
15. RTR Part 2: Clyde and Ronnie Anne

Hello. Here is chapter 15 and part 2 of the road to recovery. Now I'm sure you guys figured out that it was Ronnie Anne. It was kinda obvious. But you will never guess who is doing part 3. Loud House is owned by Chris Savino.

Chapter 15

Clyde and Lincoln made their way through the neighborhood to Clyde's place. The two walked in silence because neither knew what to say. Lincoln was still a little weary of Clyde, and Clyde didn't want to accidentally say something to upset him. But Clyde knew that he had to say something eventually.

"So, do you play any video games?" Clyde asked trying to break the ice. "I have a few at my house."

"Um, I used to play back at my old home in Detroit." Lincoln answered quietly. "But when I was put into foster care I stopped playing."

"Why?" Clyde asked curiously. "Why did stop?"

"Back in Detroit, I would play with my sister." Lincoln explained. "But, when she died, I didn't see a reason to play anymore. I felt like it would only bring back painful memories."

"I get it." Clyde said. The two continued walking in silence.

After a few minutes of walking the two approached a nice looking one story home. The two walked up the driveway and made their way to the front door. When they entered the house, Lincoln noticed that the house was a lot neater than the house he was staying in.

"Wow. This house is spotless." Lincoln said impressed.

"Well it helps when there are only three people and two cats living here." Clyde pointed out. "Dad! Dad! I'm home."

As if on cue, two men walk into the room. One was a tall, skinny white man while the other was a short stocky African American man.

"Welcome back Clyde." the two said in unison. Clyde then turned his attention to Lincoln.

"Lincoln, these are my dads: Howard and Harold. Dads, this is Lincoln. He's the boy that I told you about." Clyde said.

"Oh, so this is the foster boy that the Loud family took in." Harold said.

"Well it's nice to meet you Lincoln." Howard says with a smile. Lincoln looked at the ground and rubbed his arm.

"Nice to meet you to Mr. McBride and Mr. McBride." Lincoln says nervously.

The couple shared a concerned glance and then looked at Clyde with confused looks.

"Lincoln's a little shy. At least that's what the Louds told me." Clyde explained. "He's kinda had a rough couple of years. So the girls are doing whatever they can to help him and I offered to help out."

"Well that's good that you want to help Clyde." Harold told his son with a smile. He then turned his attention to Lincoln. "Lincoln, you are welcome to come here anytime." Lincoln flashed a small smile but continued to look at the floor.

"We're going to play some video games in the living room." Clyde told his parents. "C'mon Linc."

The two made their way to the living room. Lincoln sat on the couch while Clyde went through his collection of video games.

"So, I got Ace Savvy the game, Muscle Fish Fights, Zombie Smash, and Road Rage." Clyde listed. "Which one you want to play?"

Lincoln looked at the four games with interest. All four looked inviting to him. But in the end, he decided on the Muscle Fish game. After Clyde put the game in, the two started to play. Lincoln at first struggled to get a hang of the controls, but after a few tries, he eventually got the hang of it. The two played for an hour and decided to take a quick brake.

"So," Clyde started. "How do you like living with the Louds?" Lincoln looked up with surprise.

"It's not too bad." Lincoln answered quietly. "I mean it's interesting. Everyone seems to have a unique personality and they are really nice."

"Yeah. I always thought they were cool." Clyde agreed. "I actually one had a crush on Lori."

Lincoln looked at him with wide eyes. "Really? She's six years older than you." Lincoln said shocked.

Clyde could only chuckle nervously. "I know. But last year, I guess she finally had it. So Lucy introduced me to her friend Haiku. At first I didn't think it would work, but after a few months we realized that we had more in common than we realized. So, I guess we worked."

"That's some story." Lincoln said. "Can I ask you something?"


"I know this is probably personal, but are you adopted?" Lincoln asked nervously.

Clyde didn't answer. He was considering not answering but he decided that if he wanted to help Lincoln, he needed to be honest with him.

"No, I'm not adopted." Clyde answered. "You see, my dad Harold was married before. But, his first wife died giving birth to me. So when I was five, my dad met Howard. They got married two years later."

"Wow. Some story." Lincoln said.

"Yeah." Clyde said simply.

"Do you ever think about her?" Lincoln asked.

"Sometimes." Clyde answered. "Once in a while, I'll ask my dad to tell me about her. Do you ever think about your family?"

"Every day." Lincoln answered sadly. "Every night I look at their picture before bed. Sometimes I'll talk to the picture and tell them about my day. I know it sounds weird, but it keeps them close. I miss my twin sister the most."

"Why?" Clyde asked.

"She was my best friend." Lincoln told him. "We did everything together."

The two sat there in silence. Clyde didn't know what to say. Not only did he lose his sister, he lost his best friend.

"You know, I think you got lucky to have the Louds as your foster family." Clyde said.

"Why?" Lincoln asked.

"Well, with that family, you don't just got one sister. You have ten. So you'll never really be without a sister." Clyde explained. "As for the best friend part, maybe, I can fill that role." Lincoln looked at him with wide eyes. Lincoln had to think about it. This kid seemed alright. And it would be nice to have a friend that wasn't a dog. As much as he loved Charles, he really couldn't have a conversation with him. So he had to admit, Clyde had a point.

