
MCU: God of Magic

The tired guy who finished the training was going home, while he was crossing the pedestrian crossing, he didn't notice that the truck was coming towards him. Hearing the playing, he turned around only to see the truck, since he didn't have the strength to barely move her, he could only watch as the truck hit him. A moment later he felt a great force and slowly everything went dark, knowing he was dying he just closed his eyes. Not knowing how much time had passed, he opened his eyes again and saw that everything was dark while there were two wheels in front of him.

Zeno0 · 映画
9 Chs

Chapter 5


1523 years

It's been two years since I discovered the challenges with elemental magic and successfully integrated natural power into my own. Right now I'm at least five times stronger than before. During these two years, I devoted myself to the intensive improvement of the new elements I discovered, perfecting their use. I also diligently practiced my mana control, bringing it to perfection.

During this time, I also delved into the study of runes. I have now mastered their use. I discovered a few low level cursed runes from the book of cursed runes. Runes to slow down, weaken, and cloud the mind are just a few of them. However, I have come to realize that the effectiveness of these runes depends on the strength and resilience of the person I apply them to. If that person is stronger than me or has an extremely strong mind or body, the runes may become ineffective.

A few months ago I noticed that I could no longer increase my mana capacity. Also, the more mana I have, the longer it takes me to recover from spending it. If it used to take me about two hours, now it takes almost half a day. I've tried various methods to improve the mana regeneration rate, but to no avail, so I've given up on that idea for now.

Instead, I focused on practicing with the spear. Although I don't have a great talent for cold weapons, I managed to learn only the basics during that time. I'm currently sparring with Fandral, and after a few minutes of fighting, we stopped to catch our breath and analyze our moves.

After the rest, we continued sparring. It's been a few hours since we started. Seeing that it was over, I turned and went back to my room. When I reached him, I went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. After a few minutes, I came out, towel wrapped around my waist, and stood shirtless in front of the mirror. A young man with dark blue eyes, blond hair and a well-toned body with eight-pack abs was reflected in the mirror. Intricate golden runes adorned my body, instantly increasing gravity tenfold.

Looking at the runes etched on my body, I began to slowly undo the runes on my skin, feeling instantly lighter as they disappeared. I took a black short sleeve shirt from the closet before going out onto the balcony. With a jump, I used wind magic and the illusion of flying through the air inconspicuously. After a few minutes of flight, I reached the city center, descending stealthily. I watched the bustling city below, obscured by my illusion.

As the hours passed, I explored the city with its magnificent architecture. I was currently walking the Rainbow Bridge, near the Bifrost. After a few minutes of walking I reached the entrance, where stood a man in golden armor, brandishing a long sword.

"Hello, Heimdall, how are you?" I asked as I approached him.

"Hello, Prince Aldrys, I'm fine," Heimdall replied, nodding respectfully. I enter the Bifrost and reach the end of the tunnel, looking at the bright light in front of me.

"It's been a while since I've been here," I remarked, surveying the tunnel.

"Yes, you were last here two years ago, prince," Heimdall replied as we continued our conversation into the night. When night fell, I said goodbye to Heimdall and slowly made my way back to my room.

Entering my room, I went to the end of the bookshelf and took out a book about cursed runes. Then I lay down on the bed and started reading.

While immersed in reading the book, trying to learn an unknown ancient language, I didn't notice that it was already midnight. After closing the book, I glanced through the window and realized it was midnight. I left the book on the bedside table and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next day, I slowly opened my eyes, greeted by the sunlight streaming in. I got up and headed to the bathroom. After a few minutes, I emerged from my room and made my way towards the chambers where Thor and the others were. Arriving quickly outside their chambers, I gently opened the door and stepped inside. There, I saw Thor, Loki, and the rest of them. I approached them and greeted them warmly, and they returned the greeting.

After finishing breakfast, Fandral and I headed to the arena for some sparring, while Thor and the others went elsewhere. After several hours of training, it was already noon. I finished sparring and went back to my room to freshen up. After some time, I stepped out of my room and headed towards my father's chambers.

Reaching the door, I knocked, and a moment later, I heard my father's permission to enter. I opened the door and found my father sitting and lost in thought. I approached him, and he looked at me, asking what was the matter. I told Odin that I wanted to go to Midgard. He asked why, and I replied that I desired a little adventure. He granted me permission, which made me happy, so I left the chambers and went to pack my things.

Once I was ready, I went to my mother to inform her that I was going to Midgard. Upon reaching the Bifrost, I saw Heimdall.

"I'm going to Midgard," I told him simply, standing before the tunnel. Heimdall nodded, activated the Bifrost, and teleported me to Midgard. In an instant, I felt a force, and then found myself in the tunnel. After a few moments, I arrived in Midgard, where I saw snow all around me and smoke in the distance. Slowly, I began to walk towards the smoke.

After a few minutes of walking, I arrived at the source of the smoke. Standing atop a hill, I looked down into the valley where a camp was situated, surrounded by people dressed in leather attire. I observed the houses scattered around the campsite. Then, my gaze returned to the people gathered around the campfire, and I noticed that they were intoxicated. Watching them dance and drink around the fire, I realized they hadn't noticed the light from the Bifrost.

Approaching them slowly, I cast an illusion spell to conceal myself from their sight.