
14. The Road to Recovery Part 1: the Sisters

Hello. Here is chapter 14 of Meeting a Loud. Now, after you read this, I would like you to read the author's note at the end of the chapter. It's important. Thank you. Loud House is owned by Chris Savino. Now on with the chapter.

Chapter 14

The girls were all gathered in Lori and Leni's room preparing for a sleepover. They figured that one of the ways to help Lincoln move on was to remind him what it is like to have siblings that cared about him. So, Leni suggested that they have a sleepover. This was something everyone agreed on, even though Lincoln needed a little encouragement from Luna. As they all prepared their sleeping bags, the girls couldn't help but feel excited for this.

"This is so exciting!" Leni exclaimed. "I can't remember the last time we had a sleepover together."

"I believe that it was last month that we had a sleepover last." Lisa pointed out.

"True, but this is the first one with Lincoln." Lori reminds them. "Do you think he'll like the sleeping bag we got him?"

When they were first discussing the sleepover, Lincoln revealed that he didn't have a sleeping bag. Feeling bad for him, the girls decided to go to the mall and buy him a nice orange sleeping bag as a present.

As they were setting up, Luan noticed that Luna hadn't said anything. And this concerned her.

"Hey Luna. You ok?" Luan asked concerned. "You've been quiet since dinner. Everything ok?"

"Yeah." Luna sighed. "It's just, do you guys think that this sleepover will help ease Lincoln's nightmares? I mean we all know how bad his nightmares get. And we all know how badly he freaks out when he has these nightmares. Maybe I'm just overthinking things."

"No Luna, you're not overthinking things." Lori told her. "Your being Lincoln's guardian. And as his guardian, this is how you should be thinking."

"Yeah Luna. Don't worry about it." Lynn agreed.

"You guys are right." Luna said with a smile. "I wonder what's taking Lincoln so long."

"Yeah. He's taking forever." Lola complained.

"Maybe someone should go check on him." Lana suggested.

"I'll do it." Lucy volunteered. With that, she got up and made her way to Lincoln's room. As she got closer, she heard a noise coming from the other side of the door. Curious, she opened the door, and saw Lincoln and Charles under Lincoln's bed and it seemed that they were looking for something.

"Do you see it Charles?" Lincoln asked.

"Bark." Charles answered.

"It has to be here somewhere." Lincoln said with frustration.

"Bark bark." Charles barked.

"No it's not in the closet. My room is a closet." Lincoln reminded the dog. "Where can it be?"

"Lincoln, what are you looking for?" Lucy asked.

"Hi Lucy." Lincoln greeted. "I can't seem to find Bun Bun. I don't want to sleep without him."

"Have you checked under the bed covers?" Lucy suggested.

Lincoln and Charles exchanged a quick glance and crawled out from under the bed. Lincoln immediately stood up and pulled the covers back to reveal Bun Bun.

"Huh, I guess I forgot to take him off the bed when I made it this morning." Lincoln said embarrassed. "Thanks Lucy."

"You're welcome." Lucy told him. "C'mon. Everyone is waiting for you."

Lincoln and Charles followed Lucy to Lori and Leni's room and like Lucy said, everyone was patiently waiting for him. When he entered the room, the girls happily greeted him.

"Lincoln!" the girls greeted.

"Sorry I'm late." Lincoln apologized nervously. "I was trying to find Bun Bun."

"It's cool dude." Luna assured him. "We're just happy that you made it."

"And now that you're here, let's have some fun!" Lynn yelled with excitement.

Everyone was fast asleep in there sleeping bags, tired out after several hours of fun which included watching a movie, a pillow fight and a game of truth or dare and surprisingly, Lincoln came up with some pretty crazy dares. One included daring Lola to put one of her dressed in the toilet which got a laugh out of everyone, even Lola.

As everyone slept, they were suddenly awakened by screaming. They looked over and saw Lincoln shouting in his sleep. They immediately rushed over to him. Lynn reached him first.

