


''Don't go'' I whispered, looking at Alex in the eye, so that he knows I'm serious. ''I don't want you to go. Spend the night with me.''

He clenched his jaw and cupped the back of my neck, bringing his face close to mine. ''You look tired, Tesoro. You need rest.''

I tiptoed, fisting his shirt on both sides and brushed my lips against his. He sucked his breath when I dragged my lips along with his jaw. His grip tightened on my neck as I licked the spot under his ear.

He smells musky mixed with sweat and it turned me on even more. I brought my lips to his ear and whispered ''I'm not tired enough, are you?''

He pulled me back by my neck and gripped my waist with his other hand. His lust-filled eyes bore into mine, making me shudder in anticipation.

''Never for you'' he muttered and slammed his lips against mine.