
MCU: as an alchemist

a soul was reincarnated into the body of an out-of-lucky man, in a world full of heroes, villains, and aliens, surviving isn't exactly easy, thankfully he has alchemist system to help, turning him into an abomination that no one saw coming. --------------- WARNING: This fanfic takes place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including TV shows, movies, animated movies, and TV shows. However, it will primarily focus on TV shows like "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Daredevil." The story revolves around a self-centered man who views the world as insignificant and prioritizes only himself and his goals. The main character (MC) leans more toward the evil side of the spectrum, so he won't save anyone unless it benefits him. This story is all about benefits and growing stronger. He will not join the Avengers or other hero organizations; in fact, he might do the opposite. He will kill and commit other acts of evil, but don't expect a completely diabolical MC who slaughters everything in sight. Although he is evil, he won't always interfere with heroes if it doesn't benefit him, or if a villain achieving their goals would jeopardize his. Keep in mind that I am not evil; in fact, I am a softy, so I won't be able to write a completely diabolical character but trust me, I will try. I have a great reference, which is reverend insanity, so I might have him do diabolical things like getting the homeless and college kids high to test his new drug. To make it clear, this is about benefits. He will seek benefits and won't think with his "little brother" (but I can't promise anything). Also, he isn't a smartass. I will try not to make him dumb, but he will make mistakes. english isn't my first or second nor do i have an editor, so i will use tools to help EDIT, not write, so go easy on me. NO HAREM, i cant write that type of shit, but for a female lead, i was thinking of morgan le fay.

Bulale_Abali · 映画
68 Chs

A not so attractive offer from Reina(chapter 40)

prevously in chapter 39

Why did he inject a fish, no less, with the valuable Extremis serum? The reason was simple: the hagfish could regenerate lost blood faster than any other animal, and since he wanted a continuous source of the Extremis virus, he had injected the hagfish with the virus, ensuring that its body would accept the virus, thus producing a continuous source of Extremis blood.

"Look who's a good pet that doesn't eat everything and constantly hisses at me," Henry cooed to the hagfish while Terry continued to lay in his cage, which he saw as his own throne, completely ignoring Henry, who again drained the blood of the hagfish, which contained Extremis. "There, there, don't worry. You will restore your lost blood, which is why I chose you." After extracting the blood, Henry busied himself trying to level up his potion synthesis skill.


Back in his second hideout, Henry could be seen along with several memory potions as well as a new type of potion that enhanced his cognitive ability, which sped up the production of his drones. This was what he was doing now, working on several drones as he made some potions on the side. That was when suddenly a robotic voice sounded, {Sir, we seem to have a problem,} which earned his attention as he looked at his monitors. "What is it?" he asked as Kai, who was equipped with a new voice box, replied, {Sir, there have been multiple attempts at hacking our server. It's a clear indication of hostile intentions. Should we proceed with protocol RED?} Kai asked as he pulled up several notifications, which after looking at for a second, Henry sighed as he said, "Kai, this is just a light attack. Someone is just trying to get my attention" he sighted, "Look through materials 45 and 56 again," he sighed. Kai was still a little baby, making a lot of mistakes, but failure breeds success, and Kai has come a long way.

{affirmed, sir,} Kai replied as he started to check the training materials that were provided for him, which kept on upgrading. "Anyways, who is it that is trying to get in touch with me?" he asked himself as he cracked his fingers.

-scenne change-

The moon hung high in the Alaskan sky, casting a silvery glow over the vast, snow-covered landscape. The mountain facility Henry had just infiltrated was now a distant memory as he made his way to the designated rooftop in downtown Anchorage. The cold night air bit at his skin through the layers of his plague doctor costume, but Henry's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the mysterious woman who had orchestrated the light attack on his servers. He had been curious, and a little intrigued, ever since the intrusion. 

As he stepped onto the rooftop, Henry took a moment to scan his surroundings. The city lights flickered below, and the sounds of nightlife were muted from this height. Then he saw her, standing near the edge of the roof. She was of African descent, her skin a rich ebony that contrasted beautifully with the floral dress she wore. The dress was a soft yellow, adorned with intricate patterns of blooming flowers, and she seemed almost out of place in the cold, industrial environment of the rooftop.

She turned as he approached, a warm, welcoming smile on her face. "Good evening, Henry," she said softly, her voice carrying a musical lilt that immediately put him on guard. "I'm glad you could make it."

Henry stopped a few feet away from her, keeping his expression neutral. "Raina, I presume?"

"Yes, that's right," she replied, taking a few steps closer. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I've heard so much about your work."

Henry raised an eyebrow. "You're the one who orchestrated the attack on my servers. That's quite an introduction."

Raina's smile widened. "I apologize for that. I needed to get your attention, and I thought that might be the most effective way."

"Consider it gotten," Henry said dryly. "Now, what do you want?"

Raina's eyes sparkled with genuine interest. "I've come to offer you an opportunity. You see, I work for an organization called Centipede. We're developing a technology that enhances human physiology, granting superhuman abilities."

Henry's curiosity piqued, but he kept his face impassive. "And what does that have to do with me?"

"We've been using a serum made from a combination of Extremis and some other chemicals" Raina explained. "But it's unstable, as I'm sure you're aware. We need someone with your expertise to help us stabilize it, just as you've managed to stabilize the Extremis serum."

Henry crossed his arms, considering her words. "You want me to work for you."

Raina nodded. "Yes, but more than that, I want you to join us. With your skills, we could achieve so much more. Imagine the possibilities, Henry. We could create a new world, one where people are stronger, faster, better."

Henry shook his head slightly. "You make it sound so altruistic, but I know better. There are always strings attached."

Raina's smile faltered for a moment, then she sighed. "You're right. There would be certain… restrictions. We have protocols, and you would be required to follow them."

"Restrictions?" Henry echoed, his tone hardening. "I don't do well with restrictions, Raina. I value my freedom too much."

Raina stepped closer, her expression earnest. "I understand, but think of what we could accomplish together. The Centipede technology is groundbreaking. With your help, we could perfect it."

Henry's eyes narrowed. "And what if I refuse?"

Raina's face grew serious. "That would be unfortunate. We don't want to be your enemies, Henry. We could use someone with your talents, but if you're not with us… well, you know how these things go."

Henry felt a surge of anger but kept his voice calm. "You come to me with an offer, then threaten me when I don't jump at it? That's not how I operate, Raina."

Raina sighed again, looking genuinely regretful. "I didn't want it to come to this. I had hoped you'd see the potential, the profit and the benefits of working together. But I see now that you're not interested."

"I am all about profits, trust me, but I'm not interested in being a dog," Henry said firmly. "I've seen what happens when people like you get their hands on power. It's never enough, i know it wont be enough for me if i was in your position. There are always more demands, more restrictions. I won't be a part of that."


A/N: Well, another early chapter—well, late for me. Anyways, if you have watched Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., you should know who she is. If not, follow the story and find out. And yeah, Henry is being a hypocrite again. If you didn't get the memo in 40 chapters, he is evil and despicable, and the worst hasn't even come yet (I need to read my *Reverse Insanity*, I've been slacking). So stay tuned. Yes, I am trying to create a smart villain, and Henry wasn't born smart—God, no—but after some ??? pill, trust me, he will be smart, make smart choices, hopefully.