president stuff in homeroom currently, where Iida revealed who his family were, when suddenly


"SECURITY LEVEL 3 HAS BEEN BREACHED. STUDENTS, PLEASE PROMPTLY EVACUATE" The school speakers announced, causing a mass panic to erupt.

The halls were filled with students pushing, stomping, running and whatnot, which wasn't helping the evacuation.

"Uraraka, use your quirk on me, please" Iida said, having noticed the press being outside, to which Uraraka touched him.

'ENGINE BOOST' Iida used his engine quirks to propel his body forward... a bit too much as he landed on top of the fire exit door in an odd posture.


IT'S ALRIGHT!" His shout got everyone to halt in their place in order to listen to Iida.



And with that, everything had calmed down, and the police arrived in order to get rid of the interviewers.




"I'd like to give my position to Iida" Midoriya announced, to which the class applauded in agreement.

'But I'm the vice-president' Momo cried on the inside

- Meanwhile, at the gate -

Principal Nezu and other teachers were looking at the destroyed gate.

"Someone instigated this... has some evil perpetrator penetrated the grounds?" Nezu said

"Perhaps this is a declaration of war..." He said curiously.

- Wednesday -

A day had passed since the press had tried to infiltrate the school.

It is currently the afternoon, and hero activities period.

Aizawa stood in front of the class and declared "We'll be doing the trial of rescue!"

"That sounds easy" A few students said.

"Don't get ahead of yourselves" Aizawa stated seriously, before carrying on "It's up to your whether or not you wear your hero costume this time.

The training area is relatively far this time, so we'll be taking a bus there"




"Hey Deku, how come you're in your gym uniform" Uraraka asked, to which he explained how his clothes got destroyed during the trial of battles.

The class arrived in front of the bus, which Iida already began taking charge

"Everyone form two lines!" To which no one listened to as they rushed into the bus, making Iida cry in pain

"It's alright..." Momo pitied as she patted Iida's shoulder.

- In the bus -

"Hey, Midoriya, I always say what's on my mind no matter what" Asui, the frog girl, randomly stated, shocking him.

"Y-yeah, so?" He curiously asked, to which she looked at him with a deadpanned face and straight up said

"Your quirk is awfully similar to All Might" At this, Izuku started panicking, which Ryoichi and a few others took notice of.

'She's got a point...' Ryoichi started being in his own thoughts about Izuku and his quirk.

Meanwhile, Juvia next to him just looked at him and couldn't care less about what the rest of the class were talking about, 'Juvia is very happy'.

"I mean, All Might's body doesn't explode n' stuff when he uses his quirk, so there's no way they're similar!" Ashido pointed out, which the class agreed with.

"Yeah! Take my 'Hardening' quirk for example, there's many similar quirks" Kirishima backed.

"Yeah yeah, I get it" Asui gave up, but she started keeping an eye on Midoriya.

Minutes later, the class arrived at the massive dome where the trial would take place.

"Flood wrecks, landslide, etcetera.

This is a practical training area I created to simulate all types of natural disasters, I call it...

The Unforeseen Simulation Joint! Or USJ for short" Hero Thirteen, a hero in an astronaut-type costume, explained.

Aizawa went up to 13 and asked about All Might as he currently wasn't there with the class, even though he's supposed to be.

"Before we begin, I have one... or two, things to say" 13 said

"I'm certain most, if not all, of you are quite aware that my quirk is 'Blackhole'

No matter what gets sucked into it, it will become dust. Because of that, it is a very dangerous quirk, similar to most other quirks in the world.

Because of that, naturally, quirks are strictly regulated..." She then went on a long explanation about the world and its quirk laws.

"This lesson will serve as a fresh start. Let's all get to study how to use our quirks for a human life" She finished.

The class then walked into the USJ building, with the teachers leading.

"First things first..." Aizawa began, but not before stopping himself and being interrupted.

He, and the class, looked down the stairs towards the centre of the USJ to see a massive purple mist appearing out of nowhere.

A familiar blue-haired man wearing a hand on his face was the first to be revealed, and shortly after, many low level villains followed.

"Wow, this is so realistic, they even set up fake villains" The class muttered between themselves, but some of the quicker ones like Bakugo, Todoroki, Ryoichi, etc knew by Aizawa's reaction, this wasn't a drill.

"HUDDLE TOGETHER AND DON'T MOVE" He ordered, shocking his students.

"Thirteen! Protect the students!" Aizawa shouted at 13, to which she nodded and guarded them

"W-What is that? Is this a set up like the robots in the practical exam" Kirishima cluelessly stated, to which Aizawa turned around and exclaimed



Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed