
. Brutal robbery

Darkness slowly was scattered by the breath of dawn, roosters, and birds could be heard, and many more beautiful sounds, but not everyone was awake to hear these melodies.

But Reno was one of those who can hear them, he was in the forest right now, running and jogging and doing his daily regime, even tho his body has developed into an adult's body but he still has more room to grow.

While Reno was doing his exercises he was also in deep thoughts, he visited many banks with Shiho yesterday, and honestly speaking the robbery he intended won't be smooth at all.

There were many heroes agencies in the city, and most of them were close to those banks.

Reno didn't want to risk it all, he know that his strength is not near the pro hero's level yet, and he prefers to not collide with them at the moment, but he was running out of time.

Reno always had an order to follow in his life, he didn't live his life casually and had an agenda to follow every day, for him he liked the saying ' if you love life don't waste time, coz time is what life is made up of'.

Reno continued his training, after that he meditated until afternoon, he wanted to clear his mind as much as possible, especially since he is taking a risk which is not his way of doing things.

After spending the whole day in the forest, he went back to the house.

Upon entering he saw Shiho sniffing some drugs like the addict she is, he didn't bother with her and immediately headed to his room.

Reno put on his outfit, he straightened his collar and sheathed his machete behind his waist, next he wore his black metallic boots and finally he put on his mask and looked at himself in the mirror.

Now if anyone sees him he won't be able to tell his age at all.

Shiho who was now high and in a good mood wanted to enjoy her time and chat with Reno, so she headed into his room and opened the door, but the moment she saw him she sobered up.

Shiho took a few steps backward, she was scared because she didn't recognize him at first sight, she thought that one of her debtors broke into the house, it wasn't until she saw his eyes that she recognized him after all his eyes were very special.

"What are you doing here?" said Reno nonchalantly.

"That's my question, what are you doing, and what's with this creepy look of you?" asked Shiho back.

"Well, this creepy look is what going to put an end to your misery" said Reno, confusing Shiho.

"You don't have to worry about that, just go back to sniffing your drugs and don't wait for me, I may not come back until the morning" said Reno while starting to walk toward the door.

Shiho stood in front of him with her hands spread out, she blocked his way and looked at him deeply in the eyes.

"Are you going to abandon me?" asked Shiho as she started shaking.

Reno extended his hand and caressed her cheek.

"Why would I abandon such a beautiful and amusing whore like you?! I'm not satisfied yet, one night is not enough with a woman like you, it has to be many nights before I can be fully satisfied".

"Many nights!! you mean eternal nights right?!" said Shiho.

Reno chuckled, seeing Shiho say this with such a serious face made him very amused, even tho he is chuckling in front of her, she kept staring seriously at him.

"All right all right, you are right, it will be for eternity" said Reno withdrawing his hand.

Shiho finally relaxed, she vowed to herself to never return to the loneliness she experienced for the past year, and she had already taken a huge step by becoming a teenager's whore, so there is no turning back now, her fate is sealed with his.

"You better come back otherwise I will end up a whore for someone else".

Reno stopped abruptly and stared coldly at her, but this time Shiho didn't avoid his gaze and kept staring back at him, she wanted to know her place in Reno's heart.

"I said that you are my whore, yesterday, today, and tomorrow, this won't change, you will be mine forever whether you like it or not, and if for some reason I can't keep you by my side, I will end your life with my own hands, this outcome is better for me than seeing you being someone else's whore" said Reno decisively, then he walked out of the room, leaving a shocked Shiho behind.

Shiho stood there speechless, watching his back as he got out.

She kept pondering Reno's words, after some thinking she smiled and a look of joy appeared on her face.

"OMG, he got so jealous, that means deep down he loves me, he just loves to act coldly, what a tsundere, hehe" said Shiho while chuckling, now all her worries have gone, she went back to her room and sniffed more drugs, now the mood is even better for going to new highs.

Unfortunately for Shiho, she was half right half wrong, Reno indeed was jealous, but his jealousy wasn't because he loved her, but because he saw her as his possession, and he didn't want anyone to mess with his things, to put it in other words, he would rather break his toys than let the others steal them and play with them.


Reno was standing in the street wearing a big backpack, he was staring at the opposite side where the bank was, it was nighttime and all the employees of the bank went to their homes, only the security guards were there.

He was hoping that some villains would cause some chaos, it will be very helpful to lessen the burden on his shoulder, the chaos will serve as bait and draw away some heroes and law enforcement, and he will have less trouble in his robbery.

