
Know Your Place

A few days passed by after Hiro apologized to Alma.

They maintained the same status quo in their relationship as they were before Hiro ditched her for his mission on his birthday. The both of them got along well, without any problem. They seemed more closer than before.

"Did they do it?"

"Who knows?"

"They were cute together from the start itself.."


The three children along with Yuki were conversing. They were looking at Hiro and Alma being chummy together.


They had a smirk on their face looking at the two of them. Hiro noticed this and looked at them.

"What're you guys looking at?"

"Nothing,", Yuki replied and continued, "Just seeing the one who defeated the DUQUOIS flirt with a girl he likes."

"We aren't flirting!!", Hiro and Alma retorted in unison.

"Oh, really..."

"Me and Alma aren't like that!", Hiro said to her.

Yuki then spoke, "Then does that mean, you don't like Alma either, right?"

Hearing Yuki sentence, Alma was down. She started to become pale and look like a ghost. Hiro looking at her, Hiro started to become tensed and tried calming her down.

"If-f... Hiro... doesn't like me... will I do?", She spoke the words in a low tone, while being pale and shivering.

"Look, I never said I didn't like you.", Hiro replied to her in a loud voice. Without hesitation, he spoke those words which were indicating something. Then, the room went silent.

Alma, got embarrassed and was blushing while holding her cheeks.

Haruna was smiling and had a smug face.

Tohji and Varuna had sparks in their eyes.

Yuki, who was the cause had the most smug face of them all.

At that moment, the door bell rung.

Breaking the present atmosphere, the one who had rung the bell spoke, "Delivery for Mr. Hiro, it is a letter set by Mr. Henry de Brown."

"A letter for me....", Hiro wondered.

"It seems to be something...."

The demon inside him spoke.

"Do you think it is something trustworthy, kid?", demon asked him.

"Shut up..", Hiro replied in a small voice.

Hiro, hearing the door bell, went to open it. As he opened it, he could see a person who was dressed lavishly in a suit coming up to him. His way of walking and the way he looked at Hiro could only give him one impression, he was a narcissist.

Hiro realized it right away looking at him.

"This is for Mr. Hiro, or should I simply call you Hiro. You aren't worthy of being addressed formally. Commoner scum.", the one who rung the bell told him.

"He seems to be a bad person. Kill him, child."

The demon seemed to have gotten irritated upon his words that he was feeling to kill him.

"I feel like killing him too. But status matters.", he said to the demon in his mind

"Hey, plebian scum. I will say this to you. Listen carefully and be happy that someone like me was sent to give you a message."

"Didn't you it was a message?", Hiro asked him.

The one with whom Hiro was having the exchange was annoyed at his words. The company who was with Hiro were watching the conversation between them secretly. Alma could barely hold her laughter.

"What I say, I will say, just shut up and listen understand."

"How am I supposed to tell whether I understand or not if you asked me to shut up?"

"Just shut, you understand. You fool."

Hiro couldn't give any answer to the words he said.

"Now, tell me if you understand."

"You were the one who asked me to shut up and now you're asking me to talk?"

"Just shut up!!!!"

The latter was triggered and was red in rage.

"I just came to tell you that the lord of this place has invited you to the party this evening on occasion of you killing the DUQUOIS. Come to the party or not, it is your wish."

"How is that supposed to be a letter if it was simple message?"

"Just shut up! I would honestly be happy if the lord didn't invite you."

"Then why did you come to deliver the message."

"Shut up! you plebian scum."

The ones who were witnessing the exchange couldn't hold their laughter and were laughing at the exchange.

"Just attend if you want or not. By the way, my lord told you it was compulsory for you to attend."

"Then why did you tell me to attend the party at my wish."

He was further infuriated at Hiro's words.

"I will attend the party. Tell your lord that."

"I don't need your orders for that."

He was infuriated by Hiro but he gave him the invitation and left saying the words, "I can understand that you can't afford a simple suit. I recommend to drop it."

The latter tried to annoy Hiro but he paid his words no heed.

At that time, Yuki came out from the room and asked Hiro, "Are you really fine with attending his party?", and continued, "He could have called you to insult you also."

"It doesn't matter much. Anyways I need to make a call."

Alma tried calling out to Hiro but Hiro didn't notice her and had gone upstairs.

Hiro said those words and went upstairs to make a call.

The evening of the party had arrived.

It was the lord of the Macross district's grandiose mansion the party was taking place at. There were may guests who were arriving there in their luxurious vehicles. The guests who were arriving from the upper-class area, the Weiss district. They intended to show the amount of luxury they lived in with the cars they were arriving.