"Lincoln wake up!" Lynn told him. She then shakes him which causes him to wake up, but out of nowhere, throws a punch at Lynn, which she caught.

"Whoa dude. Relax. It's just us." Luna told him.

Lincoln looked around and saw that the girls were surrounding him and looking at him with concerned faces. Lincoln then felt something grab his hand and saw that Lynn was still holding his fist in her hand. Realizing what he did, Lincoln quickly pulled his hand back and looked at the ground in shame.

"I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean i-it." Lincoln said trembling.

"It's ok Lincoln." Lynn assured him. "You reacted through instinct."

Hearing that she wasn't mad at him, made Lincoln feel a little better. However, the girls stilled had concern on their faces.

"I take it that you had another nightmare?" Lori asked him. Lincoln didn't answer. Only silently nodded his head.

"Do you want to talk about it." Luna asked him. "Maybe you'll feel better."

Lincoln didn't respond and just looked at the ground.

"Was the dream about your old foster home?" Luan asked. Lincoln nodded.

"Was it bad?" Leni asked. Lincoln nodded again.

"What was it about?" Luna asked.

"I dreamt that I was back in my old foster home and that my old foster brothers were coming to finish what they started." Lincoln said with fear. "I then dreamed that I was in the living room and the boys found me and dragged me back to the old foster home."

"Wow. That's dark. Even for me." Lucy said in her usual monotone.

"Lincoln, if I may ask, are you afraid that you are going to be sent back to that foster home?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah." Lincoln answered. Luna then threw her arm around his shoulder and pulled him close.

"Don't worry bro." Luna told him. "We aren't going to let anyone send you back to that home."

"Promise?" Lincoln asked.

"Promise." the girls said in unison.

Lincoln looked around the room and smiled.

"Alright guys. It's late, so everyone go back to sleep." Lori ordered. After she said that, all the girls moved their sleeping bags and put them closer to Lincoln. After everyone was settled in, they went back to sleep. Lincoln fell asleep last with a smile on his face. He didn't have a nightmare for the rest of the night.

The next morning, the girls woke up and saw that Lincoln and Charles were not in the room. Worried, the girls got up and made their way downstairs to see if he was down there. When they made it to the bottom of the stairs, they looked into the kitchen and saw Lincoln by the stove, cooking.

"Lincoln?!" the girls said in shock.

Lincoln jumped in shock when he heard them.

"Hi guys." Lincoln greeted nervously.

"What are you doing Lincoln?" Leni asked.

"Um, I wanted to make you guys breakfast." Lincoln told them.

"Why?" Lynn asked.

"I wanted to thank you guys for last night." Lincoln answered. "For helping me deal with my nightmares."

"Bro, you don't need to do this." Luna told him. "We helped you because we care about you and we want to help you."

"I know, but you guys have done so much to me, I wanted to do something for you." Lincoln explained. "So I made you guys eggs."

"Dear brother, you do realize that we all like our eggs prepared differently." Lisa pointed.

"I know. Your dad gave a list of how you guys like your eggs." Lincoln told them.

The girls exchanged glances. They keep telling Lincoln that Lynn Sr. was his dad as well as theirs. But he still called them by their first name. But, they decided that was a problem to deal with another time. Right now, he made them breakfast. So they might as well eat it.

"Ok Lincoln, let's see how you did." Lori told him. "How does everyone like their eggs?"

"Let's see." Lincoln started. "Lori, you like your egg hard boiled."

"Correct." Lori said.

"Egg whites for Leni."

"That's right Linky." Leni said with a smile.

"Sunny side up for Luna."

"You got it bro." Luna said while rubbing his head.

"Funny side up for Luan. I still don't know how the yolk changed from a circle to a square."

"It's probably an egg-cellent story." Luan joked.

"Scrambled for Lynn."

"Yep." Lynn confirmed.

"Burnt for Lucy."

