
Mayik- The Legend of Strine

A teenager from New York, America lives his life as any average teenager would. He hates going to school and likes to play with his friends. He is a well-mannered child who respects his parents and elders. But life is unfair, he is diagnosed with influenza which leads him to his death. On the other hand in a different world, in a different continent known as Mayik, an epic tale is about to begin, changing the face of the whole continent. Read Luke's journey to become a great man revered by everyone. A journey that consists of hatred, jealousy, love, respect, and many more emotions.

Harsh_Gupta_4218 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

My knight in shining armour.

??? >>>

I woke up from my slumbers with a startled face.

Me : Oh no again the same dream.

I move my 5 year old body from my bed to my washroom to wash my face as it is nearly dawn. I have been have this weird dream of some very different place and of a person name Mike. It is as if I am this person and I would have believed in it if the place was not different like some fairy tail with no magic and some very different weapons.

It is so unreal, I mean where in the world does magic not exist 😲. But now I have got accustomed to it.

I get out of the washroom to see my butler Alfred standing there with my clothes.

Alfred : Master Luke good morning. I hope you had a great sleep. These are your clothes you should get ready and be there on the dinning table for your breakfast.

Me : Thanks Alfred.

Yes my name is Luke Strine and my father is Latham Strine, Baron of Reik town. I am his second child first being my sister Layl. My father is a knight in the imperial army. My mother is a beautiful lady, her name is Lorien. And there is even my grandmother in my family. Her name is Maril. So this is my small family and I love them all.

I bathed, changed my clothes and went to the dining hall. Since my father is a baron we live in a manor. We are kind of rich with our family income of around 2-4 gold coins a year. It seems small but believe me it is enough.

To give you the evaluation

1 Gold coin = 20 Silver coins.

1 Silver coin = 10 Bronze coins.

1 Bronze coin = 50 Copper coins.

A normal family need 8-10 Silver coins a year to live a happy luxurious life so compared to that we are plenty rich.

I didn't even know when I reached the table I saw my father and mother on the table.

Me : Good morning father and mother.

Both : Good morning Luke.

Soon after my 8 year old sister with my 48 year old grandmother came and we similarly greeted each other.

After greetings we ate our breakfast and just when I was finished and going to meet my tutor a knight entered with out guard.

Knight : Greetings Sir Latham I have a letter from the Captain.

Dad : Greetings Sir Knight is there a problem.

My father asked after taking the letter.

Knight : We have to go on war the details are in the letter. We have to move soon.

My father nodded and read the letter. After reading he explained toy grandmother and mother that he had to go with the imperial army to an allias country to protect it.

Gran : Go son show them the power of Strine. Make the soul of our ancestors shine with pride at the name of Strine once again.

Dad : Yes mom I will bring glory to Strine with my sword in blood.

Saying this he got up to get ready and depart.


After sometime he was in his shining knight armour (image give at the start) with sword 🗡️ on his waist. His mere look was an inspiration to me to become a great knight like him a knight in shining armour.

He took leave from gran and the came to us and kissed us on cheeks and kissed mom on her forehead.

Dad : Take care dear.

Mom : Don't worry by the time you come our next child will enter in this world.

Then he looked at us and knelt down.

Dad : You both take care of your mother and don't trouble her. She has a baby in her tummy. You will have to be responsible when I am not there here.

Me and Sis : Yes dad.

He hugged us again and when he was about to go I stopped him.

Me : Dad see your son for the last time cause when you return you will find a strong knight.

Dad : <smilling> I wish that your dreams come true my son. Make me proud.

Saying this he left as watched his back with determination and burning Passion in my eyes to be more like him.

After he left me and Layl went to our respective tutor.


Me : Good afternoon Mr. Grill. Sorry for being late.

Mr. Grill was my tutor he taught me lessons like history, geography, common knowledge (CK), etiquette and physical training (PT).

Tutor : No worries, I understand Sir Latham is going on war and may not return for years.

Me : Yes tutor, can i know more about the war.

Tutor : Ok first tell me the geography of this land.

Me : Yes tutor this land which we live on is known as Mayik ( - magical in Sanskrit ). There are many kingdoms in this land but the great three kingdoms are the most powerful and consists of most of the territories in Mayik. We live in one of those kingdom call Dragonia which is ruled by the Dragonheart family.

Tutor : Yes now can you tell me about the geography of your father's territory.

