
MHA - Discovering A New Reality

My Hero Academia Virtual Reality Game??!! (Genderbend/genderbender OC, not permanently, only in the game) ——— A new age of Virtual Reality is upon us. The new Star System had been released and our main character was one of the first people to buy it. He is sent into the My Hero Academia game as a villain - his own choice of course. What shenanigans will he get caught up in? Terrorise some people? Maybe. Fight heroes? Most certainly. Get himself involved with Class 1A? Do I even need to answer? ——— Cross-posted on Wattpad under the same name. I know I just released the first chapter to the One Piece fic, but I had a good idea and I wanted to roll with it. This may be my main story, but I’ll update the One Piece fic from time to time. It’s possible this idea has already been done, but I don’t care.

VividIsSleeping · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

First Taste Of Despair

(Song for Today is : The Over by Uverworld)


Taking a look through the wardrobe a little more I spotted the school uniform I would be wearing. It was but a simple white seifuku that the average highschool girl would wear. I was expecting a fancy outfit or something, well that's fine by me. I was actually expecting the uniform she wore at Hope's Peak, which was also in the wardrobe. Wouldn't that be a great villain outfit?

Although I found it a little difficult, I had gotten dressed. It's not like I've ever put on a girl's clothes before. It would have made it much easier if they added auto-equip for items that were not in your inventory, but the developers wanted it to be more "realistic". It's not like it isn't realistic in the first place. I left my hair down which fell around my waist. I left the white and black bear hair clips for later.

Before I left, I wanted to quickly look over the menu again. 'Server List' stuck out to me the most. Alleviating my curiosity I opened it. A column of small empty boxes appeared, my username being present in the boxes with a red hue. The 7 other slots had been filled. Oh yeah, let me explain how the servers work. In each server there are eight players. 2 Hero slots, 2 Villain Slots, 2 Vigilante Slots and 2 Civilian slots.

It is possible to switch servers, it just requires a little money. I guess that stops people from switching servers when things go wrong and the player has made a mistake.

All the other players seemed to be offline. I jinxed myself. Like traffic lights the list started glowing and every player was online. As much as I wanted to inspect them, I needed to head out.

I made my merry way down the stairs and I ran into "my" mother and father. It did surprise me, but mother looked like a grown up version of Mukuro Ikusaba, Junko's sister. My father was a grown up version of Makoto Naegi, the Ultimate Hope that caused Junko's death.

Mother did not look too happy with me, "Junko… I know this is your final year in highschool, I know it is stressful, but that doesn't mean you can afford to be late." She stood straight with her arms crossed. Just what exactly is this Junko's relationship with her family.

"Oh Mukuro, just leave her alone. I know you remember our highschool days and they were stressful." There was a small pause in between. "Have a good day at school, squirt." Makoto stepped in to help, she looked down in remembrance. She muttered a little apology as she went upstairs.

"I'm not a little kid." I reprimanded, but Makoto burst out laughing and I got a little annoyed. I didn't want to deal with another father like that so I grabbed what I assumed to be my school bag and left.

I didn't give My Hero Academia enough credit. I've never enjoyed walking to school more than this. Countless people with unique and maybe not so wonderful abilities walking down the street. A man with a fish head, a woman without a head. I'm not going to talk about the literal ball of slime sliding along the road.

Do I even know where I am going? Of course I do. In my inventory I was given a map that had key locations marked on it. A Hospital, landmarks and all those things. What notified me of the location of my school was 'Your School' in neon red.

It wasn't a long walk, only about 10 minutes. Now that I had arrived I felt a little disappointed. It was just a regular highschool you would find in a shoujo manga. Ignoring my disappointment, I went inside.

Immediately, as soon as I stepped inside, 2 people greeted me. A girl around my height with shoulder length blond hair, azure blue eyes and a short girl with short black hair, she had grey-black eyes.

I checked their stats. First the blond.

'Name: Clara Phoenix

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Quirk: Firebird

Occupation: High School Student

Title(s): Caring Sister, Gossiper'

Next, the other girl.

'Name: Kurome Nightraid

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Quirk: Superhuman Body

Occupation: High School Student

Title(s): Silent But Deadly'

Clara seems to be the chatty one whilst Kurome is quite silent and only talks when she needs to. They look quite familiar, had I seen them before? It was hard to tell.

We went on our way to our first class.


The first half of the day was complete. Everything in class was easy as I had already reached a basic understanding. At lunchtime however, I heard something interesting.

