
MHA : Evolving

this is a fic where Izuku's quirk was inspired by Doomsday from DC. Please not this does NOT mean he's a violent raging murder beast, nor is he an exact one to one comparison. How his quirk functions, something that will be explained in the first Chapter, is just inspired by the concept of Doomsday. _____________ Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Huvnn · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

MHA : Evolving : Chapter 6


Real quick I want to make it clear that I don't dislike Iida, I actually really do like his character and how he's grown throughout the canon story.

The issue is that Iida did start out the show in a very antagonistic light, to the point Izuku was actively dreading the thought of sharing a class with him.

Added to that, this Izuku didn't have the 'dramatic self-sacrifice' moment that his canon self-performed so Ururaka and Iida weren't as compelled to seek him out as intently as they were in canon.

Iida is a good guy, but he has the issue of a very narrow world view in the beginning of the show, something being friends with 'the dekusquad' helped him grow past but here he isn't friends with Izuku so that change hasn't happened.

And don't worry, I do have a plan for Iida.


' Aizawa '


"Alright Class."

Aizawa let out one of his trademarked sighs, feeling as perpetually exhausted as always.

"You've done well enough so far this week, but today's Heroics period is going to be a little different." And he thanked whatever deity existed that it was Friday, and he could have a break from these kids for a bit.

"Monday you went through my test, Tuesday through Thursday your Heroics periods were based on Hero Law and other more theoretical fields. But today, you'll be doing something practical." Going over to a chalkboard.

He flipped it around to show bombastic words declaring today would be a battle trial, the board something Present Mic was making him do thanks to a lost bet.

"B-b-battle trials?!" Mineta exclaimed in wide eyed shock "Already?!" Sending the cowardly boy a glare, Aizawa silenced the perverted student's blubbering.

It was only the fact that the boy did his little stunt trying to make a peep hole before Aizawa's ultimatum that he hadn't sent him packing already.

Although the tension between Mineta and Iida on one side and the trio of Midoriya, Ashido, and Kirishima on the other was drawing attention in the class.

It had been more than a bit of a surprise for the seemingly friendly duo of Kirishima and Ashido to tear into Iida before class on Tuesday about jumping to conclusions and defending a peeping tom.

"Yes, battle trials. Class 1 B did theirs this morning."

Aizawa glanced for any signs in his student's eyes that they had picked up the stupid 'Class A/B rivalry' that Khan had mentioned several of his own had taken to heart.

"Makes sense, only so many teachers and we have all our non-heroics courses in the morning." Midoriya muttered to Ashido and Kirishima, the trio having moved their desks together, the request only approved so long as they kept up their work and didn't misbehave during class.

"Enough, head to training field Gamma. I want you there within fifteen minutes." Aizawa ordered before more talking or theorizing could take place "Your other instructor and I will explain more there. But first, these came in for you."

A button press and twenty suitcases slid out of the wall, each with a number corresponding to deck placement "The first iterations of your hero suits have arrived.

Keep in mind that you're supposed to figure out what about these works and what doesn't during your time here.

Take any requests or questions you have about them or alterations to the support department." With that.

He walked to the observation room for field Gamma, his tablet showing the tracking beacons placed into Class 1-A's hero suits, a stipulation he'd insisted on for any student he taught.

Both to help keep track of them in dangerous situations, and to make sure no young idiots took them off campus to show off."

"Hello Aizawa."

The tired voice of the Symbol of Peace's real form greeted him as he entered the room, the man's costume hanging off a gaunt skeletal frame "Coffee?" taking the offered cup.

He nodded to the man, not the fondest of All Might's enjoyment of grandstanding for the cameras but at least accepting that the man was determined to learn how to teach.

"The should be here within fifteen minutes." Aizawa told him, keeping an eye on the tablet in case any of the students were especially quick "Although some might be here in ten."

"I'll be ready."

All Might nodded, double checking the assistant robots that UA had provided them to place the students where they were meant to go. Soon enough, the twenty aspiring heroes were in the observation room awaiting instruction.

Some of them had practical costumes, such as Kaminari and Aoyama, to take full advantage of their quirks. Some had costumes which needed serious revisions, such as Hagakure and Yayorozu, so they could use their quirks without inciting a headache inducing PR nightmare.

Some were just for visual aesthetic and could be added to, such as Ashido and Kirishima. Then there was Mineta, who looked like he was wearing a diaper, and Midoriya, who was just wearing a pair of ragged looking pants.

Given the boy's annoyed expression he guessed that there might have been another portion for his top that got misplaced when he submitted the rest, although the annoyance seemed to be warring with being flustered as several of the boy's female classmates kept sending him glances while the boy's friends teased him in their own way.

"Alright class, listen up." Aizawa's sharp voice cut off any muttering or relaxed atmosphere as they all stood at attention.

"Today, we'll be doing group battle trials, there will be eight teams. Four of them will be teams of two and four will be teams of three. The teams of two will be villains for each of the four matches, getting extra time to plan in advance.

The teams of three won't know who their opponents or allies are, or even what their particular trial is, until the signal to begins, they will be the heroes."

"Sir, this seems most strange and unfair." Iida broke the silence, chopping the air energetically upon hearing the description of the exercise.

"Not really," Midoriya spoke up before he could.

