
Mechanical Storm

A legendary man, clad in powerful mech armor, has become an immortal hero. His story brims with invincible battles and astonishing adventures, his name already a legend in countless mouths. He possesses not only remarkable combat skills but also an indomitable will and boundless courage. His mech, a war machine merging state-of-the-art technology with limitless power, renders him unbeatable in combat. Fearlessly challenging all adversaries, every battle he engages in becomes a legend, and each adventure inscribes history. However, the hero's journey is far from smooth sailing. He faces formidable foes, endless dangers, and daunting choices, yet he never gives up, forever upholding his beliefs and mission.

Jyrtsunoeso · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Want to become a general

Two months passed quickly. Others, including Sosha, got caught up in the revelry, traveling around, while Alex immersed himself in his own world. His meetings with Tang Ling became less frequent, mainly because Tang Ling was also busy with a GAD project. Alex's life was simple yet fulfilling, with daily basic training, studying, bi-weekly visits to the gym to use eight times gravity, and weekly space battles, mainly to test his new ideas.

He had given up the habit of browsing forums and wasn't too concerned about them. His room was filled with books on mathematics, physics, and mechanics. Time was simply not enough. But for space battle players, the appearance of the Blade Warrior once a week was their highlight. And this was the first time the Blade Warrior had appeared so regularly, with five classic matches, each lasting a week in intensity until the next one appeared.

But no matter how much the players clamored, it seemed that the top players had disappeared as if they never existed. No one came out to fight, or perhaps they were also observing, waiting for the right moment. So far, they hadn't figured out how to deal with the Blade Warrior. And since these people were participating, they certainly couldn't use fantasy models, and using the BS001 model probably meant no one could defeat Alex in space battles. So their choices should all be the four basic models. To defeat the Blade Warrior, they also had to be cautious. The power demonstrated by the Blade Warrior was truly impressive.

Someone gave a classic evaluation.

The judgment of an eagle, the agility of a sheep, the patience of a snake, the explosiveness of a leopard, the cunning of a fox, the tenacity of a jackal, and the dominance of a lion.

These completely different styles were perfectly integrated into one person, so it's no wonder the Blade Warrior went from losing every battle to being invincible.

Countless alliances were inviting the Blade Warrior to join them. So far, the Blade Warrior had always fought alone, only participating in individual duels, never team battles. In space battles, besides the more popular individual duels, there were also two-on-two, three-on-three, and free choice matches, as well as large-scale alliance battles. The winner would certainly receive system rewards and pick combat loot from the losers, all of which were quite valuable.

If a master like the Blade Warrior could join, it would definitely greatly enhance their own strength and reputation. Unfortunately, the Blade Warrior showed no interest in these invitations, and the so-called preferential conditions were simply ignored.

Now, on the video ranking, it's a showdown between Angela Carly and the Blade Warrior, also a showdown between "Peace and War". People were speculating whether these two knew that their videos were always alternating between first and second place on the rankings. The media intentionally or unintentionally hyped it up, also making the supporters of both sides desperately support their idols... Anyway, it annoyed the game publishers and Mirky greatly.

But the parties involved didn't care about this at all. They were both focused on their own things. Alex had no idea about this at all. He was fascinated by a string of formulas.

On September 1st, with the bright sunshine, the opening ceremony of the A-class Military Academy of Arang, to describe it, it could only be described as a sea of people. Some big shots from the political and military circles couldn't ignore the face and attended to give some speeches to encourage the students. The students who could step into here were extremely proud. From today onwards, they were the brilliant students of Arang, attracting envious glances wherever they went.

Arang = Elite = Future.

Tang Ling might have been taking care of Alex and Sosha's feelings. When she appeared with them now, she basically didn't bring bodyguards or drivers. But some girls were as dazzling as the sun, attracting attention wherever they went, whether they were freshmen or old students, they were very interested in Tang Ling. Of course, this was when they didn't know Tang Ling's identity.

In the time spent with Alex, Tang Ling's personality had indeed changed a lot unconsciously, in many ways even she hadn't noticed. The previous Tang Ling was centered on herself, expecting everyone to cater to her. But after meeting Alex, Tang Ling had to make some changes. Alex wasn't perfect, after all, there was a huge gap in their lives, and in many habits, the princess-like Tang Ling naturally... couldn't stand it. If it were in the past, she would have looked down on it, or even kept her distance. But now Tang Ling attributed it to her own princess temper and felt she should change it... The difference in this realm was huge.