Me, Clara and Kurome were sitting at a lunch table with a bunch of other randoms when Clara brought up her younger brother.

"Hey hey! Did I tell you that my brother got into UA?" Everyone at the table turned to look at her in surprise and congratulated her brother. Jeez, it really goes to show how popular that stupid school is. Now the question I had was: who on earth's her brother?

"What's your brother's name Clara?" She looked towards me with concern.

"Oi didn't I tell you already?… it's Marco." Now that's why Clara looks so familiar, she is the spitting image of Marco The Phoenix from One Piece, just… his younger sister. I quickly said I forgot and discreetly opened the menu and pressed 'Server List'. My eyes flickered right over to the top of the list and the username 'Xx_MarcoDaPhoenix_xX' made it clear that he was indeed a player.

Well not much happened after that, I kept that reveal in mind for later. After school had finished I left as quickly as I could. Unfortunately, Clara spotted me and forced me to walk with her. For some reason she asked me if I was okay, as it looked like I was acting differently. Which isn't a surprise.

I arrived at home and I said my farewells. No one was home, but there was a note that said 'We will be back tomorrow morning, me and your father have a business trip.' What exactly is it that they do? Well it doesn't matter at this moment in time. Now that's given me the perfect opportunity… to spread some despair, right?

-In an abandoned facility-

I changed my outfit into that of her outfit in the main game. Junko's school outfit consists of a black cardigan over a white dress shirt, with both left open to the third button to expose the top of her black-and-red bra, a red pleated miniskirt that is cut extremely short, and mid-sized black boots with platform heels and red laces. Her cardigan is accented with white symbols of her old school before she went to Hope's Peak.

The accessories include a long tie that hangs loosely around her neck with a design alternating between pure white and as half black and white with a prohibition sign on it that hangs loosely around her neck, a thin black choker, a red bow above her left breast, and two buttons on her right side. As stated before she wears two hair clips in the shape of a bear, one white and one black to symbolise monokuma, the devious bear that keeps the students trapped in the school.

Once I was prepared I left the house. After about 20 minutes of walking around I heard a little commotion from a nearby warehouse, it seemed like no one had noticed, either that or they chose to ignore it. When I had gotten there it looked like there had been a battle of some sort.

A random hero in his little costume had come to stop these thugs from stealing the products stored in the warehouse. Not surprising to see, the hero defeated most of the thugs with ease. As fun as it was at first, watching an unknown hero fight street thugs isn't very entertaining. There's only one thing to do, fight him.

"Hey Mr.Hero, are you having a good time?" Without delay the hero spun around and held up his guard. His face was tense, was he a newbie hero?

"Who are you? You shouldn't be here. Get to safety!" Sigh, the hero thought I was a random civilian. To worry him a little I walked around the room and observed the chaos a little more closely. In the corner of my eye I saw him look confused. He wasn't sure if I was a threat.

'Time to use my quirk.' I thought to myself. Even though I had never used it before, my body was used to it. I was able to channel the power. A white-grey-blue aura rose from my body and completely surrounded it. Immense energy filled up, it felt liberating. The hero powered up his own quirk, steam radiated from his hands.

With my enhanced speed I spun around faster than the eye could see, firing a beam of energy through his leg. It took a short time for his body to register the blow until he screamed in agony, as he laid on the ground in pain. A small grin made its way onto my face. I'd never felt this feeling before, is it because of my villain alignment or that 'Despair Lover' title? I'm not sure, all I know is that it felt good.

The area that the energy hit behind him transformed into monstrous scorpions that were coated in a similar aura. They crashed into him and began to attack him, leaving him in a life threatening state. That feeling of glee forcing my mouth to remain in a twisted grin. It was such a great feeling.

"I was wondering what kind of psycho would become Junko. Of course it's someone like you-yoi."

"What.." Before I could even turn around the source of the voice charged towards me from the air.

I couldn't activate Return to Zero, so I had to avoid it with my enhanced strength and speed.

"Phoenix Brand!" A large imprint of a bird's foot made itself known on the ground along with blue and yellow flames which were released on impact. If I didn't dodge I would most likely be out for the count.

Now that I could see him properly. A yellow pineapple head. Equipped with blue and yellow wings of flames and blue bird talons. Wearing a UA Uniform. It was Marco. Another player.


Author: New chapter woohoo! I know Return to Zero is supposed to activate automatically, but that would be too op. I also thought that it would be best to give him GER's abilities without the actual stand. Well thanks for reading.