But not all the wishes come true, unfortunately for him, luck wasn't on his side, even after waiting until midnight, the streets were calm and nothing happened.

'Talk about my shitty luck' complained Reno while crossing the street.

he arrived at a dark alley and put his hand on the wall, slowly the wall started melting, but it was a thick wall and Reno took around 10 minutes to be able to completely create a large hole in it.

When Reno visited the bank earlier with Shiho he remembered that this angle of it have none of the security cameras, now that he was inside, the first step was done, all he had to was to sneak his way to the volt, avoiding the guards and the cameras in the process.

But easier said than done, there was no blind spot near the volt, and the place is well guarded.

Reno continued sneaking carefully, he arrived at a spot where stood a guard...yawning.

Reno checked the environment and when he saw that he was isolated from the others and no camera was in him, he quickly unsheathed his machete, covered his mouth from behind, and stabbed him in the heart.

The guard's eyes lost all source of life and he died on the spot, not even knowing what the heck happened.

Reno continued his backstabbing with multiple isolated guards, sometimes he took two at the same time, his speed and technique were overwhelming for the poor guards.

Reno's experience played a big factor in him remaining undetected, but now that he arrived at the volt location, no matter how experienced he was, he can do nothing to remain undetected, the place was guarded by 5 guards and a lot of cameras with no blind spots to exploit.

Since Reno knew there was no room for sneaking anymore, he didn't stand on ceremony and immediately dashed forward toward the guards.

"What the hell!!" the guards were surprised to see a villain arriving here passing all their teammates, how did he even pass the doors, every door and window should be guarded.

"Quickly the bank is being robbed, sound the alarm" shouted one guard as they pulled their electric guns and batons.

The alarm was on, and immediately all the doors and windows of the bank shut down with steel, the bank turned into a bird's cage.

But unfortunately for them, Reno was no bird, he was like a wolf hunting them down.

even lions and tigers can be found in a cage at the circus, but you will never find a circus wolf.

The guards were taken aback, they thought that the bank was being robbed by a group of thieves, but to their surprise he was alone.

Reno knew he was short in time, and since the alarm was set on he knew the heroes and cops will be on his back, so he went all out.

the first guard that came in contact with Reno aimed his gun at him and shoot, but Reno avoided the trajectory of the shot before, he approached him quickly and sliced his throat leaving him in a pool of blood, and went to the next 2.

both guards panicked seeing their teammate die brutally like that, and they shoot while trambling, Reno this time didn't even need to avoid the shoots, he saw clearly that the guards misaimed and that he was out of the gun's trajectory.

Reno sliced the throat of the first one leaving him like his former teammate, and he quickly kicked the second one in the balls with his metallic boot.

the guard's balls exploded, foam came out of his mouth and his eyes rolled back, he died a very painful death.

"AAAAAAAGH" both guards screamed in horror, the fourth guard run away quickly, moments ago he was chatting happily with his friends, and in a blink of an eye, they died a gruesome death.

But unfortunately, the last guard felt his knees weaken, and he fall to the ground, vomiting and pissing himself.

Reno quickly cut his head, and the guard died without being able to finish vomiting.

Then he threw his machete, the guard who was running for his life suddenly found a bloody machete emerge from his heart, he fell to the ground, his last thoughts were about his little daughters that he won't see again, finally, he died full of unwillingness.

All of this happened in seconds, Reno knew the time is against him so he didn't stop to take a breath, he didn't even go to fetch his machete back, he grabbed a baton and started smashing all the cameras.

After he finished, he put his hand on the volt and started melting it.

the volt wasn't as thick as the wall, but it still was thick, Reno started breathing heavily, he spent a lot of stamina and the side effect of his quirk started taking place, a side effect he didn't feel for a long time.

Reno started hearing police cars sirens, he pushed his quirk to his maximum capability, he was sweating a lot and his breath became more disordered.

After a minute he finally saw what he came for, piles of cash and gold were laying there for him to plunder.

Reno quickly took his backpack and opened it, inside his backpack were another two big bags folded.

He ignored the gold and started filling his bags and backpack with the money.

'Why didn't I get reincarnated in a cultivation novel, that storage ring is the greatest thing that was ever made, look at all the shit I'm going through right now' complained Reno while filling the bags, he knew he won't get a storage ring, but he started thinking about forming a team, if he had a team with him now, he could triple his gains.

sounds of sirens grow closer and closer, Reno finished his plunder, and quickly turned around and started running toward the exit he made earlier, now comes the most difficult part of this robbery, ESCAPING.
