
MHA:-Glitch In Reality

What would happen if Izuku tried to commit suicide after being bullied and neglected by the people he loved. But he didn't die, he awakened a quirk, a quirk so powerful that it wouldn't be wrong to say it is the strongest quirk ever. Now with a Cynical and Psychopathic personality, he is out for blood, and shake the very foundation of hero society. Stick around to find out what he does and how he does. This is my first time writing a fic, so I am open to constrictive criticism, and would love to know the areas where I can improve myself, while also would love to know what you like about my fic, so that i can work to improve it so that it becomes identity of my fics through which people can find out that these are my fics NOTE:- THIS IS AU... DON'T TRY TO COMPARE IT TO THE CANON...ANY CHARACTERS DIFFERENT FROM CANON ARE DONE BASED ON CREATIVE LIBERTY...AND I HAVE NO INTEREST IN TOLERATING ANYONE WHO WISHES TO COMPARE THEM TO CANON WARNING:- IT CONTAINS LOTS OF GORE, VIOLENCE, RAPE, AND ALL OTHER SORTS OF EXTREME DARK SHIT, SO READ IT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION, AND THIS FIC IS A REALISTIC FIC AND WILL ALSO HIGHTLIGHT THE REALITY OF THE SOCIETY SO THIS FIC IS NOT FOR FAINT OF HEARTS. Support me through:- Paypal:- https://www.paypal.me/SVora02 Patreon:- https://patreon.com/EmperorNumix

Numix · アニメ·コミックス
164 Chs

Chapter 120:- Jealousy

"Jealousy, It Truly Is A Woman's Kryptonite," - Yuuto Kiba- High School Dxd

Izuku went to Giran and ordered him to get all the information on Masaru Yaoyorozu as he didn't want to waste time doing all the things himself, and went on to plan for how things would be in UA High.

The days that followed were a crucible for Momo. Initially, she retreated into a shell, the whole betrayal fiasco, a gaping wound refusing to heal. Yet, amidst the pain, Izuku's words echoed in her mind. The image of a world free from injustice, a stark contrast to the one that had betrayed her, resonated with her parents' dream, a yearning deep within.

Maki's unwavering support became a constant, her warmth a steady hand helping her in navigating the storm of her emotions. Their shared grief, though rooted in different experiences, fostered a fragile understanding. She saw in Maki a reflection of her desire for solace, a testament to the strength found in unity.

Slowly, Momo began to emerge from her isolation. Hesitantly, she engaged in conversations, probing Izuku's motives, and his vision for the future. His responses, while calculated, held an undeniable sincerity. He spoke of a society where quirks wouldn't dictate destinies, where opportunities wouldn't be veiled by prejudice. In his eyes, she saw not just ambition, but a flicker of pain, a mirror to her trauma.

His actions spoke even louder. He procured evidence, irrefutable proof of her uncle's treachery. Each piece chipped away at the pedestal of trust on which she had placed him, revealing the truth in its stark reality. Yet, he never pushed, allowing her to grapple with the revelation at her own pace.

Meanwhile, Kaina offered glimpses of a different world, one where Momo's skills and intellect could be used for good, not just survival. The idea of wielding her power for something more, of honoring her parents' legacy in a way that truly mattered, kindled a spark within her.

Nights found them deep in conversation, dissecting the flaws of society, the roots of injustice. Izuku laid out his plans, pragmatic yet laced with an idealism that resonated with Momo's yearning for change. He didn't sugarcoat the risks, the sacrifices. He offered no false promises, only a shared pursuit of a better future, a future she could help build.

It wasn't a sudden conversion, but a gradual shift. Once Momo decided to join their cause, the seed of trust, planted by Izuku's actions, nurtured by Maki's compassion, and watered by Kaina's optimism, slowly took root. The anger towards her uncle morphed into a steely resolve, a determination to honor her parent's legacy, and not waste her life, which her parents saved by giving their own life.

Izuku slowly started explaining everything from the beginning, like how pro heroes are corrupt, they aren't the ideal people, that are looked up to by so many people, then he explained how the pro hero fourth Kind, his latest victim, misused his power and committed heinous crimes to the females, which brought anger to her.

He even went on to tell her that the guys who attacked her both the times were also pro heroes, although they weren't well known ones, but they were still pro heroes and finally he also said about his past as well, which brought tears to her eyes, listening to how his life had been before, she even understood why he was surprised when Momo had told her mother helps the quirkless.

Seeing Momo aligning with his goal, a small smile played on Izuku's lips. It wasn't the victory of blind allegiance, but the beginning of a partnership forged in shared ideals and tempered by shared pain

With the information on Masaru Yaoyorozu obtained, Izuku and Momo found themselves engrossed in discussions about the future of UA High. The weight of their shared purpose brought them closer, Momo finding solace in the unwavering support of her newfound allies.

