
Mechanical Storm

A legendary man, clad in powerful mech armor, has become an immortal hero. His story brims with invincible battles and astonishing adventures, his name already a legend in countless mouths. He possesses not only remarkable combat skills but also an indomitable will and boundless courage. His mech, a war machine merging state-of-the-art technology with limitless power, renders him unbeatable in combat. Fearlessly challenging all adversaries, every battle he engages in becomes a legend, and each adventure inscribes history. However, the hero's journey is far from smooth sailing. He faces formidable foes, endless dangers, and daunting choices, yet he never gives up, forever upholding his beliefs and mission.

Jyrtsunoeso · SF
27 Chs

Spring is coming

After confirming their qualifications for the retest, Tang Ling took the initiative to arrange for Alex and Sosha to take the test together half a month later. This made Sosha quite emotional and he simply patted Alex's shoulder, saying, "Brother, your spring has come!"

Sosha was unusually serious this time. He knew that the retest was risky, considering his score had barely met the standard line. If he didn't perform well enough during the retest, he would surely be eliminated. Therefore, he diligently followed Alex's training plan.

Sosha was also determined to become a student of Miss Zhou Zhi, comforting the lonely lives of the beautiful women at the prestigious A-grade military academy. He was really going all out.

As for Sosha's motivation, Alex didn't dwell on it. As long as he trained seriously, it was fine. Alex became Sosha's best coach, as Sosha's parents were holding onto Alex's hands tightly, practically begging him. After all, they owed a lot to Alex, as they believed Sosha wouldn't have any direction without him.

They got a new gravity room. Although the four times gravity didn't feel too significant, adding some weight and performing more difficult moves was still possible. Occasionally, they also went to the fitness center to experience super high gravity.

Virtual battles were inevitable. Even though they couldn't touch real mechas, having fun in the virtual world was still good. So, Alex was busy online these days. However, he didn't engage in continuous battles. Instead, he chose to fight once a day. More of his time was spent watching other people's exciting videos, especially interested in fantasy battles. Just because others couldn't do certain moves didn't mean Alex couldn't either. Moreover, Alex was particularly interested in mechanical, physical, and basic theories of the universe. Previously, he wasn't keen on these topics, but now he had a strong urge to understand them better. With limited time, what Kim taught was only about key points and some basic concepts. Alex wanted to learn more.

But Alex encountered a fatal problem—mathematics! Mathematics was the foundation of this type of science. Alex truly recognized his weakness and felt a strong need for mathematics. After all, at a top military academy like A-grade, advanced mathematics was definitely a required course. He didn't want to lag behind. His interest wasn't in the scores but in gaining knowledge. When he was reading about other theories, whenever there were some specific calculations involved, he got stuck. It was a very unpleasant feeling, even making him lose interest in virtual battles.

Discussing with Sosha... His buddy's skills were limited. After thinking about it, the only suitable candidate was Tang Ling. She was an expert in mobile warfare and had full marks in mathematics. Teaching him would be a piece of cake!

Dialing Tang Ling's number was just a subconscious action, but Alex didn't expect Tang Ling to agree so readily.

For this, Alex was forced by Sosha to dress up properly. "I'm going to study, not on a date!"

Sosha rolled his eyes. "I know, you don't need to emphasize it. Are you trying to stimulate me? Ah, it's really like the vicissitudes of life. Thinking of me, the great lover, alas, you lucky kid! Go on, be more generous, proactive, gentle, considerate with the girl..."

Alex immediately fled. This guy started nagging again. Since Tang Ling's proactive invitation, Sosha had been sighing about life from time to time, even suspecting whether the Earth was still the same Earth.

They agreed to meet at Starbucks. As soon as Alex arrived, Tang Ling was already there. She was wearing a simple white T-shirt and shorts, but it was quite stunning. After all, with Tang Ling's appearance, her straight legs and sweet smile were quite striking. Without a doubt, she was the center of attention.

