
Meliodas In TBATE

Aiden, an 18 years old boy, living alone in this cruel and harsh world ends up meeting the legendary Truck-kun and die in his hands. Meeting god, he gives him a new chance to live in the world of The Beginning After the End, a magical world filled with adventures and mysteries in the body of Meliodas the Dragon Sin of Wrath from the Seven Deadly Sins acquiring all of his powers and abilities. Follow the story of our Mc in this new world where new people exist and original events happen, and watch how he is going to change the world by his intervention. [NOTE] I do not own any of the characters or the plot in this book, only the original characters and events are mine. [DISCLAIMER] THERE IS GOING TO BE +18 SCENES IN THIS BOOK SO PLEASE IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD DO NOT READ THIS BOOK!

Nouflex · アニメ·コミックス
72 Chs

Chapter 24: Demon-stration

*Arthur Leywin POV*

The noble figure that controlled the most prominent school in the continent, stumbled forward, barely making it to a chair.

Then, unexpectedly, she began laughing. She started off with a low chuckle, but that soon escalated into a wild laugh of what seemed to me like sheer joy.

Finally, turning back to me, she said, "Arthur, If I may repeat, you are a quadra elemental capable of controlling two higher elements, correct?"

"Correct," I immediately answered, not bothering to elaborate.

"Please demonstrate." Director Cynthia's eyes grew menacing and the once friendly grandmother now had the look of a veteran killer as she raised her hand, the mana around her fluctuating.

I willed water and earth into my right palm and a condensed ball of fire and a mini wind storm in my left. She wanted to see so badly; I'd just have to show her.

"Whew! I must say that I'm thoroughly convinced! You pass, Arthur Leywin." She clapped her hands.

Getting back up, I dust myself off. This demonstration had left me with a mixture of feelings. I was frustrated on one hand that there were figures I couldn't even touch, let alone defeat.

However, for the first time, I began seriously considering the potential value of learning at Xyrus. If I could have a professor that was on a level near Director Goodsky, my magic would make leaps and bounds.

"Sorry for hiding this from you guys," I said, turning to my parents. I was a bit worried that that my parents might be angry for keeping this from them, but fortunately, my father took it pretty well.

"My son is the first ever quadra elemental!" He scooped me up by my armpits and swung me around like he did when I was an infant.

"Please Art, no more secrets." My mother just wryly smiled, concern still etched on her face.

I couldn't promise her that, but I'd like to believe it was for her protection, not for my convenience.

"Forget a quadra elemental, in this continent, there aren't even any tri elementals but you, Art..." Tabitha chimed in, her voice trailing into a sigh.

"Is Bruhder strong?" My sister chimed in, still clutching onto Sylvie.

Patting her head, the Director nodded. "Your brother has the ability to become very strong, little one."

"Heehee!" She had a proud look on her face, as if she was the one getting complimented.

"Now it's my turn it seems like." Melidoas stood from his place with Amaya wrapped around his neck.

"Yes Meliodas, I was too suprised by your brother that I totally forgot about you hohoho." Cynthia laughted with her palm on her mouth.

"I see, just to let you know im not as soft as my brother so you better get ready. Now let's get started..." Meliodas looked down with his eyes barely visible because of his hair covering them.

The director seeing this relaxed more and left down her guard, and the moment my brother lifted back his head a tremendous pressure falled down upon me making me fall back on my butt, and probably on everyone elese present here.

'I knew that he had these dark powers, but never did I imagine them to be this strong, oppressing and evil. Was he holding back all this time?'

All of us were lucky that this pressure wasn't directed towords us, but towards Director Goodsky who was now shaking not moving even a single inch from her place.

She was litteraly frozen in her place looking down on his foot taking glances from time to time to his eyes. It was as if she didn't dare to stare at his eyes.

Now that I look again he has a weird black symbol on his forehead above his right eyebrow with his eyes turning from green to pitch black.

(Picture Here).

His once cheerful presonality switched completely to an evil grin looking at the director.


'Here he goes again*

"What's wrong Cynthia, dont tell me you are scared from this simple demonstration." He said with a devilish smile and a mocking tone.

The owl like creature on her shoulder started flapping its wings uncontrolably and making loud sounds.

"I-I think t-that this is e-enough now Meliodas." She barely could talk still resisting the urge to flee from his evil pressure and aura.

The weird symbole on his forehead disapeared and his eyes color turned green again as he asked with a cheerful smile. "Oh, so do I pass the test?"

"Y-yes you both pass. Oh my god not only one but two monsters in one house, is that even possible." She turned to my parents with her hand on her chest breathing heavily and continued.

"Mr and Mrs Leywin you sons have incredible talent, I am sure that under the right hands they will become the strongest ever." She said excitedly.

I walked to Director Cynthia, giving her a stern gaze, a gaze that I knew didn't fit an eight-year-old.

"Director Goodsky. There's actually a reason I didn't hide my capabilities today."

Picking up on the seriousness in my voice, she nodded in understanding. "I had a hunch that you weren't just brazenly showing off your skills, Arthur. You seemed too sharp for that."

Agreeing with her, I responded, "There are only a few benefits I can gain from attending your school. One is learning how to utilize my Lightning and Ice elements. However, that is something I can learn on my own with due time.

The main reason I would attend your academy, if I chose to at all, is for protection. Right now, I'm not strong enough to protect everyone. However, you hold a position of power and influence that can provide safety for my family and I, at least until I can gain the strength to protect them myself."

"Arthur! You're being rude to Director Goodsky! How can you..."

"No, it's fine Alice." Immediately after she said this, the director mumbled a soft chant before speaking again.

"Arthur, Meliodas I believe you hold the ability to make changes in this world. For that, if you're willing to attend Xyrus Academy and become a rightful citizen that will do anything to protect their land, then I will abide by any criteria you set." Director Goodsky's voice was clear and determined.

"Very well, I will learn what I feel is valuable from the classes your school offers and train my own powers. As long as you give me the tools and freedom to do so, as well as keep my loved ones safe, then I will consider you as an important benefactor," I promised.

Director Goodsky's lips curve up into a smile as we shook hands. At this, I'm suddenly able to hear the voices of everyone else again. Looking at the director, she gave me wink.

By the confused looks of everyone around us, I could only assume that what Director Goodsky had done was make everyone else unable to hear our voices.

Clarifying for everyone who couldn't hear, I said aloud, "I will abide by our agreement when I enroll in your academy."

"Oh? Were you not planning on enrolling into my Academy anytime soon?" The Director as well as every other adult had looks of puzzlement on their faces.

"We don't plan on entering Xyrus Academy until we would be of a normal age to actually attend. We've decided to enter your academy on our twelfth birthday, a very average age for one to enter your Academy. I assume that will not be a problem?" Meliodas said tilting his head.

"Goodness! That's in a little over three years. Do you have any plans on what to do until then?" I figured Director Goodsky wouldn't be so accepting on prolonging our education for over three years.

I turned to face my parents again, since it was up to them to allow us or not. Meliodas said with a cheerful smile as always "We will become adventurers."



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