
MHA : A Jester’s Tale

Hey welcome to my first fanfic! Since this is my first fanfic let me know what you think and add your ideas and I will take into consideration. Also I will not being doing a harem sorry not sorry. Also I don’t own my hero academia or any of its characters.

Purppandapaladin · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 3

(So I'm going to start using third person more it just feels like the right thing to do)

So two weeks had passed and Dokeshi's situation has only gotten worse. He's been getting harassed by everyone at the orphanage, both children and adults. The children throw rocks and trash at him because they were told he has a villains quirk and if they touched him he steal there energy. The adults don't stop this and some even encourage it. They also have been giving him less food, and no new clothes even when his are torn and ripped for the kids. He has been stuck in his room most of the time hoping that at least someone wouldn't harass him, call him a villain, or at least not look at him with disgust.

As he laid in bed he tried not to cry as he shivered because some of the kids stole his blanket and pillow when he wasn't in his room. He heard a loud knock that startled him.

"Hey some people are here to see you, you better be on your best behavior brat." Ayana hissed with venom.

A few moments later the door was opened and two tall men in suits walked into the room and after then a woman walked in. She had ash blond slicked back hair that went to her neck, with turquoise eyes. She gave off a cut throat vibe which made Dokeshi shiver from.

'Why are they here? Do they think I'm a villain already' he thought as sat on his bed frozen.

"Hello there, my name is Sayaka Kinoshita but you can call me madam president. We are from Hero Public Safety Commission or the HPSC for short and I am the head of it." She said calmly as she examined Dokeshi's reaction.

"A-Are you here b-because of my villain quirk. I'm s-sorry I c-can't control that I s-steal energy." Dokeshi said in a timid and fearful way.

"Yes we are, but your quirk can also help a lot of people if used in the right way." She replied

"R-Really." He asked with a little hope in his voice.

"Yes you can, but that depends on if you want to help people. Maybe even become a hero?" She asked.

"I've always wanted to be a hero like All Might!" Dokeshi exclaimed, not even stuttering.

"Well that is good to hear. If you want we can help you if you come with us. Well will train you to be the best hero, maybe even better than All Might." She said a little joy in her voice.

"Yes yes yes I would love to." Dokeshi said with excitement and joy that hasn't been there ever since he got his quirk.

"Okay it's settled you will be coming with us today and will start your training right away." She replied

"Thank you so much, I won't disappoint you!" Dokeshi replied as he jumped for joy.

Dokeshi the followed her thur the orphanage to leave. He got curious but angered glares at him for being adopted even tho he would be a villain in the future. As they got to the front door Ayana greeted them with satisfaction that the little villain would be out of her hair. Dokeshi looked at her for the last time to hope to see maybe even a little bit of sadness, but what he say was a glaring eyes on him that could kill him if that was her quirk. He then got into a black car that was comfy and fancy.

"So starting today you will be in HPSC care, that means that you can't disobey me okay" she said sternly and coldly as the drive off.

"Y-yes ma'am" Dokeshi stuttered not prepared for her tone of voice.

"That's good to hear." She replied not even looking at him.

As they drove Dokeshi mind started to wonder away thing about where they were going and if he could make some friends hopefully. As he was stuck in his thoughts he did notice madam president looking at him with calculating eyes.

'I hope he's worth the trouble of getting. If everything goes right he will be the perfect underground hero that solely answers to us'

She thought.

'Hawks progress is good but he has to much of a drifter personality to solely rely on. It's good not to put all your eggs in one basket' she mused.

As she thought that they then arrived at a ten story building with HPSC on a stone sign next to it. As they got out of the car she told him to follow her and not to talk to anyone unless she said it was okay. They walked through long hallways with people moving out of the way of them, some even bowed in respect to madam president. The continued until they got to a room that said ' examination room'. She opened the door and it looked almost the same as the quirk specialist's room but bigger and with more machines. There were multiple people there with lab coats.

"Hello there Madam President, how can we help you today." One of them asked while bowing.

He was a tall man with black messy hair, black eyes and a pointy nose.

