
Post-Mission Consequence

Hiro, who was piloting Vernier defeated the DUQUOIS. It was a feat worth remembering for many years. It appeased a lot of people within Kreiss but it caused a great deal of dissatisfaction within Nobility to see the person who was credited to it.

"Is he the one who killed it?"

"I can't believe a commoner slayed the MECHA."

"That commoner was controlling a MECHA, other wise he couldn't have slayed it by himself."

"How can a MECHA be given to a commoner?"

Yes, a large amount of discontentment was within the nobles to see that Hiro was credited as the one who killed the DUQUOIS.

A week had passed after the incident.

After Hiro killed the DUQUOIS, everyone who was watching this, the MECHA pilots, the Air Force pilots, the soldiers from the terrestrial army and the soldiers from the Navy who came for more manpower were shocked to see what had unfolded in front of their eyes. It was something a soldier, no.. a MECHA pilot could never kill, even with a MECHA whether it was mass produced or not.

Every soldier out there could recognize Vernier as it was had distinctive features and was not mass-produced. Naturally, everyone was also able to recognize the person called 'Hiro', not fully but they at the very least knew him as the 'first commoner to pilot a MECHA'. So, to see that a MECHA pilot, that too a commoner who was piloting it, kill the DUQUOIS was shocking for anyone living within the Kreiss Monarchy to see.

The DUQUOIS' core formed, within the remains of its body which were the backside of the upper body and the lower body. The frontside of the upper body was completely destroyed by the concentrated ball of energy which was sent by Hiro. As it pushed the body back to the ground, it caused an exceptional change in the wind pressure along with the sandstorm.

After the sandstorm passed away, they looked at Vernier. If there were cultists present there, they would consider Vernier as being the 'omnipresent'. But, there were many who felt like it could someday save the world. No.1 or Michael, who was the captain of the MECHA pilots using mass produced MECHA saw him in a different light. At that time, the core formed within the DUQUOIS and the rest headed there to get it.

The core of the DUQUOIS had a perfect spherical shape and it was pitch black in colour.

The captain picked it up and stored it within the container of the MECHA.

"Core, secured....", No.1 got into contact with the Headquarters who were seeing the battle through the miniature cameras connected to the MECHAs. They weren't able to get into contact with the pilots due to severe jamming of radio signals from their side. They could only see what was going on there through the cameras.

"Good work, Captain."

"No, it wasn't me. It was Hiro."

"We know, but we can't get into contact with him due to severe jamming. We will talk about the rest within the headquarters. Please proceed to the Air Cruisers."

"Roger.", Michael replied.

No.7 went towards Vernier and got into contact with Hiro.

"Hiro, we're leaving. Please come.", No.7 requested Hiro as he got into contact.

"Yes.", Hiro replied slowly.

The Air Cruisers then picked up the MECHAs except for No.7 and Vernier who weren't within the group. After picking them up, they came towards Vernier and No.7. They picked them up and went back to the headquarters.

While, he was within the cockpit, his demon taunted him a lot.

"Still upto saving those upper-class lads, heh?"


"You're too naive as a person. Just acting as ordered. Just go and destroy Kreiss as a whole while I grant you the powers."

Hiro who was listening to his words as they passed through within his mind, was really irritated. He couldn't find an answer to his words. He could somewhat relate to the words he was saying and wanted to agree with the demon. But at that time, he remembered that if he mistakenly starts to rebel with the Kreisian government, not only him but his family along with Alma, Yuki and Raj might also get prosecuted by the law.

The Air Cruisers had gotten back to the headquarters.

They all were praised when the came back alive by the director of the headquarters. He came forward and praised all of them, "Good work all of you, for coming back alive."

He then turned towards Hiro and got into a three point kneel, bowing down his head saying, "Thank you, Sir Hiro. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have gotten back alive and also you can have all the credit for killing the DUQUOIS."

Hiro looked at the director replying, "Please get up, I don't need all the credit. I just need the credit for the only work I've done. These teammates of mine did their best to fight the DUQUOIS."

The director looked at him with a surprised face. The remaining crewmembers and his temporary teammates were also surprised as he praised them. The director got up and as if trying to persuade Hiro, "But,.."

"You must be crazy... You did all the work and you're giving half of the credit to those who didn't even land a proper hit. Did you forget all the times you've never been credited?", the demon asked him.

"Shut up!", Hiro replied to him but the director was right beside him. Everyone, including the director was shocked at Hiro's words as they concluded that he told the director to 'shut up' in order to stop his persuasion.

"He is really crazy."

"He is done.."

"Wait, is he trying to give half the credit to the others."


The director stopped persuading Hiro as the latter told him to 'shut up'. The Director concluded that Hiro was disrespect shown towards him was so that the other pilots who were sent might not be disrespected by the crew behind their backs.

"Such a nice person.", The Director thought.

Hiro, looking at the director realized that the words he said to the demon were received by the director shocked him, He was shivering due to fear. He tried convincing the director that his words weren't directed towards him.

"Sir,.. I mean, I didn't mean that....."

The director grinned saying, "You really are a nice person. You chose to give half the credit of your work so that the remaining pilots won't be made fun of behind their back."

"Heh?", Hiro wondered.

Everyone who heard the Director's words felt as if they were enlightened.

"Hiro, to do that for us.", No.7, who name was Skuld was in tears as he looked at him.

"Not only did he save us but he also chose to give us half his credit so that we won't be criticized", No.4 whose name was Marie also had tears in her eyes.

"Wait, are they really crying!?", Hiro thought in his mind, grinning slightly.

"You, you're a formidable person, Hiro. No matter how much I looked down you and insulted you. You still chose to respect us. I really am sorry.", The Captain, Michael told him with tears in his eyes.