The two could only choose a slightly secluded place to avoid more attention. Fortunately, Tang Ling was used to it.

Alex wasn't polite. He had been showing signs of becoming obsessed with mathematics recently. His mind was full of thoughts, and recalling some of Kim's theoretical courses, especially the connection with mobile warfare theory, made him even more curious. Although he fought based on feeling, if he added meticulous analysis, it could be calculated accurately. Moreover, it would be more precise. As long as he could discover ways to improve combat effectiveness, Alex wouldn't give up.

Tang Ling... was a bit speechless. When she received the invitation, she thought he was just making an excuse for a date and even dressed up accordingly. Although there were many more beautiful and glamorous clothes, she chose simple ones, thinking it would fit his style. However, the expected compliments and infatuation only flashed by. Unexpectedly, he really came to learn!

...You're impressive!

Tang Ling could only watch as Alex took out piles of books. She didn't pay much attention at first, but when she saw the titles, her eyes sparkled with different lights. She also liked these books very much, and some of the comments on mobile warfare were very reasonable. They could be considered the best among basic books. Then, Alex eagerly flipped through them, asking questions one after another.

After two questions, both of them entered a state of immersion. Tang Ling was also a very serious girl, especially when it came to mobile warfare. She wasn't interested in wars in general, but she had a special fondness for mobile warfare. In Tang Ling's view, the appearance of mobile warfare was an important step for humanity to embark on the journey to the universe, related to the future security of humanity.

These questions naturally didn't stump Tang Ling. She easily solved them, and Alex could understand them too. In his heart, he also admired this girl he liked. She was definitely better than the teacher, and she used the mobile theory that Alex liked to explain it, making it clearer.

At first, Tang Ling just played the role of a teacher. However, every time they solved a problem, Alex would say something strange, and those strange words sounded like thunder in Tang Ling's ears. They were theories she had never heard of.

"Wait, Alex, what did you just say?" In desperation, Tang Ling didn't even realize she had grabbed Alex's hand.

Alex didn't notice either. He was immersed in joy. The problems that had troubled him for days were being solved one by one, which was really refreshing.

"I mean, to adapt to different combat environments, mobile suits can incorporate a micro-transformation system, which can actually be achieved through a distributed power system."

Indeed, that's what Kim said. Human mobile suits now are relatively fixed. At least, the ones that have appeared are like that. Researchers have been struggling with how to solve the transformation problem. In fact, it's about dispersing the power system. Of course, what Alex said was just the general direction, like how the moon revolves around the earth. He didn't know the specific implementation methods, but Tang Ling, as a professional, heard it differently. The eyes of this genius girl lit up with a string of data. Although it's not certain whether it will work, it's definitely worth trying.

Looking at Tang Ling's surprised expression, Alex knew he had let slip something and felt a bit embarrassed.

After the excitement passed, Tang Ling completely relaxed and stared at Alex intently. "How did you come up with that?"

"Cough cough, well, actually, I just guessed. I like playing virtual battles, and while playing, I had this idea. How about you? Does it help you?"

Indiscriminate fatal—playing dumb.

"Although I'm not sure if it's feasible, it's worth a try. The implementation is actually very complicated. Alex, I found that you are very talented, but your foundation is not solid enough. I suggest you consolidate the basic theory and then expand on it. With your talent, you can definitely surpass me!"

Sweat... Fortunately, there were only the two of them here. If Tang Ling said something like this to Alex in school, it would definitely make countless classmates want to bang their heads against the wall. A math idiot... surpassing a genius girl. This is definitely the biggest joke of the year.

Alex also nodded earnestly. He was already fascinated by these numbers, and besides, these numbers could help him solve many problems.

"It seems that we need to meet a few more times like this."

"I'm really sorry to bother you. You're much better than the teachers said. Don't worry, in the future, if you need any help, just ask me. As long as I can do it, I'll go through fire and water for you!" Alex said, patting his chest. This was definitely the style of Sosha. Birds of a feather flock together!

