

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). A path towards the beyond has come and gone. Thus replacing the path from beyond closes with another path opening to reveal the path of glory and honor. This path opens to a world of superpowered individuals following their paths of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. Danger is constant always filled with those in power doing as they please. Changes he once thought canon was reality now take a curve differently than the intended path. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge handle this his new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"

Jovami6729 · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

Chapter 15: U.A. Entrance Exam (2)

Chapter 15: U.A. Entrance Exam (2)

~Third POV~

[Battle Center B, Japan]

Present Mic abruptly shouted from a perch atop a tower-like observation platform, "And begin…!"


While most people were still confused by the sudden announcement, Ren had been waiting for it since the start. Thus, while most of the examinees were standing around like confused mannequins, he bolted into the faux city in search of villain bots using [Attract and Repel] and [Full Cowl] to pierce through any unfortunate bot in his way.

With his [Attract and Repel] repulsion beams powerful enough to destroy the robots and [Full Cowl] rushing at incredible speeds he was the force of a speeding train slamming anything in his wake or simply smashing them apart with his physical strength enhanced.



Bursting forth from one of the buildings, a robot that looked like a supped-up version of Wall-E charged at Ren, its right arm fitted with a Gatling gun while its left hand had a vice-like gripper. Each of the robots is valued for different points earned.

Ironically the types of robots are named after the Star Destroyer series of starships from Star Wars. One-pointers are called Victory. Two-pointers are called Imperial. Three-pointers are called Venator. Zero-pointers are called Executor.

But it didn't matter in this case as Ren pierced through the robot's metallic plating and joints even making it crumble down. He blinked several times as he thought in a confused tone, 'Seriously? These things are made shabby…? Are these things made from Legos or something?'

Noticing the lack of resistance, he brushed it off as he focused on gaining points in the process as everyone would soon be charging in. Smirking levitating high up in the air his eyes landed a group of 1-pointers acting as footsoldiers, a few 2-pointers, and a single 3-pointer.



Fortunately for Ren, he had much practice with the Quirks he gained during his time training. Rushing forward charging through them crushing any bots in his wake at breakneck speeds.

It helped him gain better control over his Quirks [Attract and Repel] and [Full Cowl]. Sadly, the robots provided no experience considering they were made in mind to be none-lethal. His actions were clearly shown as he noticed some people needing some help with a knowing grin and decided to 'save' them.


[U.A. High School, Observer Room, Japan]

"Such a wide battlefield and limited time…"

"… Brings out the best in them."

"There are those who can assess the situation in an instant."

"Intelligence gatherers."

"Those who'll never be late to the party."

"Mobility experts."

"Those who can cope with any situation."

"Decision makers."

"And then there are the natural born warriors…"

"The abilities needed to preserve peace in our cities…"

"…are judged by the points they earn."

Nezu the white rat-like creature wearing a suit looks at the monitors displaying different cameras through the testing zones, there were also some drone shots. His quirk [High Spec] so he looks through all the screens and his mind works at crazy speeds, analyzing and calculating different scenarios playing through different fields.

Everyone was looking at the shots of different students till they noticed Ren's actions as the teachers like Midnight, Eraser Head, and all the other teachers and even the staff members were concentrated on Ren Yuki.

Each of them had an expression of confusion and concern. Especially All Might noticed the Quirks shown by someone using multiple Quirks. Nezu, hearing about this boy from Lady Nagant, Midnight, and All Might, spoke in an amused tone, "My, it would appear we've got a reckless one on our hands. Can someone give me this kid's file?"

Midnight then goes to a table, and with all the files on it, she takes one with the photo of Ren Yuki stapled on it. When she gives the files to Nezu, he opens them and quickly reads through them, humming, "Hmmm… Quite an interesting development. He's a fiery one, that's for sure, but according to the file, he should only have an info-based Quirk?"

One of the teachers, Vlad King, soon asked in a curious tone, "That doesn't sound right. The kid is using some kind of Emitter and Transformation-type Quirk. They don't seem to be connected to his info base Quirk…"

Nezu nods his head, agreeing, explaining his record, which worried All Might. Reading off his record from the age of 14 it seemed like Ren 'received' a Quirk from someone else alarming him as he considered him his successor…

However, noticing All Might's distress Nezu calmly said in an assuring tone, "Now, now, let's not jump to any conclusions. There's a perfectly logical explanation for this and once the exams have been concluded I'll invite him for an interview."

Everyone looked at each of the news before ultimately agreeing with a nod. With the staff being aware of someone with multiple Quirks, one can't be too wary of their experience. Although some had some concerned looks seeing that some had a connection with Ren through his friends.

But observing through the feed of his confidence in tackling the robots and assisting the other participants Lady Nagant smiled as she said in a curious tone eyeing her hero, "It seems like his determined to become a hero."

Nezu just shakes his head and says in an interested tone with his arms crossed, "True. Out of everyone he jumped into action instantly. This year's quite the bumper crop, huh? But this should tell us more… it begins now!! Boop!"