Alex certainly couldn't say he was ugly, but he wasn't handsome like a star. However, he had a unique charm and confidence. Unlike other boys who would either be servile or show off themselves when they saw her, fearing to miss out on any opportunity, Alex was different. It was clear that Alex admired her a lot, and there was an indication of affection, but... Tang Ling couldn't describe that feeling. She was looking forward to Alex being more proactive, but Alex's performance always left her unable to give up. Every time she felt like there was nothing special, as long as she focused a little, she would always find many new things. This person was really strange, as if hiding many secrets unknown to others.

Alex and Sosha were immersed in the grandeur of the academy. Of course, Sosha was more fascinated by the chests and beautiful legs of the senior sisters. Tang Ling completely failed to notice that she had been staring at Alex for a long time. These scenes were seen by people around... Where did this kid come from? Is he really that good-looking?

At this time, a pleasantly surprised man walked over briskly: "Tang Ling, it's been a long time since we last met! We're real classmates now!"

With a height of 1.85 meters, a well-proportioned figure, and casual clothes, coupled with a noble smile, he was a typical girl killer, definitely a higher level than Sosha. "Damn, the supporting actor appeared. Alex, you need to be careful!" Sosha whispered.

As a master of picking up girls himself, Sosha could certainly see that the other party was definitely richer and more powerful than him, and also looked super handsome, especially the pure eyes with a touch of tenderness, this was the pinnacle of hidden depths, while Sosha was still in the realm of outside sao.

Alex didn't react much, just glanced at the other person.

"Alex, let me introduce you. This is Grin, a scion of the ST Group, and a special admissions student this year. Alex, Sosha, aerospace." Tang Ling said.

Grin was slightly surprised: "I didn't expect aerospace to hide such dragons and tigers. Nice to meet you both." With a smile, he reached out to Alex.

Who is Grin? He immediately saw that Tang Ling was very close to this person named Alex. But he hadn't heard of any worthy opponents in aerospace, and Alex didn't know where he came from. He actually managed to get into Arang.

The two clasped hands together, and it was evident that Grin was trying to assert dominance. He always believed that women were meant to be conquered, and a powerful man should demonstrate his strength in front of competitors. He thought that one's abilities should speak for themselves, without relying on family background to intimidate others. This was his consistent principle.

Alex didn't see the other party as a rival, simply because Grin seemed too inexperienced. However, Grin didn't share the same sentiment. Suddenly, he exerted more force, catching Alex off guard. Grin thought that since the other person was so close to Tang Ling, they must have the same mindset as him.

Caught off guard by the sudden attack, Alex instinctively increased his grip, forgetting to control his strength. Grin's expression changed immediately, though he tried to endure the pain, he couldn't maintain a calm demeanor anymore, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

Sosha smirked from the sidelines. This guy was indeed naive, actually trying to compete in strength with Alex, despite not being a muscular man. However, ST Corporation was a well-known conglomerate, also involved in military industries. They had unique technology in mobile warrior operating systems and even had some cooperation with GAD Corporation. This Grin was quite a remarkable figure, being a special enrollment student from Arang.

Both Grin and Tang Ling naturally attracted numerous eyes, including some seniors'. After all, the treatment for special enrollment students was different from regular students, especially considering the vast difference in their backgrounds.

Releasing his grip, Grin didn't seem angry, but his expression was peculiar. He smiled and said, "Alex, it seems you're quite something. We should interact more in the future. But I find it strange that your name isn't among the top ten of this year's cohort."

Grin's astonishment was justified. He was no ordinary person, coming from a family with a background in mobile warfare. He had undergone rigorous physical training since childhood, and grip strength was a basic requirement for operating mobile warriors. His body could withstand three times the normal gravity, which was commendable even in the military. Yet he was unexpectedly defeated by the person in front of him, who seemed unfazed and showed no signs of exertion. This kind of composure shouldn't be found in someone unknown, especially among the top hundred candidates he had researched.

Tang Ling naturally knew of Grin's prowess, being quite famous among the young generation in UA. Seeing Alex defeat him so easily... Tang Ling was surprisingly pleased.

"Grin, Alex is a special enrollment student of our school," Tang Ling interjected, feeling a sense of pride, although she was referring to Alex, Sosha also puffed up his chest. He was proud to have some face, as the opportunities to show off in front of these people were rare.

