

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). A path towards the beyond has come and gone. Thus replacing the path from beyond closes with another path opening to reveal the path of glory and honor. This path opens to a world of superpowered individuals following their paths of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. Danger is constant always filled with those in power doing as they please. Changes he once thought canon was reality now take a curve differently than the intended path. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge handle this his new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"

Jovami6729 · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Chapter 32: Prelude to UA’s Sports Festival (1)

Chapter 32: Prelude to UA's Sports Festival (1)

~Ren Y. POV~

[Musutafu, Himiko Residence, Japan]

Opening my eyes again, I rubbed them as I checked my phone – okay. So, time hardly passed by me, only a few minutes.

But first, I must see if my actions have done what I think it's done.

Skill List.


<One for All: Singularity> (Passive/Active) Lv.-

Description: A mental domain that only the members of the [OFA] Users are allowed to enter. This skill helps against mental attacks defending the user or be used as a mental escape to train under the user's domain.

<One for All> (Passive/Active) Lv.-

Description: This quirk allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, significantly enhancing all their physical abilities to a superhuman level. It can use [Quirk Bestow] to offer a target a Quirk of their choosing and increase the user power beyond belief.

This results in unbelievable strength, speed, and durability levels by boosting the host cells by +1 x Lv. for all Stats except LUCK. This quirk can even grant the user an exceptional strength boost to their given Quirks.

-All Quirks-related skills attacks, attack speed, effects, and damage increase by 1% x the user level.

- [One for All: 100%]: This will allow the user to use the full power of [OFA], increasing the user's power beyond belief but limited to a time limit of 1 sec x the user's level. Once used, the user will collapse from exhaustion, but in return, all PP Cost skills won't cost any Power Points while in this state.


Mhmm… I figured this much. Killing or erasing the vestiges equals losing those Quirks but it's not that bad.

Pulling out a single nail of Nana I smirked, managing to keep this. Good call in the likely event I lose [OFA] assimilated Quirks. [Observe].


Item: Nana Shimura dead nail sample

Rarity Item: -

Type: Hand Sample

Description: A nail belonging to the Seventh One for All User Nana Shimura containing the following Quirks. [One for All], [Smokescreen], [Blackwhips], [Gear Shift], [Fa Jin], [Danger Sense], and [Float].


And that title I gained. Let's see about that.

[Title: One for All User

Description: A of the One For All Quirk destined to become the [Symbol of Peace] providing justice and peace for all who are in need! When equipped with this title you gain the passive skill [Control] allowing you to have better control and adaptability of your Quirk!]

Sounds useful to me. Might switch to that later, but first…



Gaining the Quirks [Warp Gate] gives me the means of world travel at my fingertips. In my free time, doing some mathematical equations and coordinates will be a breeze.

Quirks that are far out of my reach would be easier for me to obtain. Distance now became irrelevant, but first, I had to see about recognizing each coordinate and testing the limits of my Quirk.

With one free slot remaining, which Quirk would be beneficial for me? Hmm… I wonder how the people at the conference in UA are doing…


~Third POV~

[UA High School, Conference Room, Japan]

Inside the Conference Room within UA High School, the teachers and staff were present listening to the news that Detective Naomasa found informing them in a serious tone, "The one called Tomura Shigaraki, real name Tenko Shimura with his Quirk [Decay] allows him to disintegrate anything he touches. We've been through the list of men in their 20s and 30s in the Quirk registry with no luck. Nothing turned up on the [Warp Gate] user. Kurogiri's real name, Oboro Shirakumo. Neither is registered, and both are using aliases… their Quirks aren't on record, making them members of the underworld."

Listening to the info, many teachers reflexively flinched when the name Oboro Shirakumo was mentioned. Aizawa, Present Mic, and Midnight reacted with genuine shock written on their faces, with Snipe asking in a serious tone, "So you're saying we know nothing… and Oboro Shirakumo Detective…"

Detective Naomasa nodded his head, showing the possibility with evidence to the next file in a grim tone, "It's just as you fear Snipe. With some samples collected, we were able to discern that Kurogiri, aka Oboro Shirakumo, was a student at UA, or at least his corpse was used in the possible creation of a Nomu. The hand belonging to Nana Shimura that one of the students managed to grab showed nearly an exact match with Tenko Shimura, aka Tomura DNA."