As they delved deeper into their plans, Momo couldn't help but feel a growing connection to Izuku. His words, a beacon of hope in the darkness, echoed in her mind. The vision of a world free from injustice, a dream shared by her parents and now Izuku, stirred a profound longing within her.

Their mornings were spent training and nights were spent immersed in conversations, dissecting the flaws of society and envisioning a better future. Izuku's idealism resonated with Momo's yearning for change, and she found herself drawn to his passion and sincerity. The more he spoke, the more she felt a bond forming, an unspoken understanding between them.

Izuku's actions continued to speak volumes, demonstrating a commitment to their cause. He didn't shy away from revealing the ugly truths about the corrupted pro heroes, and what his plans were for the corrupt heroes. Momo's anger flared at the injustice, her empathy aligning with Izuku's pursuit of a society free from such corruption.

The shared vulnerability forged a connection that transcended mere allies and partners in crime.

With each revelation, Momo's admiration for Izuku deepened, evolving into something more profound. It wasn't a sudden realization, but a gradual acknowledgment of the emotions blossoming within her

During one of their late-night conversations, Izuku mentioned all the girls whom he saved from the Fourth Kind, especially his wife and daughter, who is now working for Izuku as his business manager, while her daughter is far away from the darkness she just endured, totally safe. All the sex trafficking victims expressed gratitude for his cause and thanked him for saving their lives. A flicker of jealousy, subtle yet palpable, crossed Momo's features.

She masked it quickly, but the possessive seed had been planted, Momo found a reflection of her parents in Izuku, with the only difference being their methods of acting, which drew her, even more, closer to him, making her not want to lose Izuku as well, who was her savior who told her the truth, protected her dream, held her closely when she needed someone, didn't lie to her, as well as acted like a family member whom she can trust in fully.

"Izuku," she began tentatively, her tone carefully measured, "we need to be cautious about who we involve in our plans. I don't want distractions, especially from... other people."

Izuku, who had seen the flicker of jealousy in her eyes, smiled then acted like he was unaware of the motives behind her words, nodded in agreement.

He realized the storm brewing within Momo, a storm fueled by a possessiveness that sought to claim him as hers and hers alone, and it was a good thing for Izuku, as that way he wouldn't have to kill her in future, due to the threat she might possess to his plan.

He made sure Momo completely depended on him as Maki and Kaina do, it doesn't mean he doesn't love them, no he loves them more than anything, but by making them dependent on him, they wouldn't do anything which might act as treason against him.

As days passed, Momo's actions betrayed the growing intensity of her emotions. She started accompanying Izuku everywhere, subtly monitoring his interactions with others. Her warmth, once a steady hand, now had an edge of possessive protectiveness. Any perceived threat, no matter how trivial, evoked a sharp reaction from her.

During strategy meetings, Momo's eyes would linger on Izuku for a fraction too long. The smiles she once reserved for their shared vision now contained a tinge of possessive ownership. She had embraced the cause, but her attachment to Izuku had taken on a more personal, possessive quality; her emotions of loss and finding someone she could be close to, that too so soon helped Izuku as Momo's emotions were completely out of her control.

One evening, as they discussed plans regarding what to do once UA High started, Momo's facade cracked. The mention of seducing Midnight to their side prompted a sharp retort, "Izuku, we don't need anyone else. Especially that exhibitionist Midnight, she is just a distraction, plus she is very bad for your mental health, as she has no sort of qualms regarding how a female should act, all she will do is give you a headache. We can handle this ourselves." Her grip on his arm tightened, a physical manifestation of her possessiveness.

Izuku, who hid his sly smile underneath a confused look puzzled by the sudden change, tried to reassure her. "Momo, we're a team. We need someone on the inside who can act as a spy for us."

But the possessive flame within Momo burned brighter. The line between ally and possession blurred, and a dangerous glint entered her eyes. The once fragile understanding she shared with Maki and Kaina now seemed strained under the weight of her possessive desires.

Izuku had an amused smile as he thought, 'While Kaina and Maki express their possessiveness subtly, Momo doesn't care about showing it out in the open, this will be fun'

Of course, he wasn't the only one who understood what Momo just did, as Kaina and Maki shared a look of understanding agreeing, 'We need to assert your dominance over him and tell Momo, we are with him before her,'

This worked in Izuku's favor seeing the possessiveness and each of his girls he thought to himself, 'Jealousy is a woman's Kryptonite, Hahahaha, this is going to be so much fun'

(A/N:- I've seen the amount of comments and response my work receives from you guys is very less... except for the few people who comment on my every post, there aren't anyone else who comments on the post...the response I receive is very demotivating for me, as a author it's very demotivating to see my work not get enough recognition or appreciation...if this continues any longer then I'll make my fic patreon exclusive... atleast I get some monetary incentives on Patreon

Here's the Patreon Link:- https://patreon.com/EmperorNumix )

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