"You really want to be my friend?" Lincoln asked quietly.

"Yeah. If that's ok." Clyde answered.

"You know what, sure. Why not." Lincoln said with a smile.

The two played video games for another thirty minutes when they started to get bored. Clyde then told Lincoln that he knew of an arcade that was a pretty big hit with kids in town. The McBride's drove them to the arcade and told Clyde that they would pick him up in an hour. As they entered the arcade, they noticed a familiar Hispanic girl playing a racing game.

"Hey Ronnie Anne." Clyde called out. The girl stopped playing and turned her attention to the two boys.

"Hey Clyde." Ronnie greeted. She then turned her attention to Lincoln. "Hey Lincoln. Kinda surprised to see you out of the house and not with your sisters."

"Yeah, the girls are trying to help me move on." Lincoln told her.

"And I'm helping. You want to help?" Clyde asked.

"Sure." Ronnie Anne answered. "You guys want in on this next game?"

"Sure." Clyde answers while Lincoln just nodded. The three played at the arcade for an hour until Clyde's dads came to pick him up. Lincoln decided to stay behind and hang out with Ronnie Anne. However, Lincoln felt uncomfortable. But he didn't understand why. He never felt this way around the girls. Why was Ronnie Anne different?

"So, do want to get out of here?" Ronnie Anne asked, dragging Lincoln out of his thoughts.

"Sure." Lincoln answered nervously.

The two walked out of the arcade and made their way to the park. When they arrived, they took a seat on a nearby bench and sat there in silence. Neither of them knew what to say. Both were worried that they would say the wrong thing. Ronnie didn't want to say something to Lincoln that would upset him, and Lincoln didn't know what to say to her and he didn't know why. But they couldn't stay quiet forever.

"So." Ronnie said. "How do you like Royal Woods?"

"It's ok." Lincoln answered. "So is Bobby your only family?"

"No. I also live with my mom." Ronnie answered.

"What about your dad?" Lincoln asked.

"Never really knew him." Ronnie answered sadly. "Honestly, Bobby was the closest thing that I had to a father."

"Wow." Lincoln said quietly. "That stinks."

"Yeah." Ronnie said simply.

"Can I ask you something?" Lincoln asks.


"Why do you want to help me?" Lincoln asked. "I hardly know you."

"To be honest, I don't know why." Ronnie answered. "To be honest, I don't really have that many friends. A lot of kids at school are afraid of me because they think that I'm just some tough girl that likes to pick on people and pull pranks." Ronnie looks at the ground with sadness. "Right now, my only friend is Clyde. He's the only one who doesn't see me as just some tough girl."

"I don't see you as just some tough girl." Lincoln told her quietly.

"Really?" Ronnie Anne asked shocked.

"Yeah." Lincoln answered. "I mean you were nice to me when we met in the mall. So there's that."

"Thanks." Ronnie told him. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek out of nowhere, causing the two to blush in embarrassment. "Sorry, I don't know what got into me."

"No its ok." Lincoln told her nervously. He then, slowly reached over and took her hand and flashed her smile. A smile that she returned. She then leaned her head on his shoulder and watched the people go by. She didn't know where Lincoln's road to recovery would lead. But she knew one thing, she would gladly be there to help him on that road. No matter where it led.

The next day, Lincoln and Lori sat in the living room watching T.V. Lori had introduced Lincoln to this show called Dessert Storm. A show that Lincoln seemed to be enjoying. They heard a knock on the door. Lori went to answer it and saw Bobby standing outside the door.

"Hey Bobby-boo-boo-bear." Lori greeted her boyfriend.

"Hey babe. Look what I got." Bobby then pulled out two tickets from his pocket.

Lori let out a gasp and grabbed the tickets, but her smile turned into a frown when she saw what movie they were for.

"Ace Savvy vs. Muscle Fish: Age of Justice?" Lori read with a frown. "This doesn't look like a romantic comedy."

"I know. I thought it would be cool to see something different." Bobby told her.

"Um, thanks but I'll have to pass." Lori told him. She then looked at the tickets and then looked at Lincoln and then at Bobby. She then got an idea. "Bobby, why don't you take Lincoln to the movies with you?"

Bobby gave her a confused look. "Why?" Bobby asked.

"Look, we're trying to help Lincoln move on from his past and maybe hanging out with you might help." Bobby still looked unsure. "C'mon Bobby, I really need your help with this. Lincoln needs someone to be like a big brother to him. You're the only one who can help him with certain guy stuff that we can't help him with. Can you please do this? For me."

"Sure babe." Bobby sighed. "I'll help out anyway I can."

"Awesome." Lori cheered. She then looked at Lincoln. "Lincoln? Do you mind hanging out with Bobby for a few hours?"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." Lincoln said quietly.

"Alright. Let's go have some fun bro." Bobby said.

Well, that was part two. And yes, I did take some liberties with Clyde's backstory. I felt like it made sense. So yeah, Bobby is next. Now each chapter will have two people in it. Try to guess the other one. The next chapter will be updated later in the week. So until next time. Peace.