"it actually fits what happens in the real world. Villains always have initiative in this business since, as Heroes, we can only respond after someone has done a crime, whether that be in the immediate or tracking someone known to have committed crimes.

Added to that, villains are limited in their teams as they often backstab each other so most stick with small groups they know they can trust. Heroes though, they often work with people they don't know out of necessity, trusting them just because they're fellow heroes.

Added to that, an emergency can typically send out as many heroes as are available if they're needed so it fits. Did I miss anything Mr. Aizawa?"

"No, that was well put Midoriya." He nodded to the analytical boy.

making a silent reminder to find a good analyst or tactician to help him cultivate that skill further.

"There are twenty robots here. They are each numbered with the same number on your hero costume's case and will guide you to your waiting area.

If you're a villain then they'll take you to a building where your partner will also be, as well as a description of what your trial scenario is. Heroes, once you're in your waiting area the doors will close and won't open till it's tie for you to begin.

Once that happens, you'll have five minutes to meet up with your teammates and find the building where the villains are. Once those five are up or one of you enters the building then a counter for ten minutes will start ticking down.

If that time runs out and you haven't gotten your trial's win parameter completed, then the villains win. Apart from that, each of you will have a roll of capture tape which can be used to 'eliminate' one of your opponents and remove them from the trial.

Once one group as finished theirs, we will move on to the next, the pattern continuing until everyone has gone, at which point we'll return to the classroom to watch the recordings and evaluate everyone's performance.

Now, follow your robots and impress me." as soon as the students were gone, All Might shrunk back down into his skeletal form.

"Well, this should be interesting." All Might grunted as they looked at the screen which showed the randomizer the robots were running as they took the students through various paths to not let anyone know who went were.

"Think it will be a problem?"

"I hope not." Aizawa groaned, seeing the first round had the Midoriya and Shoji as villains against Mineta, Iida, and Kaminari.


' Izuku '

"Guarding a bomb." His partner, Shoji, mused aloud as they explored the space they were led to, a five-story concrete building which had a decent view of the training field around them.

"I must admit I find myself surprised at the…cliché."

"It is only day one." Izuku shrugged, not expecting the first combat test to be all that difficult, "We should plan though. What all can your quirk do besides the extra arms?"

"I can make various appendages at the ends of my tentacles." Shoji filled him in "Whether they be hands, eyes, mouths, ears, or more tentacles which themselves can have an appendage.

It was of great use during the Entrance exam, allowing me to pick out and find groups of robots to destroy."

"You could pick things out that clearly?" Izuku's eyes narrowed as an idea started coming to him.

"I think I know how we can win this thing easily. When the heroes get let out, think you can identify the closest one to us? I have a plan." Izuku's grin was feral, eyes shining as his plan formed within his mind's eye.


' Iida '

"Man, where is our third person!" Mineta lisped out, eyes flitting about fearfully as they made their way closer and closer to the tall building, they were told to go to upon the announcement to begin.

"I do not know." Iida frowned, looking around as he got used to the weight of his armor, although it was admittedly not as heavy as it could be given the 'armor' was more for visual appearances than anything else.

When they got the signal to begin all they'd been told was there was a 'bomb' in the building they just had to find and touch within the ten-minute timeframe.

They weren't even told who their teammates were or the identity of the villains, Aizawa pointing out how not all dispatches had perfectly detailed information.

"I hope it's Yayorozu." Mineta let out a small chuckle, "I'm sure she'd be a great…'asset'."

Before he could reprimand the boy for his obviously inappropriate implication, the sound of footsteps drew his attention as he saw the shirtless and shoeless Midoriya running to catch up.

"Sorry, I was a bit further away than expected." Midoriya apologized as they caught up.

"What? Dang it, I wanted one of the girls." Mineta grumbled as Midoriya sent the boy a glare that made the grape themed boy whimper and hide behind Iida.

"Midoriya, do not bully your classmates!" he reprimanded as Midoriya rolled his eyes with a scoff.

"Whatever, we have a plan?" Izuku glanced towards the building that was their destination, seemingly trying to make some sort of strategy already.

"I was going to use my speed to start searching the floors from the bottom up, rushing the bomb once we have it. Mineta is to scale to the top of the building and work down."

Iida started going over their, or more accurately his, earlier plan "I suppose you could act as a distraction."

"That is a good plan." Midoriya nodded, before offering a polite hand.

"Simple yet effective." Out of reflex more than anything, Iida reached out to take his partner's hand only to gasp as the greenete quickly used that to wrap capture tape around his wrist.

"But mine's better."

"What the hell?!" Mineta gaped only to scream when Midoriya charged picked their diminutive classmate up so he couldn't escape the capture tape.

"Heroes are captured, villain team wins." Aizawa's voice rang out throughout the field as Iida gaped, his mind finally catching back up.

"But you were one of the Heroes!" Iida yelled in shock.

"No, Shoji and I were villains, so we used his quirk to figure out who was closest. I went and took out Kaminari same way I did you two and took his place." Izuku shrugged.

"A Villain is supposed to use dirty tactics and tricks to win anyway."

"First team, please return to the changing room and take off your costumes. Then return to the classroom and wait for the rest of us." Aizawa's orders carried through again as Izuku instantly went to go do so, leaving Iida to fume.


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