"Well Dokeshi here need a full check up and we also need a full quirk examination done on him. He has the most interesting quirk." Madam president replied.

"Ah yes right away Madam President" he replied with while ushering Dokeshi towards some machines.

"Well I'm off to some meetings. so you be good to them and do anything they ask you, is that understandable Dokeshi?" She said in a non questioning tone.

"Y-yes ma'am" Dokeshi hurriedly replied.

Dokeshi spent hours being poked and examined by multiple people in lab coats. He was told that his quirk, which they called Null energy, was something they had never seen before. The process of how the energy was made, to how he could make weapons out of it were a complete mystery. But what they did know was the he constantly sucked any energy that was quirk related from anywhere on his body. They discovered that he had different weapon too. He had a big sword that was three times as big as him, but for some reason he could pick it up with no problems. When one of the doctors tried to pick it up though they found that they couldn't, they couldn't even budge it. The most bizarre part of it was when they asked him to put the weapon on a scale to see how much it weighed. To there surprise the scale weighed nothing.

"This is so bizarre" one of them muttered

"It must be a defense so that no one besides him can use it" another one suggested.

"That would explain why his scythe gave a feel of freezer burn when anyone besides him touches it. The doctor with black messy hair deducted.

And so the testing continued until an couple of hours had passed and they seemed satisfied. Then a tall man that seemed to have a poler bear mutation walked in. He was around six foot four inches and had black eyes whit a scar going down one of them. He gave off a very intimidating vibe definitely to a four year old.He looked at Dokeshi and told him to follow. They went down more hallways until they stopped at what looked like a cafeteria with people eating at.

"This is the cafeteria. You will eat here three times a day." He said in a deep rumbling voice as they got in line. "You will eat what they are serving and won't complain, is that understood?" He said in no fighting tone.

"Y-yes sir" Dokeshi replied shakily out of fear of upsetting him.

"Hey don't be so hard on the kid he like what four." Said a mellow voice from behind him.

Dokeshi turned around and saw a taller kid that looked around ten to eleven years old. He had blond hair that stuck up, golden eyes that looked soft and uncaring. He was around four foot nine inches. But his most noticeable feature was his red wings the where on his back.

The polar bear only glared at him. Then he turned around and started to get his food.

"Hello my name is Keigo Takami, what is yours?" He asked in a calm manner.

"M-my name is Dokeshi, I-I don't have a l-last name" Dokeshi said in meek tone.

"Well, welcome to HPSC, you must have a good quirk if the want you to be here." He replied

"Well they think so too, it called null energy. It allows me to summon weapons from chest that nullify quirks. I also steal energy from peoples quirks when I make skin contact." Dokeshi said a little sheepishly.

"That is a very interesting quirk. I can see why they brought you here. My quirk is called fierce wings, it allows me fly but I can also detach my wings and control them how I want to."

"Wow you have such a cool quirk!" Dokeshi beamed.

"Next!" Said a loud female voice

"It was nice to meet you. I hope we can talk again soon" Takami said as he walked away.

Dokeshi turned around and go his food and found where the polar bear was sitting. He sat down across from him and started to eat. When he was done eating he got up put his tray on a rake where other trays were. When he got back to the table where he was eating, the polar bear was waiting for him.

"Follow me" is all he said as he started to walk away

Dokeshi followed him as he was told and they ended up in a hallway with a bunch of doors. They walked to the end of the hallway and stopped in front of the door. The polar bear opened up the door and gestured for Dokeshi to go in. When he walked in he say a it was a bedroom of sorts. It had a bed, desk, night stand, dresser, and a closet. The room was pure white and plain.

"This will be your room for now on. The bathroom is down the hall and to the left. The showers are to the right. Don't wonder around this place with our someone with you okay?" He said in a gruff voice

"Yes sir" was the only thing Dokeshi said

"Good now get some rest you have training tomorrow" is all he said as he left him.

'I hope this place is better than the orphanage' he thought as he went through the dresser to fin pairs of fresh clothes. 'It couldn't be worse than there right'

(I hope you enjoyed this chapter and comment if you liked it or not)