Tang Ling also nodded without hesitation. "That's what you said. In the future, if I need your help, you're not allowed to refuse, okay?"

She said playfully, blinking her eyes mischievously, leaving Alex dumbfounded. He just nodded in confusion. Undoubtedly, this was a very happy learning experience, and the two of them forgot about time while chatting.

When Alex returned home that night, Sosha was squatting at the door, staring at him. As soon as he saw Alex, his eyes sparkled with golden light.

"How did it go? Did you hit a few home runs?"

Sweat... "What home runs? I just consulted her on some basic questions."

"You're kidding. Seven whole hours and eight minutes and twenty seconds, with dinner in between. Don't tell me you weren't together." Sosha said righteously.

"Hehe, we lost track of time. I treated her to dinner."

"Ah, really? What did you eat?"


Sosha immediately collapsed. "Oh my god, bro, are you kidding me? You took the lady of GAD to eat KFC? Oh, God bless, only you could do something like this."

"Tang Ling doesn't seem like a picky girl," Alex didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

Sosha looked at Alex blankly, subconsciously touching his face. "You're ruthless. It's strange though, you're not particularly handsome, nor do you sweet talk. How did Miss Tang take a liking to you? Oh well, it's hard to believe, but bro, I support you. You must win her over. I'll have so much face when we go out together!"

"We're just good classmates for now."

"I understand, you don't need to explain. You must develop into... good classmates... uh, gentlemen don't do things hands on..."

Alex inquired several times but didn't get any results. Anyway, he was admitted through special recruitment for some reason. The school's reason was that he was talented and had potential.

Helplessly, Alex could only accept it. Anyway, it was a good thing.

Sosha didn't seem to be lacking behind either. He trained seriously every day, while also studying interview techniques and military theory. Of course, other candidates were doing similar things. Only Alex was somewhat of an exception, training, studying, and learning from Tang Ling.

The two didn't end up having the kind of "good classmates... uh... relationships" that Sosha had anticipated. However, their relationship did become quite close. They casually called each other by their first names, and Alex's ability to absorb knowledge truly amazed Tang Ling. It seemed like there was an endless stream of secrets within him. What would take an ordinary person a year to fully grasp, he could almost achieve in a few days. It was truly unbelievable that he had failed math before. His earnest gaze was... captivating.

Even Alex noticed that he had improved. When he strongly desired something, his brain became exceptionally efficient. Now he could apply some professional theories on his own. Of course, reaching Tang Ling's level would take some time. After all, Tang Ling was also a genius, and she had dedicated much more time and effort than Alex.

Half a month passed quickly. For Alex, Tang Ling, and Sosha, this half-month was exceptionally fulfilling, and they gained quite a lot. Is theoretical knowledge useless in practical combat? The answer is definitely no. After understanding the calculation method of mobile suit observation data, Alex had a deeper and clearer understanding. Tang Ling gained valuable inspiration from Alex. Many ideas were temporarily unattainable, but that didn't mean they couldn't be achieved in the future. Although it wasn't certain whether Alex truly knew or just stumbled upon it, Tang Ling decided to study this boy who constantly surprised her. Of course, Sosha also benefited. He trained every day, ate lots of protein and milk, making his physique more muscular. In Sosha's words, passing exams could also be used to impress girls. The great Casanova Sosha would become even more invincible.

For many people, June 20th held no special significance. If it weren't for the military academy, they would probably have started their happy summer vacation. However, for the candidates who applied to the A-class military academy, it was a very tense moment. Undoubtedly, they were all top students in their respective schools, but here, twenty percent of them would be eliminated.

Naturally, the boys and girls were separated for the exams, including the physical examination, which was one of the scoring criteria. After all, having a strong body is essential to becoming a soldier, especially a warrior.