The mansion, which belonged to Henry de Brown was extravagant, being covered by lights. It gave off the impression to show the difference between a noble and a commoner. The only place for a commoner there was to serve the people from nobility. They were just workers in the place, who worked to earn a wage and take whatever were the left overs.

As such, there was an exception. It was Hiro, he was invited as a guest to attend the party in the mansion of the present lord. To the surprise and disgust of many higher-class people, Hiro was invited as a guest.

The extravagant food which was prepared there in lrge quantities. The red carpet which was aligned almost all over the mansion. It could truly been shown that it was a luxurious place for a person to attend to.

Hiro had come to place wearing an exotic suit to show his dignity. But the moment Hiro stepped on the red carpet, he could hear jeers from the nobility.

"That guy, he doesn't deserve a red carpet."

"He is going to pollute this place with his presence"

"He is the one that killed the DUQUOIS right. He didn't even need to participate in the mission. It was totally unnecessary."

"Did that commoner really afford that suit. I can guess that he might be debt-ridden."

Understanding the environment around him, Hiro wasn't surprised at how classist and elitist they were. He couldn't even criticize them because he knew that the Governor-General would be attending the party as well.

Smooth music was being played by the band which was called there. They were playing the instruments in order, like how it is in an opera. The music could be heard slightly on the outside where and upon entering into the mansion, the music could be heard clearly.

As Hiro entering into the mansion, someone patted his back.

"Hey, Hiro. I came here as promised."

Hiro smiled upon hearing his words. It was Anton.

"You're late.", another worker who brought them drinks told him.

"Is the plan going as explained?", Hiro asked him.

"Yes.", the latter replied and whistled.

The singer who was singing with his tone stopped the moment. The musical instruments also stopped. But it didn't seem to bother the party that much for a moment unless, it became monotone with the conversations going along the guests.

"Oh, you're here, mutt.", Henry came to where Hiro was.

"Yes.", Hiro replied with a smile, without the slightest hint of respect.

That moment, another guest who was there cried at Hiro, "You commoner, you have no right to pilot the MECHA."

He looked at the one who said that. It was Kurt.

The guests who were attended were silenced at his words.

Kurt went to and told him, "You don't deserve to be here."

That single moment, caused a scene. It looked as if they were going to fight and it attracted everyone's attention towards them.

"Oh my, is he going hit the commoner?"

"Well, that's kind of absurd."

Hiro, keeping quiet, didn't utter a word. He just snapped his fingers. At that moment the music which silent until now started playing. Hiro pushed Kurt aside and moved towards the place where music was being played and quite a few of the workers had gathered.

Hiro looked at Kurt and told him, "Why don't you try dancing, it might improve your foul character."

Saying this words, Hiro started his dance which rhythmically synced with the music. The workers who had gathered behind did the same. They performed the dance in full coordination and sync that surprised many guests. At that time, Anton also joined the dance.

They started performing similar to flash mob which takes place in public. The trumpet played slowly as they did the moves in slow-motion in a sequence. The guests who were watching it were entertained by the dance.

The mob slowly then moved to the centre of the hall. Then, the dance continued within the hall where the people were gathered.

"Stop it, this madness.", Henry came towards Hiro.

But the mob gathered behind Hiro, causing Henry to move back himself. A few guests who were interested in the mob, started to dance as well.

The music was still proceeding on without a problem. The people who were in charge of the lights, changed the lighting inside the large hall as well. It perfectly gave off the party mood.

The majority of the guests who were there, started dancing as well. It was the moment for Hiro.

They all started dancing without caring about who was who. It wasn't any sort of classical dance which the nobles do. But rather it was a free style one with the mob.

The dance proceeded smoothly.

It was only until something miserable happened to Hiro.

He was secretly dragged from the crowd by three people. They took Hiro to a place where there were no people and he was surrounded by two other people. He was surrounded by five people in total.

The people who were there were Ker, Kurt, Corel, Trig and Commander Dorian.

Ker punched Hiro on the face, a straight blow to his cheek. Which pushed Hiro back to the wall.

He was cornered by those five. Kurt went ahead and striked his knee to Hiro's abdomen. Not giving Hiro a chance, Corel gave a strong hook to his abdomen after Kurt moved away from him.

"You've been getting too cocky, commoner.", Ker said him as he dealt a left hook to his right cheek.

Hiro was getting getting beat by those three. Ker went ahead tore his blazer, along with the sleeves.

"Don't you want to kill them", His demon asked him.

"Why...", Hiro groaned in pain.

"Why it is because you're getting too ahead of yourself.", Corel replied to him and punched his face, to the teeth, causing his lips to bleed by the impact. At that time, Kurt kicked the side of Hiro's abdomen with the heel of his leg.

