
Mayik- The Legend of Strine

A teenager from New York, America lives his life as any average teenager would. He hates going to school and likes to play with his friends. He is a well-mannered child who respects his parents and elders. But life is unfair, he is diagnosed with influenza which leads him to his death. On the other hand in a different world, in a different continent known as Mayik, an epic tale is about to begin, changing the face of the whole continent. Read Luke's journey to become a great man revered by everyone. A journey that consists of hatred, jealousy, love, respect, and many more emotions.

Harsh_Gupta_4218 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Seeds of Jealousy, birth of Hatred

The next morning I woke up very excited. Today I will show my skills to my father and maybe even get beaten black and blue by my sister. 🤔

I shuddered at that thought. Think good things Luke you can do this.

I had a bath and changed the clothes bought by Alfred. I went to the arena and saw my dad and Grandel there waiting for us.

I greeted them both. Father was in a good mood whereas Grandel was shy. He is a very shy boy. We were waiting for Layl and after waiting for some time she came.

Dad: ok let's start Luke Layl are you ready?

We both replied in enthusiasm after taking our stance with our wooden swords.

I struck first with my sword on her right shoulder and parried my move but I did not stop I continued attacking her in different locations but she parried all my moves with ease.

Then suddenly she found an opening and struck my right hip and then when I tried to block it she changed her strike midway and aimed my right hand in which I was holding the sword. Her strike hit hard and I lost my grip on my sword and lost.

My father clapped and praised both of us but still, I felt like I did not deserve the praise. Then he told Grandel to spar with Layl.

They both took their stance while I and my father watched from the sidelines.

The fight started with Grandel striking first and using the same attack as me but there was something different about it.

Like his strike was putting some pressure on Layl. She started attacking quickly and to my surprise, Grandel was parrying her moves and even attacking her in between.

I was never able to attack when Layl started to attack. I always used to try to be on the defensive. (Noteword try)

They were sparring like equals with neither side giving an advantage to each other but after some time Layl's attack landed near his neck. She just stopped near his neck and won.

Dad walked near Grandel amazed he praised him a lot. I also went near him and praised him but somewhere in my heart, I was a bit jealous.

Next Dad asked Layl to fight him.

They both got ready and this time Layl went offensive from the start and it was right because of course she was facing father, captain of the Slayers brigade.

She kept attacking him while he parried her moves she struck his right shoulder which he blocked and twisted his wrist with such a technique that Layl lost her grip on the sword.

Father told her to pick up the sword again and started attacking her now and lo behold the power in his every strike was sword breaking. If I was standing there instead of Layl I would not have been able to take even one blow.

I saw her parrying move after move with great difficulty and her palm with which she was holding her sword was visibly shaking. Beads of sweat started forming on her head no sorry she was bathing with her sweat.

She did not break a sweat even after finishing two spars with us but against Father she was pouring buckets.

She was in a very difficult position. But when I thought that she lost something strange happened her wooden sword started to glow green and she used struck her sword so fast that it seemed like a blur.

If it were me I would not have even seen it at her distance but her father blocked it perfectly and using the same wrist technique defeated her.

He smiled at her and said well done.

We walked towards them and I asked about the strange event.

He told that she used magic swordsmanship.

Dad: Layl, Luke today I will tell you about our family history. More than 100 years ago we knights were just like normal soldiers the powerhouses of each kingdom were sages.

Sages used magic that would inflict damage on a large scale and kill many soldiers.

This was their strength. But their strength was also their weakness cause in war only weak sages were used as strong sages could accidentally kill their comrades.

So they would only be used for defending cities.

But then came a soldier who changed the course of history he used magic in his fighting techniques. He alone killed hundreds in a war.

He had found a new way to fight. He found a way to use magic in his sword skill.

He name was Luten Strine. Our ancestor. He was the first soldier to do this and the world gave him the title of knight and the title of Duke.

He was the first knight. He is the very definition of the knight.

