
MHA : Evolving

this is a fic where Izuku's quirk was inspired by Doomsday from DC. Please not this does NOT mean he's a violent raging murder beast, nor is he an exact one to one comparison. How his quirk functions, something that will be explained in the first Chapter, is just inspired by the concept of Doomsday. _____________ Disclaimer: I don't own anything

Huvnn · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

MHA : Evolving : Chapter 34

I've noticed a lot of people having different thoughts on what could or could not be adapted to with Izuku's quirk so I'm putting an AN at the bottom of the chapter to go over how it works in more detail to avoid further confusion.


[ Izuku ]




That was all Izuku could find in Hosu as he and Gang Orca ran through the streets, the other Orca sidekicks helping deal with the mayhem. Not only were several Nomu rampaging but other local villains had taken the opportunity to join in the chaos, every Hero doing what they could to try and the chaos.

Currently, Izuku was helping a sidekick restrain a local thug with a blade creation quirk who'd tried to stab a fleeing civilians.

"You, alright Dauntless?!" Gang Orca shouted, the powerful hero landing a hard blow against a Nomo who let out a screech.

"For now." Izuku grunted, pulling out his own cement gun Gang Orca had been training him on how to use, hitting the flying Nomu at the join of the wings as it stalled in the air, letting the Pro land a hard blow.

"Good." Orca nodded, landing a killing blow on the Nomu, the Hero Commission having given standing orders that the biological weapons be killed if encountered given the nature of the monstrosities.

"I…" Izuku trailed off, noting the trail of fresh blood leading into an alley "I think there's someone injured that way!"

"Damn it all." Orca grunted, bracing himself as a thug with a stone body quirk charged in "Kid, you have permission to use your quirk as needed! Find whoever's hurt and get them out of there! Use the flares if you need backup!"

"Right!" Izuku nodded, pushing down the giddy feeling at the trust his mentor was showing. Now was not the time for that. Shooting off, Izuku charged into the alleys, following the blood as the other sidekicks remained to fight the Nomu and thugs while escorting civilians.

The city was all hands on deck so this was a trial by fire.

"Goodbye child." Hearing a raspy voice, Izuku started running faster, a horrid feeling in his gut "May your death bring upon a better world."

Rounding a corner, Izuku saw a man in black, covered in spikes and blades, standing over Ida and ready to commit murder, the Pro Hero Native collapsed against an alley wall.

"Say what you will about me!" Ida's voice was pouring out grief and pain.

"BUT YOU'LL SILL BE NOTHING MORE THAN THE VILLAIN WHO HURT MY BROTHER!" Whatever Stain, as there's no one else this could be but the Hero Killer, was about to say Izuku wouldn't find out as he charged in, his footsteps thunderous in the alley, the assassin leaping back to avoid the blow from his massive fist.

"What…Dauntless?" Ida gaped, eyes widening when he saw who it was.

"Tenya, can you get Native out of here?" Izuku demanded even as he hastily reached into a pouch on the back of his tactical vest.

"I…I can't move my body." Ida grit his teeth, "It has to be his quirk!"


Izuku grit his teeth even as he found a flare gun he'd been looking for, shooting it straight up as the burning purple light filled the sky. The flare was something that Snatch and Crust had made sure every pro, sidekick, or hero student in the city was carrying.

An alert that they'd found the hero killer.

"Get out of here Dauntless! This isn't your fight, why do you even care?!" Ida screamed, his body not moving an inch despite the clear desire to thrash about.

"Shut up you idiot!" Izuku snapped at the engine quirk user.

"I don't like you; you don't like me. Big fucking deal! There's more important things right now!" A slow clap filled the alley at those words as Izuku's head snapped towards Stain who he just realized hadn't moved after dodging.

The serial killer was standing there, watching, listening.

"Ah, so I was right about you." Stain chuckled, eyes wide with manic glee "So, so, close to being a real Hero. It is only your apathy that holds you back." Stain readied his blade as Izuku felt a chill go down his spine, even in his transformed state. He felt like he was in the gaze of a predator looking to play with their food.

"LET'S SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO!" Stain charged, chipped and jagged blades ready, blades that Izuku had read reports could cut through thick walls of ice or metal without slowing. Meeting the charge, Izuku worked to dodge as best he could while still keeping himself between Ida and Native.

"Hmph, you're not as fast as I'd hoped." Stain frowned, ducking and weaving through the punches Izuku was throwing, a thrown knife jamming into his cement gun to render it inoperable.

"But you're still just a student."

"I won't let you get to them!" Izuku snarled, giving his most intimidating look towards the Hero Killer. "Monsters like you…like Muscular…I refuse to allow you to keep up your murder!"

"Ah, that's right." Stain scoffed, "You seemed quite fond of those water hose fake-" the comment was cut off as Izuku finally landed a clean blow to Stain, Izuku's fist bigger than the murderer's head as the villain went flying back.

"Gah!" Izuku grimaced, noting the thin but lightly bleeding cut on his arm, the wound small enough that his regeneration closed it up quickly.

"Hmm, just a drop." Stain raised the sword that he'd cut Izuku's arm with, an unnaturally long and wide tongue slithering out to lick the blade and, more importantly, Izuku's blood, as he felt his body go rigid.

"Your quirk…" Izuku grit his teeth, trying to force through the paralysis "You're using my blood as a catalyst to freeze me."

