
25. DON'T GO


As the last dish was put away, Vicky hopped up from his chair, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Let's watch a movie! I want to watch a sci-fi movie!" His voice filled the room with enthusiasm, and I couldn't help but chuckle at his eagerness.

Jay looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Really? Sci-fi? Can't we watch something more exciting?"

Vicky stuck out his tongue playfully. "Come on, Jay! Sci-fi is awesome! There are spaceships and aliens and cool gadgets!"

Lucy interjected with a gentle smile. "Well, I think sci-fi sounds like a great choice, boys. Let's find a movie that we can all enjoy."

We made our way to the living room, transforming it into a cozy haven for our movie night. Pillows and blankets were arranged on the couch, creating a warm nest where we could all cuddle together. The room was filled with anticipation as Lucy found a sci-fi film that seemed suitable for our afternoon entertainment.