
MEHJABEEN ( Forbidden Is Always Chocolaty )

Sleep well?" Edwie yelped and grabbed the luxurious blankets around her breasts. The sexy Blonde lounged on the foot of the bed, back against one of the banisters. He had on a huntsman's leather breeches and top, unlaced and careless, with enough of his chest exposed to show his blinding physics. His feet were bare and pointed in her direction. "What are you doing!" Edwie demanded. "Keeping an eye on our new captive" he stretched with pure contentment and raised one knee to rest his wrist on it. "Where would I go?" Edwie shifted the blankets and scrunched them up closer against her. Dim light crept around the heavy curtains drawn across the massive windows. "Have you been there all night?" Edwie did see the watch guard retire to his nest of stones after dinner. This Blonde Beast who played on her foot had a nest on the other side of the room, although she assumed he shared something a bit more comfortable with his girlfriend in another room. Perhaps not. "I'd had to get past the watch guard, " Edwie said, annoyed. The sexy beast smiled, a wicked glint in those eyes of his. "So you did contemplate your escape." "Naughty, naughty. Do we need to put you on a leash?" "Stop it," Edwie demanded, although something about the threat promised her this happy boyish side isn't his daily routine. The beast shifted off the bed, and said, "It's time to get dressed. We have somewhere to go."

Somvanshiya · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Magical Well

In the night sky, shines a star and spaces near and far up from the sky while silently summons out telling me to find who am I. Edwina smiles at the night sky through her window opening on seeing the bright stars adorning the walls of the endless sky, with lighting star beams across the sky falls.

Mighty lights are shining so bright, that she can't help but smile at the star which smiles down at her. The glimmering stars hide from the shivers given by the cold residing in the early mid-morning air and try to peek a glance at Edwina by turning up again whenever the sky beams without much density of coldness.

As the little bundles of twinkles prove that they can't hold any more cold, they hide behind the blanket of clouds and corner the moon with their twinkling eyes to manipulate the moon who is refusing all the while. Thus it happened. The moon slowly turns up behind the mountain rocks and rises high to show its arrival in the midnight sky for Edwina's sake. It likely lulls her to sleep.

The very next day in Elffenda, the dawn rises with a beautiful day filled with multi-layers of hues emitting from the moon as well as the sun. But when the ray of sunshine falls in through the window and reaches her face she groans under her breath and crawls underneath her cotton blankets.

Even though a beautiful day is waiting ahead the doors, this morning seems a little too early for her liking and also reminds her of the word of commitment she made to Quen this dawn. Right, when she was to suck into her early slumber, out of nowhere she felt a soft thing crash and pounce on her head and repeatedly get the motion of the very action multiple times. This leaves her no option but to see the mischief-creating cause.

Turning around her back she lazily tried to steal a glance at the thing and got her yelling at the sight before. There stood the mighty Quen near her doorstep with her cuddling pillow puffed on his chest with his arms hugging around. Before she tries to make sure that it was him, a surprise hits her off guard.

With a flick of his hand, he sends yet another cushion sailing through the air and into the side of her head.

" Hey, no attacking with magic!" Edwina protests, trying to beat the cushion away.

" Fine " Quen says laughing as he lets the cushion drop to the floor.

But before she could step through to beat the living light out of him for disturbing her precious sleep, Quen grabs her arms. And spins her around and presses his mouth to Edwin's The second his lip connects she is a molten choco against him, as her eyes slowly close.

The world disappears, and it's just the two of them against the world. Her traitorous hand raises to caress his face, as Quen's fingers on theirs start to slide down to the small of her back, thereby pressing her closer to him. Edwina could feel her head beginning to spin, as sounds around her slowly disappeared into thin air and lastly left her feeling weightless.

Right then, Quen pulls away from her,

" Now you can go! " He says with a wink and gently pushes her backward towards whatever way she planned on to.

Remarkably Edwina manages to redirect her way to the bathroom without getting lost in her giddiness.

However, her legs are still feeling a little bit like liquid, though she has to support herself on the sink as she steps before the flowing silverware waterlines.

It isn't her first attempt to see Quen first thing in the morning. Now that she is lucky enough to escape his never-ending mischiefs, Edwina still feels a little paranoid at the thought of him letting her off his hook as easily as he ever did.

Seems like someone woke up on the good side this morning unlike her.

As she mumbled more under her breath a loud pang on the other end of the door got her off the river the act of feeling mad, deeply, worrying at her arse. So, then later feeling sorry, Edwina freshens up faster than usual and jumps into the ancient well (aka) a magical passway used for quicker travel to whatever place the user thought to go.

The moment her body falls into the magical well a flick of flashing lights can be seen as she disappears into the trench and her body comes into view at the other end of her nest's backyard where the open pool is located.

Edwina smiles at her secret travel, fooling Quen to wait a little longer in her suite as she momentarily begins to change her outfit into a swimwear suit and dives for a warm-up session. As she hurriedly did her morning lapse suddenly in the midst she froze face-palming herself for not bringing her clothes alongside.

Sadly, Quen, on the other end of the door, was being impatient and happened to throw waves of air balls at the door separating the two. The attention he is creating directs toward Edwie who has been locked inside the four walls for a longer period. He should've known better before knocking on her doors early in the morning.

Alas! Edwie happened to be his sweetheart. No one can do for Quen, except for him waiting for his angel to walk through those boring doors on which his eyes were zeroed.

To make things much easier, Edwina asks her friend, Willow- the water spirit, to grab her some clothes alongside muttering to the spirit a genuine thanks.

When the little warm-up session comes to an end, she grabs the ladder made of wooden plates and raises herself to the grassy landscape. The chills of the morning were so refreshing that Edwina couldn't help her sense but remain open-armed to relish nature.

Willow who has gone a while back, and has not yet arrived. It's not an unusual thing. And it only happens when her friend, Inés, lives a few streets beyond her nest with her brother, Igor, the chief warrior of the kingdom.

She is known as the botanical sparrow with the ability to nurse and nourish the flora and fauna in this kingdom.

Though she is still young as Edwina, Inés doesn't have the whole responsibility of this kingdom's nursing home until two lapses of duration from now.

Among all the lovely fellows in this kingdom, Inés is the only girl who broke Edwie's insecure shell and successfully befriended her. With all the pleasantries Edwie got even before the end of the day, Inés's magical appearance before her eyes is a chocolaty toppings kind of delight for her.

And now that's the very thing Edwina needed, a guide to help her to sail through the day with Quen who is going to bloom alongside her for a beautiful day together.

But isn't Inés the one, who left her without any notice for her last seasonal break, thought Edwina. Right now, as much as she wanted to jump and chatter her mouth widely open throughout their time, Edwina numbed her excitement on seeing her long-gone friend and slowly neutralized her expression into a stock feature.

Sadly Inés has no idea about the change of emotion happening around Edwina and without any say, Inés launches herself on Edwie for a bear hug and chuckles at her baffled state. When Edwina doesn't respond as she stands rooted still on her spot like a statue. Inés slowly gets aware of the situation.

Wrinkling her brows in confusion, Inés slowly gets back and gets offered a view of an angry-looking Edwina with her nose flaring like a firing bowl.

Without wasting a minute, Edwina strikes a rope of water toward Inés and makes her get pinned down with the magical rope of water element around her petite frame and strolls near her with a predatory walk.

Somvanshiya here! Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know. Alongside, shower me with your Gifts, Votes, and of course share!

“Love you all”

Somvanshiyacreators' thoughts