"Hmph, smart." Stain smirked as he stalked forward, "And you're determined to be a true hero. You must learn to be less forgiving of the fakes that pollute our society, which tarnish the name of Hero.

Still, if you're all done with these distractions then I have a couple fakes to kill before your backup arrives." The last comment was directed to the still lingering purple flare.

Gritting his teeth, Izuku kept trying to break the Quirk's hold, feeling his teeth crack from the pressure even as they worked to fix themselves.

"Get…away…from…them!" Native snarled, the Hero having managed to regain enough lucidity to glare at Stain despite the paralysis "They're just kids damnit!"

"He gave up his right to live the second he called himself a hero and put revenge first." Stain scoffed, pausing to sneer at Native and was therefore unprepared for the hard punch to slam into his back, sending the serial killer flying into a metal dumpster.

"WHAT?!" the bladed man shot his head up, glaring at Izuku who could move again.

"H-how?!" Ida gaped "I still can't move."

"I can't either." Native struggled with renewed vigor.

"It must have to do with blood type!" Izuku's eyes widened as he remembered a small fact about his quirk he'd always discounted. He was designed to adapt perfectly, and his body had ended up making a special version of O blood, the universal donor. His could also let him adapt and receive any blood like someone with AB positive.

"Damn." Stain grit his teeth, "I'll just have to move faster!" the killer surged forward, not even slowed by the two hits Izuku had managed to land so far. Either he had more durability than he appeared to, or the man was better at working through pain than Izuku had expected.

Izuku grunted at the thrown knives tossed his way, the weapons not able to get far into his skin but still pricked him like needles before falling.

"Hmm, less than before." Stain caught some of the blades before they hit the dirt, licking up the blood once again as Izuku stumbled from the paralysis quirk. But like before, he was only frozen for a few seconds before his blood released its grip on his muscles.

"Tch, troublesome." Stain narrowed his eyes as he seemed to come to a decision, moving in again, swapping out his chipped sword for two sturdy looking daggers.

The man was small and slippery, avoiding Izuku's strike as he cut at Izuku's ribs, with one blade, bringing it to his own lips in one fluid motion even as he continued his slide towards a wide-eyed Ida.

Then the Hero Killer recoiled with a startled yell, his tongue showing a blistered burn where Izuku's blood had touched him. Izuku himself meanwhile was doubled over, gasping as he felt his body roiling, like it was changing in a way it never had before.

"HEADS UP RUNTS!" the eager voice of the Rabbit Hero Mirko filled the alley as the high ranked pro shot in, slamming into the Hero Killer to send him rolling back, the unexpected pain from whatever Izuku's blood had done giving her an opening.

"His…blood." Izuku panted, feeling the roiling surge starting to subside, "He ingests your blood and you're paralyzed."

"So avoid the knives, thanks for the tip Greenhorn!" Mirko nodded as he struggled to get to his feet, grabbing Native and Ida "Get them out of here! The others should be here soon!"

"Don't die!" Izuku grit his teeth as he began to draw the paralyzed dead weights.

"Don't give me orders brat!" Mirko snapped back as she rushed in, attacking the Hero Killer as Izuku slowly dragged the two off, his body feeling sluggish and breathing difficult, even if it was getting easier as he went.

"Dauntless!" getting closer to the exit, he heard the voice of Gang Orca.

"Here!" Izuku shouted, spotting Gang Orca with several other pros, most of whom rushed past him to try and back up Mirko, Snatch and Crust among them.

"Kid, talk to me!" Gang Orca noted his shaking, his raspy breath.

"Hospital." Izuku grunted even as Ida was and Native were taking by some sidekicks, "They need…"

"So do you." Gang Orca frowned, "Can you turn back?"

"Bad…idea." Izuku shook his head. Whatever his body had tried doing to adapt, it was having side effects that were still being corrected. He needed all his resistances right now.

"Damnit all." Gang Orca grit his teeth, "You lot get them to the hospital! I'm going to go help Endeavor with cleaning up the rest of this mess, he and his kid already have the Nomu handled but there might be more villains out and about."

"Sir!" the sidekicks saluted as they got Izuku and the others into a vehicle. As he got loaded in, he saw a green flare shot skyward, signifying that the Hero Killer was captured. It was over.


Alright, I promised an explanation of Izuku's power. His quirk adapts to things that are a physical harm. So, let's say Kaminari shocking him with electricity? That's a physical harm so his body and quirk would adapt to negate that threat the more he was exposed.

Something like Shinso's brainwashing? Being in that state isn't itself a physical harm so he wouldn't adapt to that.

Seeing illusions of something he fears? He might adapt to any medical concerns like heart stopping or stress, but he wouldn't build up resistances to the illusions themselves as they aren't the source of the physical harm, his own body was.

And Fear is something people actually do need so his body wouldn't be able to adapt that away.

Now we get to Stain. His quirk lets him ingest people's blood and use that as a link to freeze their body.

By that logic his quirk somehow ties his quirk factor to their body through the blood, so I had Izuku's body adapt and change his blood after so many times of getting frozen.

More details will be shared about that next chapter, I just wanted to give you all a better understanding of what can and can't be adapted to and how for all situations going forward.


hey guys ... I just wanted to tell you all that I started a new fanfic, I will appreciate if you take one minute of your time and check it out ... maybe give some reviews :)