
MHA: Dragonfly

Fan-Fic of MHA just writing this because I thought it was interesting I own nothing I’m this story except the OC

Wonder_Trail79 · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Story info

MC is Hotaru Midoriya twin brother of Izuku Midoriya.

Unlike his twin Hotaru will have a quirk, I thought about many possibilities for what this quirk could be and I'm still on the fence about it.

I'm thinking of going for something similar to upchuck from Ben 10 with a pyrokinesis field around him, something that lets him use telekinesis to effectively raise the temperature around him and control flames within that radius.

Feel free to give feedback and throw in your own idea's because I might rewrite this story once I have a better grasp on his abilities and my own writing abilities.

Romance is up in the air for now but definitely won't be a harem, the MC looks like deku with red hair and eyes.