"This is something that would warm my heart. If I had one." Lucy said in her usual monotone.

"Deviled for the twins."

"Thanks Lincoln." the girls said in unison.

"Fried for Lisa."

"That is correct dear sibling." Lisa said.

"And extra gooey for Lily."

"Haha goo goo." Lily giggled.

"I guess you do know your stuff." Lori said impressed. "Now let's see how these taste."

With that said the girls dug in and took a bite of their breakfast. The minute they took a bite, their eyes widened and they turned their attention to Lincoln who was rubbing his arm nervously.

"I take it you don't like it?" Lincoln said nervously. "I don't cook that much, but it's something that my mom taught me how to do. So I understand if you hate it."

"Bro, these eggs aren't good." Luna told him. Lincoln looked down in disappointment.

"THESE EGGS ARE DELICIOUS!" the girls shouted in unison. Lincoln looked up with surprise.

"Really? You like them?" Lincoln asked surprised.

"Yeah bro. These eggs are delicious." Lynn said with her mouth full.

"Yeah Lincoln." Lori agreed. "You got quite the talent Linc."

Lincoln looked up at Lori with a smile on his face. He then grabbed his own eggs and joined the girls for breakfast.

After they finished breakfast, the kids spent the rest of the day, relaxing in the living room. As they were relaxing, the kids heard a knock at the door. Lori went up and answered it. When they opened it, the person that was knocking was Clyde.

"Hey guys." Clyde greeted.

"Hey Clyde. What are you doing here?" Lori asked.

"Well I heard from Haiku who heard from Lucy that you guys were helping Lincoln deal with his past. So I came to see if I can help." Clyde explained. The girls looked up from what they were doing and looked at each other, and then at Lincoln, and then at Clyde.

"You know, that's not a bad idea." Luna says thoughtfully. "Maybe having Lincoln hang out with someone his own age would be good for him." She then looked at Lincoln who looked back at her with a shy look on his face. "What do you say Linc? Want to hang out with Clyde for a few hours?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." Lincoln answered quietly. With that Lincoln got up and made his way to the door. Before he left, he turned his attention to Lana. "Lana? Can you take care of Charles for me today?" Lana looked at the boy with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that Lincoln was trusting her with looking after his best friend.

"You can count on me Lincoln." Lana promised.

"Thanks." Lincoln says. Lincoln then walked over to the door where Clyde was waiting.

"Alright Linc, let's have some fun." Clyde said with a smile as he led Lincoln out the door.

I hope you guys enjoyed this. Now this is part one of many. So stay tuned. I will probably update this weekend. The next chapter will involve Clyde and someone else. The other person will be a surprise. So that's something to look forward to. Now, while I have your attention, there is something that I want to say real quickly. Now, recently we lost a few members of the fandom because of some bad posts made by guests. Now, I know this is a problem in the fandom. And I recently received a comment on "Meeting a Loud" that was only criticizing the story. But, I ain't bothered by that because these comments are made by cowards. They don't seem to get that we do this for fun. I got into fanfiction about year ago and I enjoyed it very much. Now, a few months ago, I discovered this fandom. And almost immediately, I was hooked. As I read the fanfics made by writers like Omega Ultra, Smokescreen2814, Sunblast X, Samtastic 3.0, SickTwisteMind and several others, I became inspired to write my own. So, Meeting a Loud was born. And it gained quite a following. But as I continued working on this and reading other fanfics, I noticed something that us fanfic writers had in common. We don't do this because we have to. We do it because we want to. Now I've only been doing this for a month. But, I'm not doing this for profit. I'm doing it because I want to share my work with all of you. That's the reason we authors do this. I'm glad that I joined this fandom. I'm glad that I've been able to communicate with Omega Ultra, Smokescreen2814, Emmaelise401 and others that I have sent PMs to. And you guys are the reason I do this. What I'm trying to say is this: don't worry; I ain't going anywhere anytime soon. Thank you for reading. So, until next time. Farewell