
MHA: Evil Likes To Float

Toga_Himiko17 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 1

"Hey, Deku! Wait for me!"

I called after my friend, Deku. He was walking out of the school.

Name: Izuku Midoryia

Quirk: Super Strength

He's able to boost his attack power and speed.

"Oh, Uraraka. Over here!" Deku answered.

"Finally caught up with you."

I panted as I stood in front of Deku.

"Your so fast. Even when your walking."


"Yea, seriously. Hey you wanna go to the mall for a little bit? I heard they opened a mini mochi ice cream place."

"Ok. Lemme just text my mom first and then we can go."

"Okie doki."

When we got to the mall, we tried the new mochi ice cream. We fell in love with it.

"It's so good!" I said with a mouthful.

"Your right! It's delicious." Deku answered cheerfully, "I wonder how they made."

"I don't care as long as it's good."

"Hey, I should get going. I'll see ya tomorrow kay?"

"Kay! See ya later, Deku!"

I waved as Deku walked out of the resturant. When I couldn't see him anymore, I turned from a happy, cheerful girl to a depressed, gloomy teenager.

People hated me my whole life becuase I was poor and they said my cheerful attitude was annoying. They told me it made them mad. They also told me that my quirk was weak, so they would hurt me with there own quirks.

Name: Ochaco Uraraka

Quirk: Zero Gravity

She can make things float with the touch of her fingertips. This works on any living being or object. But if she uses it to much, she gets nauseated.

I've been bullied about these things since 1st grade. Everyone still hates me even now but then there was Deku. He understood me becuase he was bullied for being quirkless until he developed one once high-school started. He was a late-bloomer.

The one person I hated the most was Katsuki Bakugo. He was always after me. Deku had told me all about him when we met and now he's in my class along with Deku.

Deku is actually kinda famous because of his battles with Hero Killer: Stain and the one with the little girl Eri. So he got along with the class way better then I did.

I walked home through a closed sky. After a few moments, it started to rain. That totally made my day. I opened an umbrella since the forecast warned to do so.

I opened the door to my house and stepped in.

"Mom, I'm home!" I called out.

Mom didn't answer at first, so I called again.

"Mom? I'm home!"

Welcome home, sweetie!" She finally answered.

Name: Hana Uraraka

Quirk: Teleport

She can teleport short distances as long as they are in sight.

"Are you ok? You look kinda pale. And you didn't answer right away, which is what you always do no matter what your doing."

"I'm alright sweetie. Anyway, how was school?"

"It was good." I lied.

"Oh, what did you do today?"

"I made some new friends. And we did a little group test thingy."


"Interesting. Well, you'll have to introduce me at some point."

"Yeah, he's real nice."

"He? It's a boy?"

"Um, yeah. His names Izuku but we call him Deku. It's a nickname he likes."

"So he likes to be called useless? Not to be rude."

"No! That's not why. He just...I don't know how to explain it."

"Oh, that's all right honey. Can you grab the big pot down in the basement please?"

"Huh? Why the big pot? We have small pots. That's all we need for you, me and dad."

"I know, but we're going to have an old friend of yours come over. I cleaned the house even though it's probably still going to look dirty, dew to its age."

"Oh, who's coming over?"

"Your going to be so happy! It's Kacchan, Ochaco! You two were such good buddies! It was adorable!"

I froze in my spot. All the blood from my face disappeared. I think my heart skipped a beat.

"What's wrong? Now your starting to look pale. Do you need to sit down? Never mind. I'll grab the pot myself. You stay here on the couch."

I sat on the couch like mom said.

I couldn't believe it. Katsuki Bakugo, my worst enemy and nightmare. I picked up my phone and called Deku.

"Hey Deku."

"Uraraka. What's wrong? You sound, well, scared or unhappy."

"You remember when I told you about Bakugo and me being real close like you and him were one time."

"Yes, I remember. Why?"

"He's coming to my house for dinner. I can't stay with him alone. Can you please come over? I don't wanna have to do this alone. I really need you here."

