
Update #2

It's been a long time everyone! It feels great to be back.

I've finally been able to get a place. It isn't guaranteed and things might change soon but it's a great start. There's a few things that I need to get out of the way first before I can start back up again.

Bad news first: I'd been homeless for quite awhile. Sleeping at airports and university libraries. I guess I looked like a weak target because I ended up getting robbed at knife point. At that point in time everything in my bag was all that I owned, so of-course I fought back (Very stupid, trust me I know). I'm not dead (no shit Sherlock) but the scuffle/fight did end up breaking my laptop. I used the computer for literally everything and I had the entire story board for MCU:Zodiac stored on it. We're talking entire plot lines and timeline corrections that I had planned months ago. So until my computer is fixed I'll have to keep this story on the back burner for now. I really don't want to rewrite everything especially since it had been so long since I started planning this out.

Good news: I still have a phone. The people who have followed my story so far (a surprising amount) are into either the MCU or Worm. Maybe even both. I don't want to stop and write something completely different so till my friend (works at a computer tech company) ships my stuff back in pristine shape I'm going to start a fairly basic story with around the same premise. This will be practice for my writing ability as-well as using a power set I had really been interested in for awhile. 2 birds with 1 stone some would say.

Sorry for everyone hoping I would continue the Zodiac. I just hope you guys can understand where I'm coming from and I promise I'll get it started up again as soon as I can. Thank you all for being here, you don't know how happy it is knowing my work might either give someone a little bit of joy or inspiration.

Just remember I'm using my phone to write this story. Crossing my fingers but grammatical errors incoming!