Aizawa clenched his fist, tightening at the news, muttering in a silent whisper only for Midnight and Present Mic to hear in a disheartened tone, "Oboro… what happened to you…"

Both his friends shared their sympathy for what happened and were disturbed by the news, with Lady Nagant giving her report in a neutral tone, "While we're on the subject, this Tenko or Tomura he calls himself seemed to spoke some nonsense way to intellectual for ramblings of a man child."

Returning with level heads, the Blood Hero, Vlad King, or the teacher of Class 1-B, asked in an annoyed tone, "A kid with too much power, you're saying?!"

Lady Nagant nodded, agreeing with Vlad King's words. Midnight returned with a level head and asked in a confused tone, "Maybe he never received general Quirk counseling in elementary school…"

Before Vlad King could respond, Detective Naomasa soon spoke, stunning him of the news he had to share with the staff, "Not, quiet. We're looking into the Shimura family or anyone who knew of them as we speak. But, after the USJ attack, we managed to apprehend a total of 72 villains at USJ yesterday."

Everyone looked a bit surprised as Detective Naomasa continued speaking in a serious tone at the report, "They were all just back-alley thugs, but the question is why so many of them would agree to follow this man-child. Nowadays, our society is saturated with heroes. So maybe small-time villains like them, who always get kicked around, are drawn in by that sort of pure unaffected evil."

Lifting his head and sharing his report Detective Naomasa soon ends his report of the USJ of what the police uncovered, "Anyway… thanks to you heroes, we can focus on our investigation. We'll expand our search and devote our efforts to apprehending the perpetrators."

It was when Nezu soon spoke, muttering to himself about the situation of Tomura Shigaraki in a neutral tone, "A man child huh… In one way, he's a lot like our students. He has the potential to grow… if only he had a proper mentor to follow… It's difficult to think about these things."

Nezu only sighed as All Might leaned to the back of his chair, listening to Nezu's words as he thought in a serious tone, 'And if it wasn't for young Yuki's quick thinking, the situation would've been a lot worse. The potential to grow, huh? Whoever these villains are, they were foolish and picked the wrong fight this time. Because the members of Class 1-A are going to be mighty heroes indeed! I'm going to make sure of it.'

While All Might's heart was determined, a gaze at Tomura made his will flicker as he thought in a disappointed tone, 'But…. Nana-Sensei… I'm sorry to have failed you… but I swear I'll save your boy from HIS hands…'


[Next Day, UA High School, Class 1-A, Japan]

The next day goes on with everyone in class discussing the latest news events, with Toga asking excitedly, "Did you guys hear the news from last night? Who knew we'd get famous in just a few days right guys and gals?"

Mina nodded her head, agreeing with the news and discussing it with her friend, "Yeah! But come on, Toga-chan! We all know who was the MVP that kept his cool throughout the whole ordeal!"

All eyes were now on Ren as he rubbed his head, speaking in a nervous tone, being at the center of attention, "Well… I just wondered what the best course was given the situation at hand. I mean, I'm not that all too special, eh…?"

However, the deadpan expressions from his classmates say otherwise, with Toga pouting, saying what's in everyone's head in a doubtful tone, "Sure? With experience fighting a villain, our class president wouldn't crumble under pressure, making the best course of action in the situation and having tips along with the experience of a retired pro hero…. NOT!"

Ren simply laughed off the stares, with Itsuka stating in an encouraging tone to the embarrassed Class Representative, "Come on, Ren-san, you took command when the villains showed up. While stunned, you reacted on time, giving orders like a true pro hero would."

Jiro soon voiced her remark in a neutral tone about the news, talking about the USJ incident on the internet, "Yeah. Even the news is talking about the hero course getting attacked, which was able to halt the villains by our Class President taking charge."

Yui nods her head as she agrees with Jiro's words with a simple, "Mm!"

Everyone nodded as Sero wondered out loud with a light shiver of thought, speaking his mind out loud, "Who knows what would have happened if Ren wasn't there to block that warping villain attack? Oh, just thinking about it makes me a bit nervous."

Hearing Sero's comment, the students shivered at the thought, with Kinoko speaking in a nervous tone, "Yeah, Sero-san. I don't even want to think what would've happened if we got warped away… I-I prefer not to think about that… but I guess you guys are right, Ren-san did make a big difference."

However, Ren tried to downplay his efforts with a sheepish grin on his face, describing a possibility in a neutral tone, "You guys would've been fine. At most, everyone would've stalled till All Might came to save the day."

