
Mha: Animal Hero

sorry has been dropped tho I have started a new fan fic called MCU: The Viking

OMrLloydO · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 5

mujina wakes up expecting to have a normal day. He gets out of bed and does his morning routine

But when he reaches the dining room to have breakfast, he notices a message from Tsu on his phone. "Huh, what's Tsu messaging me so early in the morning?"

imagine his surprise when he sees it's a link to a video on newtube and Tsu saying [omg someone videoed you fighting that villain it's going viral]

mujina was shocked but also confused. 'It makes sense why it's gone viral, I mean, it's not every day you see an eleven year old beat the shit out of a villain, but still how so quick and who filmed it'

turns out the person who uploaded it did it anonymously, so no one knows where the video came from

not thinking any more on it. He messages Tsu [bloody hell, that's a lot of views in a short amount of time, enyway ima come pick you up now]

Tsu messages back [👍] and mujina heads out to knock on Tsu door before heading off to school

when they get to school, lots of people are staring at mujina, whispering to each other "is that him?" and "he's the one in the video, the one who beat up that villain, "

both Tsu and mujina try to get through their day and ignore the stares and whispers of the people they pass

at the end of the day, a few people approached mujina asking what happened and why he fought the villain, but with him acting aloof to everyone who tried to speak to him, people stopped asking questions

he also got called to the principals office to make sure everything is OK and that he wasn't injured. The principal also made sure to say that he shouldn't do that again and that he should call for a hero instead

After a long day in school, both Tsu and mujina head off to their dojo's to train

when mujina got to his gym, he was questioned by his instructor about why he wasn't there yesterday, to which mujina explains to them what happened and to prove his point showed them the video

one thing that's been bothering mujina is that he was so reckless and ended up getting injured because of a stupid mistake, so he promised to him self 'from now on I'm going to train a hundred times harder

He did he dove back into his research on different animals such as bears, sharks, and the crested Eagle

he trained even harder in the gym, learning all types of new techniques

training so hard that most days he could barely walk home

this did make Tsu and his mum worry, but he promised them that he wouldn't go too far and injure himself, making both women feel at ease

Tsu after seeing the improvements, mujina was having from his training. she also decided to up her game and started training harder. Some day, when they both had free time, they would both go to the gym. together and help each other.

his mother also decided to help where she could, so she bought all types of healthy food that would help improve mujinas diet, which mujina was grateful for

and it carried on like this for the next 4 years until the UA entrance exam.


sorry for the short chapter. I couldn't really think of where to go. I'm not really proud of this chapter, and I'll try to improve for the next one

Once again, sorry and cya layer pink author out 🎤