
Menacing Rebirth

Naruto was only 6 years old when he became aware of the real world. The way people treated him as if he was the devil himself. Never helping him out, giving him food or allowing him to do anything without being treated lower than others or being over-priced. "If they won't give it to me then I'll take it myself..." Food was scarce and Naruto was starving. His only option was to steal and he was extremely good at it, especially for a 6 year old. You think you can push him around! Absolutely not. Naruto is on the path of becoming a Menace to the Shinobi Nations.

Devious · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Chapter 1

It was a dark and stormy night, perfect time for a murder scene. Anyway, we see our young protagonist Naruto Uzumaki, The most neglected child in all of konoha, walking down an alleyway. He had a runny nose and was drenching wet in rain. Today had been a horrible day for this kid. Nothing just seemed to go right. Even begging wasn't working anymore. He grabbed the top of a trash can and held it over his head, as he sat down in the darkness and contemplated his life.

"What did I do to be treated this way...I want to be the greatest ninja and hokage in the world but yet the whole village treats me as if I was the devil himself..." he lowly mumbled to himself. His monologue was interrupted by a loud gurgling of his stomach. "and im so hungry..." becoming desperate he searched the trash cans for rotten food and leftovers but all he could find were blunt kunai's and shuriken. He looked down with anger and disappointment. "DAMN IT!" he blurted out in a rage and kicking the cans with extreme force. "NO ONE SEEMS TO BE ON MY SIDE, EVEN THAT LAZY OLD MANS DARES NOT TO HELP ME!"

This anger was slowly allowing the monster within him to manipulate his emotions. But the outcome would become far greater than expected. With anger and hate in his eyes he grabbed a few of these blunt weapons and put them his pocket. He found a random shirt which was dry enough to be used and he wrapped it around his face. His mind was completely made and nothing could stop him. If he wanted to survive to see another day, he had no choice but to steal.

His first lick would be the local weapons store which he despised the most. The owner was the main reason civilians would gain access to non-lethal weapons in which they could nearly beat him to death with. Sneaking through alleyways, cuts and corners, he stealthily made his way towards the back of the shop. This would definitely be the easiest lick in his career. "heh...glass doors" he thought out loud before smashing open the backdoor of the shop with zero fucks given.

Feeling the adrenaline, he quickly grabbed a plastic bag from beneath the counter and pouches immediately stuffing freshly made Kunai's, Shuriken, Short swords, Paper Bombs, Senbon Needles, Chakra blades, Smoke bombs, Sealing scrolls, Strings, Brushes and Ink, and 1.5 Million ryo ($15,000). 3 full bags and in his hands and 4 pouches wrapped around his waist. He hit nearly the whole store and got his hands on some never before seen limited edition ramen that was inside the office cabinets. He quickly ran out through the way he entered and his first thought was to rush to the forest of death. A place he visits often.

Sitting on top of a tall tree he climbed, he slurped some ramen and relaxed with a smile on his face. Not only did he get himself many weapons, he was stinking rich (In his eyes) and he found the jackpot (limited edition ramen). Never once feeling the fear of getting caught or guilt, he was able to peacefully close his eyes and go to


More than 2 hours after the lick happened, many civilians who reported the noises were standing outside the weapons shop with 5 investigating anbu, a extremely furious store owner and even the hokage himself. "To think someone would be bold enough to steal from inside the village. If they think their going to escape then they are severely mistaken. Forget the investigation, I want you to search every corner of the village, enter houses and property if you must!" he ordered and took a puff from his pipe.

"This is absolute treachery! I want compensation for my property and business loans! How could something like this happen! I want answers!" the store owner screeched, still furious about his nearly empty store, stolen money and property damage. "Did you think because this is a hidden village that we are exempt from petty robberies!" he said exuding pressure. "Your at fault for not insuring your business property, now you have to suffer the loss! We will do everything in our power to find the culprit but this matter is out of my hand."

He looked up towards the night sky and took another puff from his pipe. "Just who could have pulled off such a devious lick..."

In case you haven't gotten the gist of it, This story is basically what if Naruto was a menace to society/had black air force energy. Im going to have fun writing this one so enjoy!

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