The commander was overjoyed by looking at the condition of Hiro. He also joined in the group and kicked Hiro on his abdomen with the heel of his shoe.

"These worthless pieces of shit. Just kill them, destroy the nation. You have nothing to lose"

Hiro groaned in pain.

"Expose my crimes, huh. Commoner!", Dorian spoke in a pissed off tone.

"It doesn't matter if Macross district perishes, you know."

Hiro's eyes widened as his pupils contracted upon hearing the Commander's words.


"You might be wondering so, but even if the one who was wrong was a noble, with the commoner being a victim. This nation still supports the noble."

"Stop joking!", Hiro screamed.

Commander was taken aback by his words.

Trig, who had not taken part in beating up Hiro. He held Hiro's face with his grip and pushed him back to the wall. He looked directly into Hiro's eyes telling him, "You really think so?"

He went ahead and smashed Hiro's head to the back of the wall. Hiro, feeling impact from it could hearing the tinnitus buzzing his ears. Trig pushed Hiro down to the ground and stomped on face. He then kicked Hiro on his back.

The remaining looking at Trig, started to do the same except the commander.

"I don't want to kick. I'll get dirty."

Hiro who was getting beaten up one-sidedly couldn't do anything but bear the pain.

"You peasant scum. Know your that you live under our mercy."

"You commoners should be grateful that pigs like you are living with us."

"You worthless livestock aren't even purebloods like us. You have no right to go against us."

Hiro was constantly being hoarded by insults while getting beat up.

"Fufufu, those vulgar scumbags. Beating you up just so they satisfy their own bigotry. They truly are the worst asshole motherfuckers ever present"

His demon continued to say things to Hiro.

"You have no obligation to work for this piece of shit kingdom, ruled by the shittiest fucking assholes who have shit for brains calling themselves 'nobles'. Just destroy this fucking shitty country."

"Just shove a gun up their assholes and shoot them. Or kill them in the worst way possible"

"Make them suffer just like you did...."

"I will give you the power."

Trig and others who were beating him up asked him, "Hey, are you listening commoner?"

Hiro didn't reply to Trig's words. He got annoyed at Hiro's silence and then kicked him in the stomach. Hiro could feel a striking pain in his abdomen. He held his stomach.

"You have no right to disobey us."

"You're just meant to be alive for the sake of us nobles."

Hiro couldn't bear the words he was saying.

"Just strike back, boy. I will give you the power.", the demon told him.

"If you aren't gonna strike back at scum...."

"Then you're even worse than scum yourself."

Repeatedly hearing taunts the taunts given to him and being beaten up the others. Hiro was being tortured both mentally and physically.

At that moment, Anton who was searching for Hiro had found him. He could see the scene which was unfolding before his eyes. He immediately rushed to the spot and stopped them.

"Stop it!", Anton tried stopping them but it was no use.

"Don't get involved, it is none of your business.", Corel told him.

Anton went ahead and cried, "As the next heir to Anton fou Weiss, I command you to stop."

He didn't request them, he ordered them. They were shocked when he revealed his true family name and showing his position as a member of the branch family within Royalty. But him being a part of the branch family within Royalty was enough to stop them.

Upon hearing his orders, the others stopped.

"You all, I will see the consequences you face."

Commander Dorian then stepped up to him, "You seriously think the court would care for a commoner. Be happy that we aren't beating him up atleast."

"What was your reason?", Anton asked him.

"We were just disciplining a wild pig.", the commander replied.

The event had ended with those words. Hiro wasn't beaten up very badly physically and was still in a good condition to move around. But rather, he was inflicted with more psychological scars upon his mind. Hiro got up with the help of Anton and then was dropped at his home by Anton.

Hiro was taken back to his home by Anton. There were Alma and the kids waiting for him.

The children were already tired and went to sleep, leaning on Alma. She took the kids to their beds and covered them with blankets.

The bell rung, Alma understood that it was Hiro who had come. She went to the main door and her face was clad in horror, looking at Hiro's state. She immediately went and supported Hiro.

"Please take care of him.", Anton told to her.

"Yes and thank you for bringing him here.", Alma thanked him.

Anton left after saying that. Alma without sparing a moment took Hiro to the living room and washed the parts where he was bleeding. She did the important first aid to Hiro.

Slowly, tears began to run out of Hiro's eyes.

"Ehh, does it hurt somewhere.", Alma started fidgeting in a tensed manner.

"No...", Hiro replied, with a different tone. He continued, "Today, I realized that no matter what I do, no one will be there for me till the end."

"NO!", Alma raised her voice.

Hiro, immediately turned towards Alma.

"I will be there for you, Hiro. Till the end."


"I love you, Hiro."