
MHA : A Jester’s Tale

Hey welcome to my first fanfic! Since this is my first fanfic let me know what you think and add your ideas and I will take into consideration. Also I will not being doing a harem sorry not sorry. Also I don’t own my hero academia or any of its characters.

Purppandapaladin · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 1


That's all I remember before I opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness.

'Where am I?' I thought

I couldn't move or speak or even hear anything. I was just floating in a void of nothingness. As I start to panic a light suddenly appears in the distance me. I have to squint my eyes to see what is approaching me. It looks almost human, but it keeps changing it's shape like it can't decide what to pick. As it gets closer I start to hear it say something but I can't understand stand it, it's all garbled together like hundreds are speaking at once. It get about 10 feet from me and stops.

"So what's your name?" It asks, it sounds more male but a little female at the same time.

I said nothing as I couldn't for some reason

"Oh right you can't speak, I always for get that haha" it said awkwardly

"Let me fix that real quick"

Suddenly I felt my mouth start to heat up and I could speak again

"My name is Connor" I say a little panicky

"What is yours?" I asked back.

I might be panicking but my mom didn't raise a delinquent. She would be so proud.

"I have many names, but you might know me as god" it said calmly

My mind blanked for a second trying to process what 'god' just said.

'Wait so this means I'm dead! But how did I die?' I thought.

"Well you were hit by a flying tyre, it was kind of funny to watch' god said while trying to hold in a laugh.

"Wait wait wait did you read my mind! And also where did a tyer even come from!" I exclaimed.

"Well to answer the first question yes I did because I am god. And the second one from a semi truck." God said on amused tone"

"How did a tyer from a semi truck hit me, I was in my room on the second floor. There isn't even a window facing a road in my room." I deadpan.

"Well that doesn't matter right now, what matters is that you get to reincarnate!" God exclaimed.

If I didn't know any better I thought I saw some sweat coming off from god, but I was to distracted by what god said.

"Wait really!" I beamed

"Yep you get to choose where, when, who you look like and three wishes!" God said excitedly.

"My hero academia, during the main time line, and I want to look like Hisoka form hunter X hunter!" I said as fast as I could

"Interesting interesting, and what about your three wishes" god said.

"Question, how detailed can my wishes be?" I asked calmly

"Well I will be the judge on what you can can wish for, like no you can't be a god or anything too over powered" god said.

"Well can have Asta powers from Black Clover, but can I have his demon slayer, and his demon destroyer. But instead of his demon dweller can I get a scythe instead?" I asked hopefully

"That sounds reasonable, but instead of a book to summon them it will be something else, you will figure it out when your quirk awakens" god explained

"Also I will add that you have anti quirk energy that powers your weapon and that runs through you." God added.

"Yay! I'm so happy that you let me have that as my quirk!" I beamed happily.

"Okay okay calm down, now what about your other two wishes." God said while trying to calm me down.

"I want photo memory, and I want to learn anything five times faster." I said still excitedly

"Hmm that's fine, is there anything else you want to ask?" God asked

"Nope I can't wait!" I exclaimed

"Also you won't remember anything from your past life" god said sadly.

"Man that sucks." I said also sadly

After I said that I started to feel lighter, the. I looked at my hands I could start to see them start to disappear. I then finally disappeared.

(Hey I hope you like the idea of this fanfic, let me know if I'm doing a good job or not)