
MHA: Jaeger

Desiring powers gone wrong, a man died before he could use it. Though a higher power thought his unfortunate circumstance entertaining. With the omnipotent Murphy making things harder. His wish becomes fulfilled, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

B00BIES_for_life · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

Chapter 6: Richie Rich

"Young lady, you were outside? Oh my goodness! Are you bleeding?" A butler was about to tattle on her for leaving in the early morning.

But he saw that she was covered in blood. "Not mine! It's his! He got shot because he saved me! Sebas! Call our doctor immediately!" Momo ordered.

"I'm fine really. I've even stopped bleeding. These are just scratches..." Alex really wanted to go home.

The others knew his routine. They'll be looking for him. And he didn't bring his phone too.

"Nonsense, you saved me! I owe you my life!" Momo chided him and he shut up.

'Okay, I guess I can use their phone here.' "Hey Momo, can I make a call?" Alex asked and she gave her a phone.

"Yes, this is Alex. Yeah, I've been shot multiple times. No, I'm not in grave danger, yes I'm getting treated, so don't look for me okay?" He ended the call with Izumi that went hysterical.

"Is that fine? I can hear them scream from over here." Momo raised a brow.

"It's okay, they'll be fine." He shrugged and a couple suddenly appeared.

"Momo! Are you okay? You're bleeding! Dad will drive you to the hospital!" Her father got whacked by a more mature looking Momo.

"Dear, Sebas already explained it. Her friend's the one who's bleeding." She rolled her eyes.

"A friend, a boy... A boyfriend!? Wryyyyyy!" He suddenly screeched and she whacked him again.

"Sorry about him... He's just freaking out. Anyways, thank you very much for helping Momo." She bowed at him and Momo blushed in embarrassment at her father.

"You're welcome, but you should at least make her go out with some guards you know?" Alex advised.

"Momo snuck out... But I guess it is our fault, she must be terribly bored. She has no friends." Her mother put her hand on her cheek, looking at her in worry.

"Mother!" Momo blushed as she got outed. After all, being a super rich person has problems too. Like everyone's out to befriend you for connections.

"Oh my, I'm quite rude aren't I? I'm Misumi Yaoyorozu." She introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Alexander Godfrey, call me Alex." He returned the gesture and he kissed her hand.

As he read that's polite to ladies. "Such a well-mannered young man. Momo, don't let him go alright?"

"Mom! Stop embarrassing me with father!" Momo pouted at her.

"Fufufu~ he's quite a handsome young man. You'll regret it you know?" She winked at her.

"Uh? Thank you?" Alex didn't quite understand what she was hinting at.

'I guess I could be a good friend. I did help her without even thinking, so maybe it's because of that?' Alex missed his perception check once again.

"Let's get you treated then, Alex. Once again, thank you for helping Momo. Would you like anything? As you can see, we aren't hurting for money. We can give you anything you want." Misumi smiled at him.

"Not to be rude, but I'm richer than you guys. Your net worth is a couple of billion dollars right?" He stumbled upon the Yaoyorozus in the internet.

At his words, everyone blinked in shock. "R-really?" Misumi couldn't quite believe it.

He then showed them his bank account. "O-ohh." Alex said hesoyam a few too many times.

"Yeah, I'm loaded as hell." He shrugged and Misumi started to sniffle. "I guess I just have to give you Momo."

"Mother... Please, stop." Momo deadpanned at her and she chuckled.

"Why would you give her to me anyway? Oh, but her creation would really be nice. I can get all kinds of materials without waiting for same day shipping." He nodded sagely.

'Dear... You're going to be having a hard time, Momo.' Misumi shook her head in dismay.

"What would you need anyways?" Momo asked him, curious about it.

"I don't know... Maybe some osmium for weights? It is the heaviest metal. About twice as dense as lead." He thought of heavier weights for Kirishima and himself.

As Izumi is still struggling with heavier weights.

"You need that much weight for your lifts?" Momo blinked.

"Yeah, in the future. I'm training with friends to be a hero you see?" Alex explained.

'Ohh, a chance.' Misumi gave her daughter some help.

"Dearie, how about you go with Alex and train with him?" Misumi winked at Momo and she blushed.

"Uhh, Alex. You think I can join you? I might not be the best, but I'm also training to be a hero." Momo asked him while fidgeting around.

"No problemo, here's my address. And give me your number too." He took out his phone and Misumi grinned.

'Oh wow, a domineering one that is dense as a brick. Momo's gonna have a lot of competition...' Misumi prayed for her success.

"Pleased to have you in the group, Momo. I can already imagine all the things you can do with your quirk." He smiled at her and she beamed.

"Ahhh, it's beautiful, youth." Misumi smiled and her husband groaned.

"Not now honey, stay asleep for a bit more." Misumi whacked him again because he'll ruin the moment.

__Next day__

A limo appeared in front of Alex's house and the others looked at it funny.

"A rich friend of yours?" Rumi scoffed and Alex nodded.

"Yes actually, she's going to train with us too. Her quirk is overpowered as all hell." Alex shrugged.

"Really, what does it do?" Izumi took out a notebook.

"She can create anything she understands. Except living beings with her lipids. And it isn't pound per pound too." Alex explained.

Rumi and Yagi blinked at that, it's basically reality warping. It violates the conservation of mass.

"That's insane." Yagi imagined nukes coming out of a teenager.

"Yeah, it is. Oh! I thought of a person she can copy!" Alex remembered a certain young man called generator Rex.

So he started downloading the cartoons to show Momo later.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yaoyorozu, Momo. Pleased to meet you, I've brought tea." Momo showed them and she was wearing a posh fur coat.

"She's too rich for my taste." Rumi clicked her tongue as Momo appeared in expensive clothing.