Me : Yes tutor. My father is the baron of Reik town along with 5 other villages at the northernmost part of the kingdom. At North we have the forbidden forest where there live many monsters. And the nearest town near us is the port town of Casso which takes 4 days to travel.

Tutor :<smilling> Very good you are learning well. Now to answer your question your father has went to another country which is a friend of Dragonia to defend it from Arth which is also one of the three great kingdom and our western neighbour.

Me : But all three great kingdoms are on good terms so will it not be wrong to fight them.

Tutor : <sadly> Luke you are still to young to learn and see the truth. This is politics. You will learn it when you grow more.

Me : <courageously> Ok till then I will do my best and become a great knight like my father.

Tutor : Ok so let's start with today's class.

And thus the class went on with me learning new things about the land in which I live.


{ 2 years later }

Luke's POV >>>

I have been training myself to become a knight and now I am a very agile child with a good physique due to my intense training everyday. I practice day and knight with my wooden sword cause my tutor does not allow me to use a real sword.

Last year I was blessed with a cute little sister and we have named her Laura and she is very cute. Today we all are very happy cause today is the day that my father will return home.

He has done an excellent job as has been promoted as the captain of his knight squad and the title of viscount due to his bravery.

For those who do not know the nobility hierarchy they are :

The noble family








So yes my father became the Viscount of Reik from being a baron of Reik.

And as for the captain of squad. The imperial army of Dragonia is led by the Chief General who has the title Duke followed by 2 Chief commander who are given the title of marques, followed by the 10 commanders who are earls and each commander has their own unit of soldiers. These units are known as brigade.

Each brigade has their own name and is allotted to one of the commanders and the commander appoint a captain for their brigade to go to wars who are viscount followed by vice captain who are count and the knight who are baron.

So a knight is not a soldier but he lead his soldier. And 2 years ago my father was one of the knights but now after his accomplishments he has become captain of the Slayers brigade. So yeah, in short he has accomplished a lot.

He has been given more lands to develop his territory.

We are all very excited to meet and greet him I want to show him my hard work but still I am scared cause my sister is more proficient than me in swords fight. She always beat me black and blue in a sword fight. However hard I try I am not even able to come near her. She is a prodigy.

We were just waiting for him near our gates when he came in his shining armour. We all became very happy. He went to gran first.

Dad : Mom we came closer to our former glory.

Gran : If your dad were alive he would have been proud of you. You will make your ancestors proud.

Dad came near mom and looked at Laura lovingly, seeing this my mom gave Laura in his arms and he took her hesitatingly. But after he took her he became very happy.

Dad : My sweet daughter Laura you are really like your mother said in the letters cute and charming. Thank you dear for this wonderful gift her birth ensured my victory. She is my good luck charm.

Mom : You are right dear, but it was your own efforts that you achieved such glory.

Dad : Thanks dear.

He gave Laura to mom and then came to us.

Dad : Hello my sweet children. How are you ?

Both of us : Good dad we missed you.

Me : <sadly> Dad I have practiced day and night to become a knight as promised but I was not able to do much.

Dad : Don't worry son you are still young. Work hard you will achieve your dreams.

Me : Yes dad.

Dad : By the way, won't you both show me your talent.

Layl : Dad I will beat Luke black and blue like always.

Me : <annoyed> shut up. You are bigger than me. Pick someone your size.

Dad : Son in war you can't pick someone. You can have to fight anyone so it will be a great experience.

Just than a boy nearly my age entered.

Dad : Oh you are here. Everyone meet Grandel. He is the son of my late friend and companion who sacrificed himself in the battlefield. From now on he will live with us.

Me : <😁> Hi Grandel I am Luke we are nearly same age so I think that we can be friends.

Grandel : <shyly> Hi I am Grandel. Nice to meet you.

Layl : Ok so I will be your big sister.

Dad : Ok so now let's go to the arena to see your performances.

Mom : <😠> Oh so you are going into arena as soon as you return from battlefield. Go I will not talk to you.

Dad : <😰> Sorry dear. My sweet wife lets go to the bedroom and I will appologise properly.

He said winking mom 😉. Mom's face became red 😳.

That day we had a feast on the joyous occasion of my father's promotion and we have a new member in our family.


An: Hi guys from here on the story becomes more and more interesting to be tuned.

And from now on I won't mention Luke's POV as it will be natural and if I will write someone else's POV I will mention it.

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