"Sure! I'll come over. Anything for a friend."

"Thanks. Your the best."

"See ya there."

"Ok. And please hurry."

I set my phone on the table in front of me. 10 minutes later, Deku was at my door.

"Does your mom know I'm here?" Deku asked.

"Yea, I told here that I'd bring a friend for dinner after the call. I also told her a few thungs about you since you've never met before. But we're all good. Kacchan hasn't arrived yet.

"Thank goodness for that."

Deku and I sat down at the kitchen table. We talked about how Deku and Bakugo were friends.

"So, what your saying is that you admired him and once he got his quirk he ditched you?" I checked.

"Yea. Pretty much."

"Huh. That's bad."

"What'd he do to you? All you've ever told me is that you two were friends and then he just upped and never talked to you like a friend. He just bullied you."


"Come on. I've told you my past with him."

I put my finger to his lips to shush him.

"I'll tell you a different time."

I smiled at him. He just stared back, his cheeks just a tiny bit red.


To ruin that wonderful moment, the doorbell rang. Mom opened the door and chuckled with joy.

"Mitsuki!" Mom hugged Bakugo's mom.


(That was just a name I thought of cause I didn't know her mom's actual name. Sowy!)

"And of course, Katsuki!"

Mom hugged Bakugo. He grumbled as she squeezed him.

"Ochaco, Deku! Let's sit down at the table!"

"Coming mom!"

Deku and I sat at the table first before they came in.

I curled my fingers into fist. I trembled. Deku looked over at me. He looked into my eyes as I looked down at the floor. There was no shine in them and they were dark.

"Are you ok?" He set a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I answered without looking up.

"Are you sure? You look pale."

Why is everyone telling me that? Maybe I was just that scared.

"Mm hmm."

I finally looked up. Everyone sat at the table while mom set the food on the table.

"It's not much since we're poor," She started, "But it's the best I can make with the food in our small fridge."

"Oh, it's great, Hana. Thanks for inviting us. we're sorry Masaru wasn't able to make it. He's working still."

"Oh, it's quite alright."

"Where is Kenji?"

"Oh I'm sorry. He died 2 years ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Poor Ochaco, she and her dad were so close."

"Can we start eating, damn it?!" Bakugo blurted.

"Shut up, you snob!"

Mitsuki slapped Bakugo in the back of the head.

Bakugo looked over mine and Deku's way. I tightened my fist and trembled. Deku put his hand on my shoulder again. He looked at Bakugo. He didn't glare but gave him a look to back off.

"Thanks for the food!" We all said.

I took a scoop of my soup as everyone started talking.

"So what have you all been doing?" Mitsuki started, "I see that Izuku is here. How have you been Izu?"

"I've been well, " Deku smiled, "But I go by Deku now. I sorta changed the meaning for myself."


Bakugo glared as he stuffed his face.

"It's actually becuase of Uraraka."

I froze. I looked up at him and shook my head; I mouthed 'no'. He looked back at me and nodded with a sweet smile. He was gesturing for me to start talking as well. He wanted me to stand up for myself and show Bakugo that I wasn't that scared little girl anymore.

All I did was sit there as Deku continued.

"I'm sure the food tastes great even though I've had it plenty of times," I thought, "But I can't taste a thing."

I pushed my food aside.

"I'm done. I'm going to my room."

"Oh, honey. Why don't you stay at least to talk?" Mom suggested.

"No thanks. I have a headache and I feel dizzy."

"All right. You can go to you room."

"It was nice seeing you, Aunt Mitsuki."

"It was nice to see you to, Ochaco."

I headed up the stairs. When everyone turned away, I slipped on the step. I couldn't feel anything. Deku pushed his food aside and said he was done as quick as he could. He practically teleported to my side.

Bakugo said he was done as well.

"What's with these kids? Aren't they hungry?" Mitsuki asked.

"I'm not sure," Mom answered, "They probably want to talk with themselves. But that gives us more time to talk like women."

Bakugo walked up the stairs and slammed my door open.

"What's going on with you, extras?"