
Master Of The Entire Public: My Servants All Have Systems

The entire individuals went through the perpetual world to partake in the opposition for authority, everything being equal. Jiang Ming didn't hang tight for Goldfinger, and was somewhat frustrated. Subsequently, while enlisting an assistant, it was found that the golden finger was on the assistant? The primary attendant - Awakening the 100-overlap Enhancement System, the prepared officers can be 100-crease more grounded! The subsequent attendant - Awakening the sign-in system, offering Lin Ming the hint in money box consistently! The third attendant - Awakening the advancement system, developing beasts can develop boundlessly! afterward. The system is getting more peculiar and stranger. The phantom sisters, bloom attendants, assume the part of the system, and you will become more grounded when you play Remlam. There are likewise cultivating systems, amalgamation systems, Kua systems, Ouhuang systems, and so forth, extraction systems. Jiang Ming: Despite the fact that I don't have a golden finger, my attendants are invincible. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · Urban
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50 Chs

Chapter 13 The role of the portal?

The assistants are in the middle of acquiring new domains.

Going against the norm, his master appeared to be somewhat inactive right now.

Jiang Ming opened the correspondence region and began gathering information to check whether there was any other huge information.

Suddenly, when I opened it, I saw the hot posts with 999+ answers on the gathering.

The substance is to advance an age of rulers and masters.

It worked out that somebody had an exceptionally fortunate beginning, and, surprisingly, two low-level enlisting orders drew mid-level legends.

One at the officer level and one at the general level.

Straightforwardly desirous of others, many individuals brag that this individual will undoubtedly turn into the contender for the most grounded master, and those rundowns can be effortlessly won.

Concerning why countless individuals are in a rush to compliment

It is a result of the presence of one more capability in the ruler segment — —

[Gateway (not opened)]

Although this component isn't empowered, it has been presented.

The fundamental capability is to welcome different masters to straightforwardly carry troops to their domain to become fortifications and help to oppose risk.

The magically transported cordial powers can't go after r own area; they can assist with opposing the foe, so they won't lead wolves into the room.

Be that as it may, for plunder or something, you can settle on an understanding, which is comparable to paying somebody to address the risk.

Compliment yourself now, and you can request assistance in the future when you are experiencing risk.

Jiang Ming gestured mindfully.

"Adequately sure, there are more than billions of individuals, and there are as yet fortunate individuals. There are two centre-grade attendants."

"It's greatly improved karma than my significant level of selecting a second-rate attendant."

"In any case, it's simply the start, and my improvement speed will just get quicker and quicker!"

Initially, a considerable number of these individuals complimented Jiang Ming.

All things considered, Jiang Ming was quick to spread his distinction among the rulers.

It's simply that Jiang Ming made no reaction except for the two declarations.

Others slowly started to believe that Jiang Ming was simply fortunate.

The first to open up a region, perhaps because that domain simply has no beasts.

Killing a manager is likewise conceivable because the supervisor is now passing on or something like that.

In any case, the people who were desirous of Jiang Ming credited it to the best of luck and afterwards tracked down a sensible reason to censure Jiang Ming.

Then again, Qin Mutian, because he couldn't have cared less, reported his arms.

What's more, he is exceptionally able to acknowledge others' applause, so presently everybody's vision is centred around this Qin Mutian.


At the point when Jiang Ming was allowed to peruse the gathering.

Bai Yue, Elsa, and Shangguan Xueying have occupied three spots in succession with extraordinary proficiency.

Batting is occurring in the new area of the fourth field.

Shangguan Xueying is the main skirmish unit.

Conveying a long sword alone, he battled at the front.

The adversary on this land is the second-request Tauren hero.

Yet, it was still hard to oppose Shangguan Xueying's assault.

With each swing of the long sword, an adversary can be effectively isolated.

She has sliced more than 800 times.

It implies that the force of cutting has been increased by more than eight times based on the first uncommon position!


Shangguan Xueying kept on swinging his long sword pointedly, and the beast's blood splattered on his body, delivering it like a killing god.

It is exactly a direct result of Shangguan Xueying that draws in the consideration of countless foes at the front.

Bai Yue and Elsa in the back can yield abilities easily.

The beasts in the fourth domain were immediately settled.

Nonetheless, right when they involved the new domain, another brief sounded in Jiang Ming's ear — —

[Ding! ]

[Kindly note that the domain you possess is in the authoritative reach of the foe master and can't be straightforwardly involved! ]


"Adversary ruler?"

"Meet another person unexpectedly early."

While meeting different rulers, Jiang Ming additionally set aside his relaxed articulation.

Following that, he requested that every one of the 800 elf shooters disregard it.

Just 200 elf shooters were passed on to protect different headings to forestall beasts from attacking.

Simultaneously, Jiang Ming, fully backed up by fifty elf shooters, left the underlying domain and came to the cutting edge.

Assuming it is another ruler, perhaps we can converse with one another first.

All things considered, it is still in the assurance period, and the rival's underlying region can't be caught.

The ObvTheord-soul pendant on his neck was an ideal reason for him to set out to emerge. With this prop, he can have confidence.


"Ruler Master, this domain seems, by all accounts, to be vacant. Where would it be advisable for us to go after the following heading?"

Seeing Jiang Ming come face-to-face, the three young ladies gave Jiang Ming a salute simultaneously and afterwards inquired.

After Shangguan Xueying saluted, she went to the side to keep practising sword swinging; nothing could prevent her from turning into the Sword Head.

Jiang Ming glared somewhat.

"We've all come to one another's area; for what reason don't we see any response from the foe?"

"Is it reasonable to expect that you concealed it in the underlying domain?"

Albeit all masters' underlying regions have charms,

Yet that hindrance can safeguard them from beasts.

Like this, assuming that two masters meet, they can't stop the intrusion between the rulers.

"Scatter the mist ahead!"

Jiang Ming requested

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