
MHA: Jaeger

Desiring powers gone wrong, a man died before he could use it. Though a higher power thought his unfortunate circumstance entertaining. With the omnipotent Murphy making things harder. His wish becomes fulfilled, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

B00BIES_for_life · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs

Chapter 33: Hosu Incident

Alex blocked some throwing knives and his hard scales didn't even receive a scratch.

"I'm the one asking questions here, why are you killing people who try to make the world a better place?" Alex swiped with his tail and Stain blocked it.

"That's rich! You are trying to silence me!? My voice won't be stomped on even with overwhelming might!" Stain went faster and he slashed at Alex.

"You damned lunatic, what's wrong if being a pro hero is a fucking job? People have to eat!" Alex roared as a fireball almost hit Stain.

"Then they shouldn't be a hero in the first place! Heroes are sworn saviors that would sacrifice even their lives for a single person!" Stain tried to throw knives on his eyes.

"You're delusional! That's a martyr! Not a hero! Not all people can be Allmight! Stop romantacizing self-sacrifice!" Alex charged and did a backflip.

Stain flew away like a bullet as he blocked the blow with his swords.

"Hah, hah, this society is a sham. Heroes? Didn't they swear to help people who are in need?" Stain's conviction was rock solid.

"How many villains are made due to this society then!? Those who didn't have a choice in their births! Quirkless kids killing themselves! Yet nobody does anything!" Stain shouted, his eyes trembling.

"The places struck with poverty are ignored! Even most villains are the product of society! Quirks that are deemed evil get ostracized until their paths are nothing, but villainy!" Stain brandished his swords.

"Tell me! Alexander Godfrey! Why shouldn't I destroy this society to build a better one for the people who deserve it!?" Stain charged at him.

Alex didn't have an answer for that. After all, he knows about it too. But he's only focused on himself and his group.

"Life's unfair, old man." Alex turned and his tail was like a club that broke the alley into pieces before hitting Stain.

"Tell that to the mothers who grieve for their children! Killed by the society that they live in! Beaten, assaulted, told that they're useless! Yet heroes do nothing about it!" Stain stood back up on shaky legs.

"Yet civilization will burn to the ground without order. We're at an impasse." Alex frowned.

"Yes, we are. That's why I have to kill you. An up and coming hero. Such a shame, we would've been able to converse with this in another life." Stain glared at him.

"Yeah, it's too bad that you're insane and I have to kill you." Alex transformed to his tigrex form and roared.

Stain coughed up blood as his organs vibrated.

"The only one who can kill me. Is a true hero! Allmight!" Stain's bloodlust made Alex's skin tingle.

The man then suddenly stopped moving as his eyes rolled at the back of his head.

"He's unconscious... What a tough bastard." Alex sighed and he looked back at Tenya.

"Is... Is he right? Are heroes really a sham?" Tenya didn't know why Stain was killing heroes before, but now he knew.

And his eyes have been opened. He still hated him to his core, but hearing his motivations moved him.

"He is, in a way. Do you know that quirkless people have such a high suicide rate?" Alex asked him and Tenya looked like he bit on a lemon.

"He's not exaggerating. Hero society is a failure. People become pros not for being a hero. But for being cool and famous." Alex sighed.

After all, even in his group. Half of them has aspirations to be a hero just because.

Momo just wants to be a hero, nothing else in her motivations.

Ochaco wants money of a pro hero. It's a lucrative profession.

Mina thinks it would be fun. Stain would absolutely hate Ochaco and Mina.

Kirishima, Izumi, and Melissa were the ones with great motivations to be a hero.

Kirishima wants to be like Allmight and Crimson riot.

Izumi wants to be a paragon of the quirkless people.

And Melissa wants to make support items as well as gadgets for the masses like her father.

"I have to ask everyone about this later I guess..." Alex closed his eyes as he tied up Stain.

'What do I really want to do in this world? When there's looming threats in the shadows? Can I even have a peaceful life?' Alex thought about Toshinori.

One of the reasons he didn't get a family was because they'll be in danger.

'If that's the case... Then I'll just have to change this world for the better.' Alex looked at Stain.

"Thanks, creepy guy." Alex was genuinely thankful to him for changing his perspective.

There might be people around like Cathleen, the number one hero of America that doesn't have savory hobbies.

And he wouldn't want to leave things to chance.

'I guess it's time to step up my game...' Alex frowned. He might be a thirty year old. But he can't keep holding back his potential.

'I can't believe I'm saying this. But I'm going to pursue some teenagers.' Alex cringed as he looked around. Expecting some interdimensional police.

*Yes, accept your curse. I mean, your system fully.* He heard the God who sent him there talk in his mind.

"Fuck, the hardest of choices require the strongest of wills." Alex sighed.

__Gran Torino__

"This thing's fast, but I can handle it." He was zipping around the air and manhandling the Nomu who was going to attack indiscriminately.

"Honored elder, you're pretty good. But I'll handle it from here." A deep voice resounded.

"Todoroki?" Torino was surprised that the number 2 would appear there.

Fire suddenly engulfed the Nomu and it screamed. But its voice was inhuman.

"Hmm, I've decreased the temperature. But it survived. I guess these things are quite different." Endeavor squinted his eyes.

"This thing has multiple quirks, Todoroki!" Torino noticed that its body was wriggling around.

It suddenly released fire as well, but endeavor stopped it without any problems.

"Reflection huh? But the damage still remains, if so." Endeavor raised his hand.

"Let me, the civvies ran away." Torino locked on to the Nomu that jumped and he crashed right onto it.

Like a bullet, he pierced right through its grotesque form that was turning into something that came from resident evil.

"Heh, you aren't half-bad, honored elder." Endeavor snorted.

"We have to help the others, especially in that fire over there." Torino pointed at the raging flames.