He taught soldiers with potential this technique and created more knights.

You can say that he was one of the reasons that we are now one of the three great kingdoms.

He is a legend and inspiration to all the knights.

Me: <😲> So you are saying that our Strine family was so great.

Dad: <proudly> Yes we were one of the greatest. One of the four Duke families of Dragonia.

Layl: <🤔> Dad you said that we were one of the Duke than how did we become a baron?

Dad: That is another story. It was the time when Dragonia was at the peak of its power and we were at the forefront in the kingdom but when our territory was attacked by the monster horde we were unable to defend ourselves as your great-grandfather was not in the territory.

We lost many brave men. At last somehow the city was saved but the lions were all dead.

We lost so many great individuals that we were not qualified to keep the title of Duke.

Me: so they directly made us baron.

Dad: No son. Always remember that our enemy will strike us when we are weak. The Duke of Darano was from the family of sages.

And due to our growing reputation, they were losing power so they betrayed us when we needed their help the most and as a result, your great grandfather and grandfather were stripped from their nobility and were even banned from gaining any title again.

Dad: The family of the founder knight was reduced to mere soldiers even after having the ability. I have seen my father yearn for the position and respect and I want to fulfill his wish before my last breath.

Layl: Don't worry Dad we will surely fulfill our grandfather's and fathers wish.

Me: Yes Dad but why is this story connected to that shiny attack?

Dad: That's because your sister used wind magic in her sword which caused her sword to be fast and I think she inherited our family's ancestral knull sword sage.

Dad: I am proud of you Layl get ready it is time for you to leave home. You should be admitted to Dragonia Academy. I think the entrance exam for the academy is in two months practice well we will leave after a month and a half.

Layl: <😆> Dad seriously Dragonia Academy. It is the best academy in the whole Dragonia kingdom. Am I going there ?

Dad: Yes you are the future of Strine. You can make the Strine name shine again. You have to make our ancestors proud.

Layl: Yes Dad I will always try to make our ancestors proud.

Me: <😁> Congrats Layl you will go to Dragonia Academy. Don't worry I will join you in a few years and till then make a name for yourself so I do not have a problem.

Layl: <😤> Yeah yeah. Leave that to me you just practice to enter there otherwise, it will be a shame.

Grandel: Congrats big sis.

Dad: ok don't talk now the entrance exam for Dragonia is very tough so start practicing now.

Suddenly my mom came toward us and angrily said to Dad.

Mom: <😡> Training how dare you train my daughter so much that her wrist is swollen.

I looked at Layl's wrist and it was swollen. I think it was because of dads strike.

Me: <absentminded> Dad you should not have struck so hard.

Dad stared at me angrily and I came to realisation what mistake I did.

Mom: What you struck her. How could you? That's it no lunch for you today.

She said and left taking Layl with her. Meanwhile, dad gave me a quick glare before running behind her and apologizing to her.

I sweat dropped 😓 and went my way.


{ Around 3 years later }

Things have changed a lot since Dad came back. My sister got admitted to Dragonia Academy. She is doing very well there she comes home once every month a year. She has not changed much. She is just as responsible as she was back then.

My little sister Laura has become more cuter. And my mom and grandmother are just like they were in the past.

The thing that have changed is the relationship between me and my father. We no longer smile when we see each other. There is just a formal greeting between a lord and his subject.

I don't know when this all started. Well, maybe I know. But I am not the main culprit.

It all started after Layl left for Dragonia Academy. I and Grandel were the only person left of our age. We practice our swordsmanship together.

But I was always overshadowed by his superb skills. Everyone praised him for his skills and never paid attention to me. Even my father used to only compliment him.

I tried harder than before but the result was always the same. I always worked harder than him but he was always the best.

Then eventually I realized the truth the hard way that he had more talent in swordsmanship than me when I overheard some of my father's knights.

