
MHA - Discovering A New Reality

My Hero Academia Virtual Reality Game??!! (Genderbend/genderbender OC, not permanently, only in the game) ——— A new age of Virtual Reality is upon us. The new Star System had been released and our main character was one of the first people to buy it. He is sent into the My Hero Academia game as a villain - his own choice of course. What shenanigans will he get caught up in? Terrorise some people? Maybe. Fight heroes? Most certainly. Get himself involved with Class 1A? Do I even need to answer? ——— Cross-posted on Wattpad under the same name. I know I just released the first chapter to the One Piece fic, but I had a good idea and I wanted to roll with it. This may be my main story, but I’ll update the One Piece fic from time to time. It’s possible this idea has already been done, but I don’t care.

VividIsSleeping · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Return To Zero

(Gentle Madman from Persona 5 Royal)


-3rd POV-

The two players stared each other down. Marco's wings flapping to keep him stationary in the air. Whilst Junko's aura radiated violently. They hadn't said anything since the last attack.

'Now that I'm prepared, no matter what happens he won't be able to attack.' Junko concluded. Junko remained silent, but was confused as the cocky look he had on his face made her believe that Marco had something up his sleeve. " Surrender, I can easily kill you."

Out of nowhere Marco chuckled to himself." Hehe, do you really think I don't know what your quirk is? If I attack you, you will just revert it back. Your life giver ability, no matter what you create I can just heal. So it's a stalemate right now."

'Crap, I didn't think about that. I was too caught up in the delight of almost killing that hero. Although, if I can concentrate my power into enhancing my physical abilities I should be able to win.' Junko began to back away a little and Marco noticed. He released a wall of flames towards the door.

"You're not going anywhere. I've called for backup from UA. I know this is the first day of release, but I can't have you kill someone already-yoi." Marco smuggly continued.

Without hesitating Junko pushed all the energy into her legs, after releasing she was catapulted right into Marco's body. A fist burying right into his solar plexus, not even a millisecond later his body was repelled into the ground. After landing back on the ground, Junko felt dizzy so she held herself up by resting her arm on her leg. 'Is he dead?'

Junko's question was answered as pained coughs and wheezing could be heard from the large hole that was formed. "Ha.. haa.. Wow, that was a strong punch. If I didn't have my flames prepared I would have been knocked out." Despite the attack he still did not retaliate. This enraged her.

Pulling every ounce of remaining energy, Junko moved at an unknown speed behind Marco. Transferring it into a full power roundhouse kick straight towards the side of his head. In Marco's eyes it seemed like just a blur. Like before his body was repelled instantly, it crashed into the wall.

As his body fell to the ground he remained frozen. After a few seconds his body turned to dust and a system message appeared.

'Defeated The Hero Player: Xx_MarcoDaPhoenix_xX

Rewards: 30 CP'

Blood gushed out of Junko's mouth and he fell to the floor in exhaustion. Everything went black.

The sound of police cars and shouts from the heroes could be heard nearby. A girl lay among the destroyed buildings surrounded by dead bodies. Before they could show up however a shadowy figure approached her body with another in tow.

"Are we going to be taking her, #u*#g**#?" The shadowy figure hummed in reply. The darkness covered the girl's body along with the other man's and they disappeared into nothing.

-Junko's POV-

Did I not die? If I did then I would have been logged out and put onto a 12 hour time out in the real world.

Faintly, I could hear three men talking. One was quite menacing, one was serious whilst the other was a mix of a childish and possibly crazy tone. The menacing voice seemed different than the rest, it was as if the person talking wasn't actually there in person. It sounded familiar again.

I slowly got out of the bed I was laying on, without making a sound. I checked my body and everything I had on me was still there. Carefully stepping over to the door, I pulled it open enough to sneak a little peek. I witnessed a man made of shadows that wore a bartender uniform and a lanky blue haired man with a hand covering his face. They were making conversation with a man on a screen, his face not being shown.