Mina raised an eyebrow, speaking her own opinion, asking Ren in a curious tone about his actions, "Why do you always downplay your efforts? That time you saved my friends, you didn't mention it. Then, the Naruhata incident fighting a villain, you praise it? And even now, with the USJ incident, you try to downplay your efforts. You allergic to praise or something?"

Ren shrugged his shoulders, not wanting to answer, but Toga did with a cheeky grin, "Nah. He's just shy to that sort of stuff."

He shot a glare at Toga as she giggled, jabbing her thumb, proving her point, "See what I mean?"

Kirishima, being the manly friend, tried to encourage Ren with his enthusiastic tone of optimism, "Yeah man, take some pride in the fact you handled the situation like a Pro Hero would! Besides, how has fame treated you?"

Ren shrugged his shoulders, yawning tiredly, rubbing his eyes in a bored tone, much to his classmate's surprise, "Ahh… boring if anything. I've been busy trying to see the ins and outs of my new Quirk I got from the Warp Villain. Gotta say…"


Producing only a small amount of black and purple mist in the palm of his hand with a light smirk playing around with it in a chill tone, "It's very impressive to have a space quirk like [Warp Gate]. Heard those are very rare to come around, especially ones used for transportation. Helps get away from the media vultures or future uses, cutting the distance in rescue or pursuit missions."

Dissipating the black and purple mist with Momo agrees on the versatility of his copying quirk with a light smile but in a scolding tone, "I hate to admit it, but he does have a point that Quirk the villain used while dangerous has its uses. But I must remind you as vice rep, class rep, that we can't use Quirks in class, although thank you for saving the class from the villains."


Before the conversation could continue, Aizawa entered through the door he slid through with everyone greeting him, "Morning teacher!"

Aizawa responded in his usual stoic tone, informing the class of the news as he walked inside, chastising Ren, "Moring class. You all did well yesterday. Ren, good job leading the class, but next time, run. You're not pro heroes, and students shouldn't have to fight villains in their first years. Still got to deal with that hero complex of yours."

Ren nodded his head, understanding as he curtly responded to Aizawa in a neutral tone, "I understand Aizawa-Sensei. But all's well that ends well, in the end, right teach?"

Aizawa shoots a glare at him, but his smile betrays his expression. He turned his attention to the rest of the class as he ominously said, "That'd be true if the fight was over."

This alarmed the class as they began to mutter to themselves what Aizawa meant.

"Our fight?"

"Don't tell me…"

"More villains?!"

But contrary to their thoughts or expectations Aizawa explained in a stoic tone with a cheeky grin on his face breaking the suspense for them, "UA's Sports Festival is fast approaching!"

Nearly the entire student body yelled out loud in a stunned tone, "That's so ordinary!"

This caused the students to exclaim in excitement, with Denki asking Aizawa in a confused tone, "Come on! We just had that villain attack. You sure about this?!"

Aizawa replied to Denki's question as he spoke in a neutral tone, yawning seemingly more tired than usual, "It's necessary to demonstrate that UA's crisis management protocols are sound… that's the thinking. Compared to past years, there'll be five times the police presence. Anyhow, our sports festival is the greatest opportunity you'll get. It's not an event that can be canceled over a few villains. Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events! The Olympics were once the world's sports festival. The whole country would be whipped into a frenzy over them. But as you know, that tradition has shrunk in scale to a shell of its former glory… and as far as Japan's concerned, what's taken the place of the Olympics is the UA sports festival!!"

Hearing this, Momo soon spoke in a curious tone, confirming her suspicions of this grand opportunity, "The nation's top heroes will all be watching, right? They'll be there as scouts!"

Denki gets excited over the news as he speaks, being overconfident in himself, pointing at himself, "They'll be looking to hire us as sidekicks after we graduate. That's how it's done. And a lot of those sidekicks never managed to go solo. They're sidekicks forever."

However, Jiro curtly remarked on Denki in a neutral tone, "That'll be you, Kaminari, you dunce."

Having been emotionally damaged, Aizawa returns to talk to the class in a stern tone, earning their attention and listening intently, "Naturally, you'll gain valuable experience and popularity if a big-name hero picks you up. But your time is limited. Show the pros what you're made of here, and you'll make futures for yourselves. This happens once a year… so you've got 3 chances. If you're hoping to become a hero, this is an event you can't miss!"

Everyone was motivated by hearing Aizawa's words, each with their thoughts on the matter that appeared before them.