That is the reason my father always used to praise him and ignored me because he knew that couraging me was useless. That day all my motivation for being a knight just vanished.

I stopped training and started enjoying my luxurious life as a Nobel's son. I never misused my power on the commoners I even helped them but just that I no longer had any dreams as one of my dreams was crushed by my lack of talent.

My father noticed my behavior and tried to talk to me. Then he started comparing me with Grandel and I eventually lost my cool and replied angrily to him that I am not Grandel and I do not have a talent for being a knight. I no longer want to become some stupid knight.

And before I knew it I was on the ground with a handprint on my cheeks. Yes, that was the last day we talked to each other like father and son.

I was very angry at my father and then suddenly Grandel came into my view. I was infuriated on seeing him practicing swordsmanship with some of my father's soldier.

I decided that I will make him pay making his life hell. He was the reason for my every misery. Then when he went to the bath that night I sprinkled some pesticides to lure insects into his new clothes.

The next day his whole body was red with insect bites. I felt satisfied.

From then on I started bullying him secretly every time I was mad at Dad and eventually one day he caught me. But from that day I started bullying him openly calling him an orphan and insulting him.

One day my father heard me calling him an orphan and he slapped me in front of everyone and that was the last day any respect I held for him left. Wondering if Grandel was his real son and if I was an orphan.

I cried a lot that day. I felt betrayed. My mom eventually consoled me and made me realize my mistake I apologized to Grandel for my misbehavior.

I was thankful to my mother to make me realize it. I wanted to start again and my dream was to enter Dragonia Academy and started training again.

But then again my father did something which made me feel like an orphan. One night at the dinner table he informed me that he will send Grandel to Dragonia Academy instead of me as he could afford to send only two people to that academy as the annual fee for the academy was 2 gold coins per student and he also had to develop his territory.

I asked him the reason for not sending me and he replied that I will tarnish the name of the Strine family. His words pierced my heart.

I pledged myself to never use the Strine name for my personal benefit even while I am facing death. The next night I met my sleeping sister and my mother for one last time as I left my house without informing anyone and just leaving a letter.


Dear Mom,

When you will have received this letter I will be long gone. I know you will feel sad for me and only you and Laura will care about me. For years I had been suffering in my heart about the insecurities of not being able to achieve my dream.

I was disheartened no one cared for me I was very lonely when my father was supporting Grandel instead of me. I just wanted some motivation from him. Just some encouragement. But he ignored me and gave up on me.

I was so lonely that I went on the wrong path and bullied Grandel every time I became angry. I thought all the problems were because of him I felt relieved after bullying him.

But then you consoled me and made me do the right thing. You were the only one in the house to care for me. I am very thankful to you for that day. Because of you, I realised that I am not an orphan you my mother will always be on my side. The encouragement that I wanted from my father was instead given by you. Because of you I once again wanted to chase my dream.

I am sorry to leave you but the words said by father hurt me more than any sword would ever hurt. My heart is paining Mom I tried to forget about it but I am not able to forget about it. I can't bear this anymore that is why I left the place.

Tell Father not to worry and send the soldiers to search for me as I will never use the Strine name with my name even in the worse of times. So he also does not have to worry about its prestige being tarnished.

Mom I love you the most in this world so I promise you that I will return when I will no longer need the Strine name to be my identity. When Strine will be known because of me. This is a son's promise to the one who gave him life and bought him into the world.

At last, I want you to be happy and not hold any grudges against anyone because of me and take care of Laura and if possible forgive this useless son of yours.

Your Son,


Hello Guys,

So our MC has started his journey.

Now I want to inform you that the MC will not be OP from the start. Even when he becomes OP he may lose to someone weaker than him and vice-versa he can defeat someone stronger than him.

He will not be a perfect human. He will make mistakes, some of which may become very bad decisions, but he is human after all.

Even if it is a fantasy I want to keep it as realistic as possible.

And lastly no harem for our MC.

Harsh_Gupta_4218creators' thoughts