But she took it off and her butler Sebas hung it for her. And she was already wearing a dry-fit shirt and pants underneath.

"You were saying?" Alex raised a brow at Rumi and she actually got embarrassed. Momo wasn't an idiot that, quite the contrary.

"Wow! You're already prepared! So manly!" Kirishima grinned at her.

"Is that a compliment?" Momo asked and everybody nodded.

"Okay, how about you advise her Izumi?" Alex wanted Izumi to shine as well.

"Uhhh, w-wait a minute. Y-you're putting me under pressure!" Izumi started mumbling.

After a minute she looked at Momo. "Can you show me how fast you make something?" Izumi asked and Momo created a block of iron from her palm.

"Too slow, that will get you killed or shot. It should be near instantenous. You should eat as much as you can with high calorie foods and spawn different kinds of complex objects with your whole body. Make the process as quick and efficient as possible." Izumi suggested.

"Ohhh, well constructed. That takes care of her quirk side. As for the practical? You should get shot at by rubber bullets or dodge Rumi here as you create things. Muscle memory is important. You shouldn't even be thinking of the things you're creating." Alex thought of a training routine for her already.

And it would be dodge for your life. As she creates things from her skin. She would need to expose a lot of it like the R-rated hero; Midnight.

Their quirk were quite similar in function. Though Midnight's quirk emits scents from her skin.

And exposed skin means more places to stab and bleed all over the place.

"Rabbit hero Mirko?" Momo winced as she looked at Mirko's rippling muscles.

"That's me, and prepare for a couple of broken ribs, girlie." Rumi grinned at her.

"I... I'll do my best even if I'm not amazing or anything!" Momo saluted.

"Now, now, don't be too harsh on yourself Yaomomo. This guy is a freak that can fight Rumi with his skills and instincts. Izumi is our smart nerd, and Kirishima is Kirishima..." Mina described them all.

"Yeah, you must be quite smart too, Yaoyorozu-san, you need to understand the compounds or elements you have to make." Izumi smiled at her.

"And that's manly!" Kirishima grinned as he gave her a thumbs up.

"Well said, everyone. Let us start our training then." Yagi's heart warmed up as he saw them hype up Momo.

"Okay, everyone. If you say so!" She hasn't felt this happy in years.

__Izumi POV__

After their training session, Izumi went up to Yagi before he left for his limited hero time.

"Yagi-san, I want to ask for a favor." Izumi bit her lip as she needed an expert to help her.

"Sure, young Izumi!" Yagi was happy to oblige.

"Can you give me David Shield's phone number? I want his opinion on something." Izumi has been reading comics since Alex introduced her to the pre-quirk era ones.

And she got some inspiration from metal man. A genius that made exo-suits. Capable of going toe to toe with super individuals.

"I have to ask David first, but I'll get back to you, young Izumi! Goodbye then!" Yagi made his exit and she waved at him with excitement.

"Now... I need materials." Izumi looked at Momo who was panting on the ground. In a food coma and tired as hell.

After Kirishima and Alex started sparring, she went up to Momo.

"Hey, Yaoyorozu-san. Can I ask for a favor?" Izumi thought she was like a leech. After all, she's basically acquaintances with Momo.

"Yes? What is it?" Momo didn't think that Izumi will ask her for money or anything. After all, she's Alex's friend.

"Can I ask you to make some materials for me in the future?" Izumi fidgeted around in shyness.

"Of course." Momo smiled as she thought that her quirk helping a friend would be great. Unlike those leeches at the parties she attend that want their money and influence.

"Really!? Yatta! I actually need some tritium, deuterium, and palladium for an experiment." Izumi beamed at her.

"Aren't those first two isotopes of hydrogen? And palladium? Are you trying that old theory of cold fusion?" Momo blinked.

"Y-yeah, I want to create a power source for something you see?" Izumi was determined.

"How would you test it though?" Momo asked a valid question and Izumi froze.

"Uhhh, ask Alex for a loan to make me a lab?" Izumi was out of options and that was the only thing left.

"Well, if it does work. You'll be one of the richest people in the world. I'll help you patent it if you're successful." Momo smiled at her and Izumi almost teared up.

"You're a good person, Momo." She was dumbstruck at the sudden compliment and Momo blushed.

"A-anyways, let's discuss it. I dabble in physics, not just chemistry." Momo was happy to make another friend.

"Hey, hey, how about you guys let me in. Just sliding in your conversation." Mina slid with some weak acid, suddenly appearing.

"Oh, we are talking about making a cold-fusion reactor for Izumi's project." Momo almost clapped in excitement.

"Aeugh, s-science stuff. I'm not good with that. Anyways, how did you and Alex become friends?" Mina saw that Momo is really beautiful.

Almond shaped eyes, long eyelashes, clear skin, beautiful long hair, plump lips, and a developing dynamite body! Not to mention she has legs for days!

She has to scope her out and list Momo as competition.

"Uhh, he actually saved me from a kidnapping." Momo twiddled her thumbs as she remembered them flying in the night sky as he carried her.

'Great, another rival. If Izumi is a cutie patootie, then Momo's the rich ojou-sama. She's hot too!' Mina sighed inside of her mind.

The girls then started talking about how they met Alex while the person in question is fighting Kirishima.

"Slow! Sloppy! Sad! You're not living up to his legend, Kiri." Alex grabbed Kirishima on the neck.

He then smashed him on the ground, dragging him before throwing him on the wall.

"Well done, couldn't have done better myself." Rumi ruffled Alex's hair.

"And you, get up and be more manly or whatever." Rumi rolled her eyes.

"Osu! Youth!" Kirishima charged again, not really damaged much.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.