"So you are... My ignorance, hehe. Alex, we'll surely have many opportunities to interact in the future. I'll take my leave now, not to disturb you further," Grin said as he left in a hurry, feeling utterly embarrassed. He hadn't even figured out who his opponent was, a major blunder. He knew about the other three, who were indeed formidable. Only the fifth person was mysterious, suddenly approved at the final stage, perhaps even specially authorized by the principal. What was their background? And being so close to Tang Ling, they must be extraordinary. Grin realized it was a mistake to make a move without understanding his opponent. As for Tang Ling, he only had a slight fondness for her, not as Sosha thought. After all, any capable man would naturally want to get close to an excellent girl.

Compared to Grin's caution, Alex didn't think too much about it. The three of them were busy with the new student procedures. However, with Tang Ling around, everything was done swiftly. No one could refuse Tang Miss's face. And Sosha didn't want to be a third wheel; he wanted to find his own target. After all, newly enrolled female students were the easiest to be charmed by enthusiastic senior students. He didn't mind posing as a sophomore.

"Alex, I've only met Grin twice, once for business and once at a debate. We're not very familiar," Tang Ling suddenly blurted out, as if explaining something to Alex. But as the words came out, she felt she didn't need to explain anything. Her face instantly turned red, wondering what was wrong with her, constantly making mistakes today.

Alex chuckled. This made Tang Ling even more embarrassed. "No laughing, no laughing!" she said, but then chuckled herself.

Alex laughed even more heartily. The two seemed to have broken through a barrier, and their relationship had grown closer. In fact, both sides were somewhat interested, but neither had confessed.

This was indeed one of the most wonderful states of love. "Alright, no more laughing. Let's go report to the principal and get our student cards," Alex said.

The cards for special enrollment students were different. The school had many areas that were segregated, mainly for the sake of order and confidentiality, given that it was a higher military academy involved in research work.

Tang Ling nodded enthusiastically. She was very happy, filled with excitement. In front of others, she was always the perfect princess, but in front of Alex, she often embarrassed herself. It wasn't the first time, but she didn't feel burdened. Each time, she just acted spoiled, throwing a little tantrum. Upon learning that Alex had been specially enrolled, Tang Ling's self-imposed barriers suddenly lifted. For a girl like her, apart from mobile warriors, she had never thought of anyone else in such a way. First loves were always like this.

"Alex, did you cheat during the physical test?" Tang Ling asked playfully.

"What cheating? I took the test very seriously!"

"Don't lie to me. Grin is a mobile warrior pilot, and your grip strength is even greater than his. How could your test score only be average?"

"Hehe, I was too nervous that day, had a stomachache, and felt weak all over. Just now, I wanted to show off in front of a beauty."

Tang Ling wrinkled her nose, not believing him. "Hmm, always talking nonsense. Smooth talker. Tell me, have you fooled many girls?"

"Sweat, I'm just a fresh newbie, how could any girls be interested in me?"

"Is that so? That's good then!" Tang Ling said, but as she continued, she wanted to cover her mouth. What was going on? She had made so many mistakes today.

When Alex and Tang Ling arrived at the principal's office, the old man looked at them with a smile. "Very good, Tang Ling, a genius in mobile warriors. Everyone is looking forward to you!"

"Yes, Principal, I will work hard. My father sends his regards to you!"

"Hehe, if that kid really misses me, he should donate more to the school. After all, he can't spend it all."

Alex and Tang Ling couldn't help but smile. Principal Babara was indeed as interesting as rumored, not a stiff person.

Principal Babara's gaze shifted to Alex. "Alex?"

"Yes, Principal!"

"What's your goal?"

"A general, Principal!"

"Hehe, young people are so ambitious, I like it. Don't you want to know why you

 were specially enrolled?"

Alex smiled confidently. "Principal, you'll be proud of the decision you made!"

Tang Ling and Principal Babara were both surprised by Alex's "arrogant" answer, which didn't quite match Alex's usual style. However, much later, as Principal Babara looked back on his life, the most correct decision he made was to admit Alex through special enrollment.

"Very good, I look forward to your performance. Here are your student cards."

Holding the student card, Alex felt that he had taken a significant step closer to his goal. Alex wasn't a conservative person; he spoke differently depending on the person he faced. Since Arang had chosen to specially enroll him, they must have noticed something, maybe even related to Zhou Zhi. There was no need to lie in front of Tang Ling, no need for false words.

"Tang Ling, want to have lunch together?"

"Yes, sure!" Tang Ling nodded instinctively. She had a lot of time to get to know him slowly.