
Mha: Animal Hero

sorry has been dropped tho I have started a new fan fic called MCU: The Viking

OMrLloydO · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Average day

Mujina wakes up and starts getting ready for school while he is getting ready he thinks to himself 'these past two years since my 9th birthday have been the best me ams Tsu have been getting closer and I have also recently noticed that she has started developing feelings for me. what think I'm some dumb mc who can't notice someone's feelings then your wrong (whoa whoa whoa mujina pink author here you can't be breaking the fourth wall like that it takes to much energy to fix it) shut up stupid author I can do what I want (mmmmmmm no you can't, go back to not breaking the fourth wall)


mujina 'whoa blanked out there for a second enyway as I was say (few😅) ye so I've noticed Tsu has started developing feelings for me and decided that I'm not going to say enything until we go too UA but if Tsu builds up the courage and asks me before then I won't turn her down'

mujina walks into the living room further thinking' ye a couple of months after me and Tsu became friends she heard that I wanted to go to UA and decides she wanted to be a hero to prove her bullies wrong and help people by becoming a hero after she decided that she asked her parents if she could also sign up for a martial arts and decided to go for taekwondo'

mujina eats his breakfast and walks next door to Tsu house, he knocks on the door, not even a minute later Tsu opens the door and they both start walking to their first day of middle school together on the way while talking about things like how there day went yesterday among other things mujina say "I gotta say you look nice in the new uniform" Tsu blushes and replies "thank you you look handsome too in the new uniform" mujina chuckles and say "thank you"

they day went on like eny other day before except now they are in the same class as mujina with his photographic memory has been helping Tsu raise her grades and get her into the same classes as he is

After school mujina drops Tsu off at her taekwondo dojo and heads of towards the boxing gym before he walks past an ally and over hears something

"shhhh stay quiet this will be over quick" says a man in an attire that could only be described as a stereotypical rober

in front of said man Is a woman held and gun point cry her eyes out at what the man is saying obviously insinuating something terrible is about to happen

without even thinking mujina transforms into his partial badger form and rushed into the ally

the villain catches a glimps of something before being knocked to the ground so hard cracks spread across the floor

mujina shout "miss you need to run and find a hero ill HD him off" said woman does as he said and runs off In search of a hero hoping her savior doesn't die to this villain

as mujina is making sure the woman get out of the ally he fails to notice the villain getting up and raising his gun pointing it a mujina and say "your going to pat for that" before pulling the trigger

the bullet travels through the barrel of the gun and directly towards mujinas chest, the bullet hits mujina's chest and nothing happens shocking the villain

mujina say "im a honey badger dickhead bullets won't break my skin" before charging towards the villain and swings a right hook to the villains face

thinking he knocked out the villain he turns around in search of the woman and hopes she found a villain

as he turns around the villain gets up again and flips a knife out of nowhere and stabs mujina in the shoulder

mujina screams "AGHHHHH!!" and with rage filled eyes turns around and throughs the strongest uppercut he ever has cracking the villains jaw and knocking the villain out

mujina falls to the floor out of breath and in pain from the knife in his back just before he went unconscious the woman returns with a hero and sees the scene of mujina sitting on the floor with a knife in his should and the villain knocked out on the floor

rushing over the hero notices mujina is also unconscious and calls for a ambulance to take mujina to the hospital he the detains the villain and gets a statement from the woman of what happened

2hr Later at the hospital mujina wakes up to see Tsu resting on the end of the bed with what looks red eyes from crying

because of all the movement on the bed Tsu wakes up and before mujina could say enything he is engulfed into a hug by Tsu who is crying on his shoulder "you idiot I thought you where dieing when you mum called me saying you have been hospitalised" Tsu says

mujina replies "I'm sorry I couldn't stop my self I heard that woman was introuble and had to help her and sorry I scared you" Tsu sniffled and said "I forgive you only if you promise to never get hospitalised again"

mujina chuckled "I promise, eny way where is my mum?" mujina asked tsu replies "your mum signed all the papers needed and then went back to work after making sure your OK aparently there was an emergency at her work place that needed her help"

"Oh OK atleast your here, eny way when can I leave" at that a doctors enters the room and say "a soon as you sign these papers lucky you your quirk also gives you an inhanced healing factor"

"HUH! inhanced healing factor that's new what luck enyway pace we those papers" mujina say and then signs the papers

mujina then gets a lift off of Tsu percent who also invites him over for food which he accepts, he then spends the rest of the day in the calming environment which is the Asui house hold

little did he know that someone had recorded his fight against the villain and posted online, currently online the video is getting very popular and seeing that video has caused mujina to become a small celebrity in the space of a couple hours without him knowing

that night without checking his phone mujina goes to sleep not expecting the surprise he will get when he wakes up tomorrow


yo pink author here tried out the fourth wall break thing pls tell me if you liked it or not if you didn't I won't do it again if you did I try and do more sketches like that through out this fanfiction



pink out🎤