I know who these people are. The man made of shadows is Kurogiri, caretaker of the blue hand man, Shigaraki. The mysterious voice is the symbol of evil, All For One. Throughout their conversation I could pick out "Kill All Might", "UA" and "Nomu". This must have been about the attack on the USJ.

I was suddenly broken out of my thoughts when AFO alerted them that I had woken up. They turned towards the door. I opened the door to meet their eyes. Despite Kurogiri's composure he was prepared for any sudden outbursts, whereas Shigaraki sat there while scratching his crusty neck.

"Welcome to The League of Villains." The voice from the television stated. "I'd like to thank you for stepping in. You see… that warehouse held valuable technology and I didn't want those lowly street thugs to take them, nor did I want the heroes to discover what was inside."

Without giving me a chance to speak he continued. "When my associate Kurogiri transported you here, we had the chance to move the unharmed resources elsewhere. As I said before, I am rather grateful."

I didn't exactly know what to say, but I was suspicious of why they brought me here. Most likely it would be to help them in their plan to kill All Might. As tempting as that would be, I don't want to work under All For One. I'd probably end up wanting to kill him.

"From the damage you caused to that UA hero course student with a powerful quirk, I'd like to request something." He snickered in between. "My apprentice will be leading an attack on UA to kill All Might. Tomorrow he will be infiltrating UA to find out the appropriate place for this attack. Will you go with him as a cautionary measure?"

I glanced towards the other two to gauge their reactions. Kurogiri remained silent, Shigaraki on the other hand clearly showed his distaste as his scratching became worse. "I don't need a babysitter master. Especially not one who's still in highschool."

Just that comment made me want to squish his head into the ground. A little bit of aura began to radiate from my eyes which alerted them. I turned towards the television screen. "What would you do if I beat your apprentice into millions of pieces?"

-3rd POV-

All For One let out a menacing laugh, but as he was about to speak Tomura jumped off his stool and charged towards Junko. "Argh! I'm gonna destroy you!" The closer he got the more he noticed a maniacal grin on the girl's face along with eyes full of delusion and despair.

The moment he was about to touch her, everything disappeared.

All For One let out a menacing laugh, "Then I'll erase you from existence. Do not worry though, I am certain you will not harm him.."

Shigaraki fell off his chair in shock. Kurogiri looked down at him in concern. He began to breathe heavily and uncontrollably in confusion. "Tomura, what's the matter?" It took him a while before he could get himself to speak.

"I.. I tried to attack her… but she reverted my actions backwards. Each time I would try to attack her she would revert me back again and again and again and again and again and again. Like some overpowered boss." Using a slightly weakened version of Revert to Zero it would allow only the person it was used on to remember the actions that the attacked tried to take. A fully powered version would erase everyone's memories. Which is why Shigaraki was the only one to remember his actions.

"Upupupu! Is that not enough proof that I'm suitable to look after you? That's not the only ability given to me by my quirk."

It wasn't surprising for Junko that All For One seemed impressed and welcomed her into The League. 'Well I won't be sticking around forever chumps, once I'm satisfied I'll be off to find the rest of the players.'

"Meet Tomura in the nearby park outside of UA tomorrow morning, do not be late." All For One demanded. Junko hummed in acknowledgment.

"Ah.. I'm going to sleep. Can you send the girl away now, just looking at her is annoying me." She remained calm and instead of provoking him like before she just shook her head as if she wasn't surprised.

"All right, Kurogiri send her home" All For One commanded.

The darkness consumed her and she was sent back home

-Junko's POV-

That was something special. Watching the little man child try and fail to attack me over and over again put a smile on my face. I wasn't going to accept, but if I could see his face once he fails then it would be worth it.

The first day of release really tired me out. I decided to log out and rest for a bit. I do have college again tomorrow.


Author: Last chapter for a little while as I will be busy next week and I'll be writing chapter two for DOP (The Devil And The One Piece). In the game I'll refer to MC as she and outside as he. I realise that this might not be the most interesting story, but thank you for reading :)