Alex, Tang Ling, and Sosha went together, but with elites gathered here, no one had time to pay attention to others. Everyone who came here was outstanding in their own school, but here, they were just ordinary individuals.

Of course, among the elites, there were still elites. For example, this year's special recruits to Yarong included five people. These five were naturally considered prince and princess-level individuals. Four of them were already well-known, including Miss Tang Ling, the princess of GAD. This already set a record for the highest number of recruits over the years. But there was still one mysterious person, rumored to be the last-minute addition. Obviously, this person also had extraordinary abilities, but he didn't seem to be famous before. The school didn't announce the list of special recruits, and the other four were revealed before the exam, but the last person's identity was unknown. However, no one really paid attention to this. Everyone first had to confirm their own fate.

Alex didn't feel particularly worried among the many examinees. Besides the terrifying test questions, nothing could stump him. The questions from the teachers were quite simple, with no intention to trick the students. Three teachers asked questions about personal background, practical experience, and professional knowledge, just to get a general understanding of the students. Alex answered them all effortlessly and then went to the physical examination. However, the students in his group seemed a bit nervous, murmuring constantly.

The physical examination was divided into two parts. First was the body test. You just had to stand on the instrument, and various data about your body would be displayed. Alex was considered average, with a standard physique. He wasn't particularly outstanding, but he wasn't lacking either. There were a few students over two meters tall who didn't mind showing off their muscles and explosive strength in front of the teachers. Obviously, they also wanted to become mobile suit pilots like Alex.

A strong body was a necessary condition for becoming a mobile suit pilot. Otherwise, even if you were good at operating, it would be useless. The teachers were very satisfied with such students.

After the body test, there were some single-item tests. Alex carefully observed the data of the students in front of him, trying to maintain a decent score—not too exaggerated, but not low enough to be eliminated. He passed easily, with a total score similar to Sosha's. This guy would smile after training, and it was quite obvious. With three months of preparation during the review phase, Sosha's overall quality had greatly improved.

Tang Ling didn't have any problems either. The three of them all passed the tests smoothly, but Tang Ling's score was quite high, completely different from Alex and Sosha's mediocre performance. But a pass was a pass, and the three of them were very happy. A celebration was inevitable.

"Teacher, what do you think?" Zhou Zhi and Principal Barbara watched the entire test process of the five special recruits through the screen. There was no doubt that Alex was the worst among them.

"The other four will do their best to show themselves, but our secret weapon seems reluctant to display. Low-key young people are not good recruits at the moment," Barbara said.

"Low-key?" Zhou Zhi chuckled, "Teacher, you're mistaken. I dare say this person loves to show off more than anyone else. It's just that he thinks it's meaningless to show off in front of these people."

"Hehe, Zhou Zhi, you've discovered an extraordinary person. Look carefully, whenever the camera focuses on him, his body always forms a thirty-degree angle with the camera. This is the best reaction angle. We can only see his profile, but it's not completely hidden. Do you think he's doing it on purpose?" Barbara had seen countless geniuses, but it was the first time she had encountered such an interesting student.

"Teacher, he definitely is. But he's still a

bit naive. Ordinary people definitely couldn't pull off such reactions. This kind of response is like that of a seasoned warrior, but I can be sure he's just a student. Could there really be geniuses born with such talents?"

"It's not impossible. You never know," Barbara said, "I've decided to intervene personally."

"Teacher!" Zhou Zhi stomped her foot heavily.

"Cough, I've been a bit foolish. How could I compete with my own student? But this kid is so interesting. I'm starting to look forward to seeing his performance."

The old and the young both laughed. Although one appeared gentle and the other admired like spring breeze, there was a sense of conspiracy between them.

On the way, Alex couldn't help but sneeze. It couldn't be helped. Devil Jin's training couldn't be perfect, and in some aspects, he couldn't compare to those old cunning people. But if someone wanted to provoke him, they had to think twice. A whole new stage awaited him, and Alex was ready!

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