
Menacing Rebirth

Naruto was only 6 years old when he became aware of the real world. The way people treated him as if he was the devil himself. Never helping him out, giving him food or allowing him to do anything without being treated lower than others or being over-priced. "If they won't give it to me then I'll take it myself..." Food was scarce and Naruto was starving. His only option was to steal and he was extremely good at it, especially for a 6 year old. You think you can push him around! Absolutely not. Naruto is on the path of becoming a Menace to the Shinobi Nations.

Devious · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Whilst the anbu were failing to find the culprit after a 4-hour long search, Our protagonist was having a very surreal dream...or so he thought. A few moments after he fell asleep, he seemingly 'woke up' in a sewer like environment and he had no idea what was happening. "What type of dream is this!?" he said with extreme confusion. Feeling the vibe, he looked around and noticed how he could really 'feel' the water and 'smell' the horrible air in here. "Yuck! What is this nightmare of a place" he complained in disgust.

He noticed there were huge bars in front of him and before he could even think of what to do, a huge pair of red slit eyes presented themselves to Naruto who back up fearfully. "Come closer, I wont bite..." the deep voice grumbled. Naruto didn't budge, he didn't believe this thing at all. What kid comes closer because someone says to!? "I think not!" he said instinctively. The fox stood up showing its full size to intimidate Naruto, "You brat! You'd be dead without me! Learn to be grateful" the fox spewed

"I can't learn how to be grateful if no one ever gives me a reason to show gratefulness." Naruto replied with a more fearless tone. This little fox was behind bars, what could it do to him!? Absolutely nothing. "I dont know who you are, where I am, or how I even got here but you have some explaining to do!" Naruto said while pointing at the fox, full aggression. This pissed him off extremely, 'Who does the brat think he is, I could murder him with a single breath if it wasn't for these stupid bars, taking advantage of the situation eh!? When I take control of your body you'll never be free!' he thought evilly to himself whilst giving Naruto a menacing stare which did have some sort of affect, the KI wasn't something Naruto was used to but his changed mentality slightly protected him from this.

"How about this...every night when you sleep, you come inside of here for mentorship from yours truly, THE GREAT NINE TAILS FOX!!" he proclaimed over dramatically. 'Heh, I'll gain your trust, Train your body until its suitable enough for me, and then STAB YOU IN THE BACK' he thought this time with a wide grin that emitted evil all over the place. Naruto sweat dropped at this huge drama queen/king (Whatever you want kurama to be), "Your a goofy fox. I can't even believe that you are who you claim. Also why would I trust someone who has evil intentions all over your face, literally. Do you not know how to think? You've been thinking out loud this whole time. Such a goofy fox, get me out this place" Naruto said with an angry face and armed crossed.

Did this fox really think he could fool him, especially when plotting his plans out loud!? Absolutely not. And with that Naruto woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. He hid his loot somewhere he would remember and thought to himself (and not out loud) 'Hmm, I need a secret base. I'll use that old man, he thinks being nice to me will allow him to get away with his falseness, I'll see just how far he goes to maintain good image 😈"

Naruto was about to abuse the hokage. Get free food and housing, even more money and fresh new drip. Hitting a lick on the Hokage? Ha even regular naruto was diabolical 😈⚠️.

Sorry for short chapter, Mid chapter I just said fuck it, Im going to actually plan the plot for this story since I actually like where this is going inside my head, so please be patient and expect an 1-3 day stasis!

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