"Are they from a soap opera!!!", Hiro wondered and so did the demon too.

Concluding the conversation between them, it was decided to give Hiro the majority of the credit while the other members received the minority of the credit. It was publicly announced.

"The MECHA pilot named Hiro, killed the DUQUOIS on his own with the team members who supported him by killing the DUQUOIS' minions."

The commander, who was in the headquarters of Krusch city slammed his table upon hearing the news of Hiro killing the DUQUOIS.

"No, the initial plan was for us to have him die in the battlefield and also hold him responsible to be one for disrupting this mission."

Trig who was there spoke to him, "Just wait for while, if he defies any noble. He'll be taken care of."

The commander, Dorian moved his eyes to where Trig was saying, "The initial plan was to have Piranion city destroyed by the failure of the mission and blame it on Hiro to be the one who disrupted the plan by becoming a hindrance."

Chris, who was also there asked him, "What do you mean, Sir?"

Commander Dorian replied, "Ohh, I didn't explain the plan to you it seems."

Chris had built up a lot of trust from the commander. So, the commander would say any of his plans. Chris would also easily know about what was going on within the government.

"The DUQUOIS was not hostile to humans in the first place unless it is attacked first. It was just a rumour that it was hostile towards humans but it doesn't attack unless threatened. Even the past stampedes were due to humans attacking it first."

"So that means."

"Yes, the plan to have the MECHA pilots of Piranion city attack it along with the commoner and make him take the responsibility partially to remove all the cogs by our side."

"Is it all for his MECHA 'Vernier'?", Chris asked him and continued, "If so, why is that the only one necessary?"

Dorian nodded, "Oh, you don't get it. That was something which was owned as Royal Treasure. It was found decades ago by the Royal Family. It was something which neither of the Royalty nor the Nobility could run....."

Trig looked at Chris and spoke in midst of Dorian words, "If that power comes in the hands of a lowlife like him, who knows what might happen?"

"Isn't that jus-"

"I know Chris, the MECHA are only the privilege of us Nobility or Royalty.", Trig continued his words before Chris could finish his sentence.

"Let's see if we got that lord's brother working with us."

"Well, there have been a few annoying pigs out there who have disturbing the class-system out there in our country."

"Let's see, if he turns out anymore bothersome in our business, then we will know what to do."

"Like I said, I won't be working with you.", Raj raised his voice upon Henry, who seemingly had come to Raj and Yuki with an offer.

"How does a mere commoner like you raise your upon me, you rubbish scum.", Henry spoke to him showing his arrogance openly.

"There's no way I could agree and sit quiet if you try to take the monopoly upon our business."

"It isn't a monopoly, all I am asking is to make this inn a part of the resort and you would get the share of the business along with me. I could also decrease some of your taxes, if you want. Only at cost of increasing the charges to rent a room."

"Look, this place is made for everyone to stay. Irrespective of class or affordability, they can stay unless they can pay us with money or labor and if I were to work along with you, this inn would be monopolized by the higher-class lads out there."

"What's the problem with that."

"Every single thing is a problem with that."

At that moment, Hiro entered into the room where the meeting was going on.

"Oh, that mutt my brother raised is here.", Henry spoke to him in disgust.

Hiro was pissed upon hearing his words but he held his anger and spoke calmly, "If I am a mutt, are you a swine then?"

Openly humiliating Henry, Hiro continued, "I mean you body does make you look like that."

Henry was infuriated upon hearing his words, "You insolent dog, how dare you....", he said as his face was red with anger and continued, "Don't think my power has fallen low. Remember that, I can kill you anytime..."

"Oh, you'd dare to kill the one who defeated the DUQUOIS."

"Does that matter.."

"Probably to you, it doesn't. But I guess the law would believe the pilot who defeated the DUQUOIS than the person making an unfair deal to buy an inn owned by a commoner unfairly without authorization from the owner."

Henry, became further infuriated upon hearing his words. He couldn't do anything and left. He left while saying, "Don't think this is going to be too light upon you."


"You were eavesdropping on us weren't you?"


"Now, I remember...", Yuki's words came from the kitchen.

Hiro was scared and squeaked, "Hii--"

"You still haven't apologized to the kids and Alma for ditching them during the party."

"But.. it was...."

Yuki looked like a devil in Hiro's eyes, while Raj smiled with fear on his face.

"You know what to do right?"


Hiro, upon understanding his words, went ahead and apologized to the kids first.

"You're late Hiro...", Varuna told him.

"He is always isn't he.", Tohji replied.

"You've arrived a week late and didn't even care to meet Alma.", Haruna told him.

"Well I was..."

"Silence,... I bet you had toured with Uncle Haseef and spent a vacation down in the city."

"Well, it was somewhat similar to that."

He remembered Haseef's words, "Listen, Hiro. This world might not agree to what I am going to do. It is a gamble but if it succeeds then the lives of many might improve. What do you think."

"I'll consider it depending on the circumstances.."

"I'll be waiting. Even if you aren't a MECHA pilot I would still accept you within the rebellion."

"But would I be of any use?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as I make the life of a single commoner better. I would have fulfilled a purpose in my life."

"Are you spacing out?", Haruna asked him.

Hiro, coming back to the present, responded to her, "No, I'm not..."

"Yes, you clearly were..", Tohji said

"No go and apologize to Alma..", Haruna told him.

"Ok!", he replied and went out of there to find Alma.

He found her and apologized to her.

"I'm sorry, Alma."

Alma, listening to his words slapped him on the cheek as tears started to flow out from her eyes.

"Be more quick about it, idiot."