
Master Of The Entire Public: My Servants All Have Systems

The entire individuals went through the perpetual world to partake in the opposition for authority, everything being equal. Jiang Ming didn't hang tight for Goldfinger, and was somewhat frustrated. Subsequently, while enlisting an assistant, it was found that the golden finger was on the assistant? The primary attendant - Awakening the 100-overlap Enhancement System, the prepared officers can be 100-crease more grounded! The subsequent attendant - Awakening the sign-in system, offering Lin Ming the hint in money box consistently! The third attendant - Awakening the advancement system, developing beasts can develop boundlessly! afterward. The system is getting more peculiar and stranger. The phantom sisters, bloom attendants, assume the part of the system, and you will become more grounded when you play Remlam. There are likewise cultivating systems, amalgamation systems, Kua systems, Ouhuang systems, and so forth, extraction systems. Jiang Ming: Despite the fact that I don't have a golden finger, my attendants are invincible. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · 都市
50 Chs

Chapter 12 Territory promotion, treasure chest, guardian sword spirit!

Then check out the enchanted gem in stock.

"The dormitory needs 5,000 sorcery gems to upgrade, and there are just 3,007 wizardry precious stones close by."

"Today, I will upgrade the region gem first."

The other day, the two heroic workers had opened up a total of thirteen new domains in addition to the underlying region.

After watching it the entire night without losing it, 14 valuable source gems were created, which was sufficient to upgrade the region's precious stones.

Jiang Ming came to the domain gem and afterwards moved both the enchanted gem and the source gem to the structure.

[alert! After the region gem is upgraded, it will draw in additional strong beasts to wait close by. Do you affirm the upgrade? ]


Jiang Ming is focused.

This is better and more advantageous for him to get sorcery gems; how is it that he could be apprehensive?


The gem burst into splendid light.

The surface that was initially dull became quickly more splendid.

[The regional gem has been advanced! ]

[Gem health esteem significantly increased! ]

[The impact of the domain is expanded by 1 matrix! ]

[Next upgrade: 8000 sorcery gems, 50 source crystals]

[Kindly pick the region buff: assault power expanded by 10%, guard power expanded by 10%, and loot expanded by 10%? (Constantly viable in the territory)]

"Really? Might I at any point get a buff each time I step up?"

Jiang Ming took a gander at the three choices, and inevitably, he mulled over everything.

"10% more loot!"

Assault and guard are of little use to him with strong heroes and immense warriors; he just needs spikes and quicker spikes.

Also, it is just helpful in your area, and you can't appreciate rewards when you open up new domains.

Yet, the buff of the loot, when he utilizes the trap, can work on the reap of the loot.

After affirming, a brilliant light gleamed on Jiang Ming for some time.

Then a strong power rose out of his body.

"Adequately sure, after the regional gem was upgraded, my solidarity was likewise upgraded!"

Even though there is just a single level right now, it is sufficient.

In any case, he doesn't have to go to the forefront; what is the job of the upgrade?

Indeed, to work on actual strength and energy, the greatest impact is that later on, it won't be quickly exhausted 0.0.

"What is the impact?"

After picking the buff, Jiang Ming inquisitively got some information about this new idea.

Then the ruler interface springs up and prompts: "The domain impacted by your impact can't be straightforwardly involved by others. Your ongoing regional impact is 1, and the domain inside one block of the domain gem is a region that can't be straightforwardly involved. "

I see!

This is vital. The more prominent the impact, the more troublesome it will be for others to go after their underlying domain, hence harming the region gem!


"There are no declarations and awards for the region upgrade."

Jiang Ming was dazed for some time, yet before long he sorted it out.

Because these have a place in the rankings of the three records, it is likely that the prizes will be summed up on the rankings and afterwards given.

Jiang Ming didn't mind any longer.

After the upgrade, he came to the dormitory once more.

After the main day, the preparation of fighters is presently not free. Notwithstanding the utilization of warrior focuses, each fighter with a higher position will require ten additional enchanted gems.

The enchanted gem isn't an issue. After updating the region gem, he has 1,700 yuan.

Furthermore, today Jiang Ming doesn't want to keep revolting multiple times more.

One is that the food issue has not been settled.

The second is because the devil fox mage has a particular fire trait, assault, and it is likewise a reach yield.

So today Jiang Ming intends to build several mage arms.

Concerning the arms that Shangguan Xueying trains, it is just Level 3, Jiang Ming is a little disgusted~

"Bai Yue, come to rehearse today."

"OK, Lord~" Bai Yue answered loyally.

Not for some time.

After burning through 700 sorcery gems, ten seventh-request soul fox mages were prepared.

Counting the earlier day, there were thirty high-positioning warriors.

"The present main concern is to keep on involving more areas!"

Jiang Ming waved his hand and sent each of the three out.

Today, there is a third request Shangguan Xueying, and there are three additional hazy regions that can be created.

Along these lines, essentially, you can gather fifty source gems in three days and recover the region to one level!


Before takeoff, a light unexpectedly streaked on Shangguan Xueying, and afterwards, a money box showed up.

It worked out that Jiang Ming was occupied with updating the dormitory and, afterwards, preparing for the soldiers.

The steady Shangguan Xueying has quietly begun to practice sword swinging.

Furthermore, every time it goes all out, it can set off the system's counter.

In such a brief time frame, she had previously cut many times.

I got the main prize of the Sword God system.

"Ruler Master, this is the fortune brought by your capacity; kindly acknowledge it!"

Shangguan Xueying was at that point trickling with sweat, yet the award for her diligent effort made her not care about her weakness.

Jiang Ming tapped her shoulder and grinned: "OK! However long you endure and outperform the Sword Head, it doesn't take excessively long!"

With the support of Jiang Ming, Shangguan Xueying appeared to be much more aggressive.

Then he followed Bai Yue and Elsa to the edge of the region, planning to keep on opening up new domains.


"I don't have any idea what this system will compensate for."

Jiang Ming gradually opened the money box that had been expanded by Elsa — —

[Ding! Congrats, you have opened the Blade God Fortune Box (multiple times) and got: Sword Soul Pendant (6 stars)]

"Frill and gear?"

The star rating of the gear is likewise separated into 12 stars, and this sword soul pendant is identical to the level of the decision rank.

Recently, I battled beasts the entire day, and none of the gear detonated. Presently, I open the case, and I have this exceptional gear!

Jiang Ming immediately looked at the subtleties of the gear.

[Sword Soul Pendant (Six Stars)]

[Impact: Got the security of the blade soul. While experiencing risk, the sword soul will naturally seem to safeguard the expert. The development scope of the sword soul is within a 5-meter span of the wearer. It can't effectively assault, yet can latently counterattack. ]

"This impact! Solid!"

Adequately sure, the participation between the system and the system is truly cool.

Two are liable for taking the money box, and one is answerable for expanding the money box!

If it hadn't been helped, perhaps only a couple of stars of garbage gear would have been given; where might there be such a strong frill?

Six-star gear implies that the strength of the watchman's sword soul is equivalent to that of the decision rank!

It's excessively reasonable for you to wear this sort of guarded gear!

It's excessively reasonable for you to wear this sort of guarded gear!ow level to hurt him.

After saying that, Jiang Ming couldn't hold on to bringing the sword soul pendant to his neck.

From that point onward, his considerations focused on the association with the blade soul in the pendant. However long his contemplations lasted, the blade soul would show up.

Even though he can't step up and assault, with a sword soul of the decision rank watching himself, he can likewise drive off common foes.

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