"Hmph, I will be coming there with my daughter. Shoko, come, we will deal with these." Endeavor squinted his eyes.

"What about the hero-killer?" Shoko raised a brow. As that person was their target.

"He will go down later, come Shoko!" Endeavor ran towards the fire and Torino followed them.

They then felt an earthquake rumble as someone was throwing hands with a pretty big black Nomu.

"Ora! You don't have impact absorption like the other one, do you!? Show me your youth!" Kirishima slugged the Nomu and its head exploded.

Hurricane-force winds took out the flames and the Nomu began to regenerate.

"Thundercloud formation!" Kirishima swung his bladed arms at it with immense power and speed.

"How? How did he get so strong?" Shoko witnessed Kirishima's strength once again.

'They all have one thing in common. Alex is the one that trained them.' Shoko got an idea.

She rejected his offer to train them. But it seems that was the wrong choice. She gritted her teeth as she stared at her father.

"Torino! I've cleaned up here!" Kirishima waved at him.

"You brat! I told you to leave this to me!" Torino whacked him, but sparks went to life due to his hardness.

"Hahaha! But I can't help it, I have to show them my youth!" Kirishima gave a nice guy smile.

"Uwaaah!" Somebody suddenly got carried away by the third Nomu who can fly.

"I can't let children get the best of me!" Endeavor ran on the building as his footsteps melted the concrete for better traction.

He then threw a spear of fire right at its head, killing the Nomu.

Endeavor caught the pro hero that got taken like prey.

"Tch, everything is going wrong! Why are the Nomus getting killed so easily!?" Tomura disintegrated his binoculars.

"Are you satisfied with the results? Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asked him sarcastically.

"Fuck you, let's go back." Tomura scratched his neck viciously.


"I guess pros will be coming here in a bit." Alex released a text for pros.

"Alex... Was I wrong?" Tenya asked him and he looked at the bespectacled teen.

He then bitch slapped him. Tenya held his cheek in shock.

"What would your brother say when he learns that you got yourself killed? I'm not angry due to your desire for revenge. It's how you tried to get it." Alex snorted.

"W-what do you mean?" Tenya frowned. "You're slow, aren't you?" Alex sighed.

"Are you better than Ingenium? If not, then what got into your little head that you'd beat Stain?" Alex facepalmed.

"Oh..." Tenya realized that he was being an idiot.

"Don't get yourself killed Tenya. Learn from this mistake and get stronger." Alex turned his back on him and Tenya blinked.

He just radiated power and confidence. Something that he once saw in his brother.

"How about you, Alex? Do you consider yourself a hero?" Tenya asked him and Alex frowned.

"No... I'm no hero." Alex admitted and Tenya was surprised.

'I'm going to be a revolutionary. A hero to some, a lunatic to others.' Alex promised that he will build a better world for his family.

He has lived his life back then alone. Doing nothing but enhance his skills once he turned into a wizard.

And with the chance he's been given, he won't give that away at all.

"Alexander Godfrey..." Endeavor squinted his eyes at him.

"Enji Todoroki, so you're in the area huh?" Alex matched his gaze and the tension was high.

"Is that the hero-killer Stain?" Endeavor asked and he nodded.

"He is, take care of him yeah?" Alex waved his hand flippantly and Endeavor couldn't stand his arrogance.

"What made you think that this is the correct course of action? You can get imprisoned for using your quirk without a pro with you." Endeavor tried to powertrip him.

"Hoh? Is that a threat? How about that guy? He's a pro-hero, want me to let them die? I'd bet the media will have a field day with this." Alex smirked at him.

'This kid...' Endeavor couldn't help but back off.

Alex has the support of UA and Nezu. As one of the next symbol of peace's trainer. He's invaluable to everyone.

Not to mention he's strong enough to fight against Allmight. Something that Nezu clearly values.

Shoko looked at him in shock, standing up to her father.

Endeavor doesn't exactly has the aura of a teddy bear. He's a hulking man that was burning for Christ's sake.

'I must get trained by him... And my old man would get an aneurysm if he knew that.' Shoko made a diabolical plan.

*+300 affection with Shoko Todoroki for putting her old man in place. Status changed to interest.*

"Shitty fakes..." They heard Stain suddenly talk as he cut off his ropes.

"Hero-killer!" Endeavor burned and Stain glared at him intensely.

"A bunch of fakes! Imposters! Heroes are made due to the sacrifices they make for the better of society!

I have to bring it back... For a better world that didn't lose the meaning of the word, hero!" Stain's bloodshot eyes glared at them.

Endeavor charged at him. "Come! The only one I'll die to is Allmight! A true hero!" Stain's charisma made Endeavor back off.

His intensity and passion was similar to Allmight's aura of heroism. He then passed out again, coughing up blood from his injuries.

Alex looked at Shoko and he nodded at her. Everyone then sent Stain to Tartarus.

"Where's the shitty villains!" Katsuki suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"It's already over, Katsuki." Alex smiled at her wryly.

"What!? You didn't even leave some for me you bastards!?" Katsuki was fuming.

"Yeah, could've left some for us." Ryuko sighed as Alex left her in the dust to fight.

"Not my problem you're slow. And if I was any slower, Tenya would've gotten murked by now." Alex shrugged.

After Ryuko and Torino tried to pacify a raging Katsuki, Shoko went up to Alex.

"Alex, please train me." Shoko bowed and she closed her eyes tightly.

Expecting him to reject her like how she rejected his offer.

"Hmmm, I guess you can join. It's good to have you, Shoko." Alex nodded at her and she blinked.

"I won't let you down." Shoko was determined to grow stronger.

Alex then noticed a chopper from the sky take a video of Stain's stand against society.

'This will be troublesome...' Alex can feel it, things are going to change.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.