Pressing the red button that said 'YARUKI SWITCH' Nezu grinned seeing what happens next…


[Battle Center B, Japan]



A nearby building collapsed, the result was from a colossal, 60m treaded robot rising from beneath its foundation. Though Ren had known the 0-Pointer Executor would be big, the sight of it caused his body to tense against his will. This was the first time seeing a giant robot for him.

It didn't have any weapons like the other villain bots, but its size allowed it to move and topple over buildings as if they were made of glass. It had a few notable weak points, but he would need to leap onto it from above to reach it.

His eyes narrowed as some of the students turned their backs running away from facing the seemingly 'impossible' challenge in front of them with a sly grin. Some even voice out their thoughts aloud.

"How the hell are we supposed to beat that thing?!"

"Just run away, you idiot!"

"This isn't funny!!"

"I gotta run!"

"Run, and somehow get some points…!!"


Landing down seeing everyone flee his eyes darted toward Uraraka tripping down as others only ran away from the scene. One of the fastest was Ida, who upon noticing Ren briefly looked his way before running past.


Feeling the wind pressure from Ida's spring smack him in the face he merely grinned preparing to dash in with a smile on his face. Taking a deep breath, he exhaled pushing his [Full Cowl] and [Attract and Repel] quirks to their limits in an excited tone, "It's hero time…."




Going full force aiming a punch at the 0-Pointer in the face Ren slyly grinned as he jokingly spoke out loud with a halo ring being built up in his knuckles and unleashed his attack, "…. [Knuckle Style]!!"


<Knuckle Style> (Active) Lv.10/100 Exp: 0.0%

PP Cost: 100 PP

Description: Using the Quirk [Attract and Repel] ability to project repulsion fields on any point of his body, the user projects 4 force fields on his knuckles, weaponizing them to allow for explosively dangerous punches. The destructive power of the technique allows the user to easily blow a large hole through a building.




Destroying the 0-Pointer as it got destroyed by the force behind his punch. The rubble from the robot was also pushed away from Uraraka to ensure she'd be fine as he levitated down extending a hand with a grin on his face in a kind tone, "You okay there Uraraka-san? Seems like you needed a hand?"

She blushed as taking his hand standing up with his help in a bashful tone, "O-Oh… thanks for the save Yuki-kun."


That was when the sirens were heard as they blinked to awareness just in time to hear Present Mic shouting out loud, "And that's it, ladies and gents! This year's UA High Entrance Exam has officially ended! I hope everyone did their best because it's too late for regrets now! It's all over!!"

As he was helping Uraraka up he managed to hear some of the applicants mutter in awe and shock of what Saito did. All he did was smile listening to the rumors and gossip from other applicants.

"Did you see that dude's attack?"

"Looks like some kind of super reinforcement!"

"Did you see how he said [Knuckle Style]!"

"He jumped right at that gimmick…"

"Either way, he's something special."

As everyone was busy gawking at him Ida stood there stunned seeing Ren's actions looking down on his own in a stoic tone, 'He… he jumped in to save the girl!! There was a lot to consider in his actions, but he didn't hesitate to help. I mean sure, I would've done the same if this weren't… the… exam… of course…!! Could it be…?!'

In his world, the Youthful Heroine Recovery Girl soon appeared healing anyone nearby who was injured in a calm tone, "Well, well I see you managed to save this girl on time young lad. I can take it from here."

Ren nodded as he excused himself waving and leaving the city quietly with the rest of the other applicants. He eventually waited at the gates of UA as Toga appeared with a grin plastered on her face, "Hey Ren I managed to score some villain and hero points! What about you mister big shot?"

He snorted but a sly smile escaped his face as he responded walking with Toga in a proud tone, "Pretty well if I do say so myself. Guess we only must wait a week before our invitation letter."

With that, they both left the area, waiting for the next week to get their respective letters of acceptance to U.A. High School. But before they could leave, Ren noticed a figure approaching them he smiled, noticing Midnight speaking in a friendly tone, "Ah! Hey, Midnight, it's been a while since we last met! How are you."

Aware of the attention his actions garnered, the upper management of UA Midnight smirked, greeting Ren in a calm tone, "Good to see you here, Yuki-kun. Glad to see you are here for the UA Entrance Exam. But I'm afraid can you be coming with me for a moment?"

Knowing where this was leading, he nodded his head agreeing as he looked towards Toga apologizing in a sheepish tone, "Sorry Toga but it seems like it'll be a while. I'll meet up at your place hopefully soon."

She bobbed her head as she gave him good luck leaving the school in an upbeat tone, "Ok! You better come home safe and cause no trouble, mister!"

Leaving Ren sighed as he asked Midnight, following from behind, leading towards the Principal's Office in a curious tone, "So… what exactly do you need me for?"

Leading him to Nezu Principal Office Midnight explained in a calm tone giving him a light wink, "The principal wants to talk with you. It's nothing serious but he noticed some irregularities during your entrance exam. He needs to ask you some questions to fairly evaluate your results."

Ren nodded his head muttering out loud, "Fair enough."